
Step One: You have to make the absolute decision to stop whatever you have the addiction(s) to. It doesn’t matter what your reason is to stop, but you do have to have a reason.

Step Two: You will need to ask the Archangel Michael and his legions to remove all demons and their legions of whatever drugs you are addicted to such as various types of meth, opioids, or whatever the drug is, and you must say the specific type and/or name. The reason is there is a demon of each specific drug.

Step Three: Saying the prayer: You must say it aloud and with your palms facing outward away from your body.

I would please ask the Archangel Michael and his legions to remove all demons of (specific name of drug or drugs) and all demons of addictions from me and place them into protected sanctuary, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and my One True Creator; my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

There is a flower essence that can help but is not required. It is called Chaparral, through FES. It assists with any kind of addiction. You take four drops under your tongue four times a day for 10 days for any addiction. The Chaparral is available at my center. 

People have let me know after completing the steps that they no longer have the addiction or any withdrawals. You can never go back to the drugs, or it can come back even worse. 

Make sure before you do this, you have made the absolute decision you are done with those drugs!