All posts by Team Carol

A Quick Word…

I would please ask for everyone to pray for Israel and all the people of Israel. I would ask for you to do the following special prayer to bring into effect Divine Spirits of Justice.

I would please ask for Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede for Israel for egregious acts in whatever way God deems appropriate. I ask for this to be done in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and my One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit and I thank thee.

Hello all! We are sorry to announce that due to inclement weather, Carol will not be doing a LIVE this Friday. Her next LIVE is scheduled for March 7, 2025. See you then!



ZINC and Vitamin D help to ward off viruses.

GREEN CHARTREUSE LIQUEUR IS AN ALCOHOLIC LIQUEUR MADE OF 150 HERBS BY MONKS IN France that helps to curb viruses. You only need one ounce upon beginning symptoms. Sip slowly.

NOTE for COVID-19 VIRUS: If you are symptomatic, 1 cup of tonic water every hour seems to be helpful, and if appropriate you may ask to your doctor about taking a z-pack.

PRAYER (formula): I would please ask the Legion of Pan to remove from me all negative viruses, bacteria, parasites and nano parasites, their seeds, eggs, particles, residue and young and take them into the light, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee. (You may say this once a day.)

PRAYER (formula): I would please ask the ET Band of Mercy to remove from me all negative viruses, bacteria, parasites and nano parasites, their seeds, eggs, particles, residue and young and take them into the light, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee. (You may say this once a day.)

If you currently have COVID or have recovered from COVID, this prayer (formula) may help:

I would please ask the Dimensional/Interdimensional Band of Mercy to please remove all transmutational vermin and place them in appropriate protected dimensional/interdimensional sanctuary now, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Click here to print the above information.


Remember fear comes from the dark side, not from God. Fear can overwhelm you and bind you in place, and remove free will choice. Accept the Light of Christ into your heart. Then there will be no more room for fear. God will always prevail.

Love & Light,
Carol Pate





HIV Stasis Prayer

Please click here for a PDF version

In order to be able to successfully put the HIV virus into stasis, you must have developed spiritual authority. Having said the Lifting on a daily basis for three months is sufficient to build the authority needed to complete this. You must do this with the patient on the phone or in their physical presence. If the condition has developed into full-blown AIDS, you would replace the phrase “HIV virus” with “HIV/AIDS virus” throughout; it’s important not to use the phrase AIDS virus unless it is truly full-blown AIDS. The patient must also be counseled, as they can re-pervert the virus through depression and negative thinking. People with high spiritual vibrations cannot contract the HIV virus.

 Step One

Say the Daily Lifting.

“I call forth the energy of whatever is triggering the HIV. I dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

I call forth the energy of whatever is triggering the HIV. I dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.”

Step Two

“I would please ask that, if there is a demon with this energy, that Archangel Michael remove the demon in the name of Jesus Christ and do whatever he deems necessary with it, and I thank thee.”

Step Three

Call forth the thought form attached to the HIV virus. These thought forms are guilt created by social selective thinking.

“Thought form of the HIV virus, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and dissolve thee and disperse thee through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Release and return unto God.

Thought form of the HIV virus, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and dissolve thee and disperse thee through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Release and return unto God.”

Step Four

Call forth the energy and consciousness of the HIV virus.

“Consciousness of HIV virus, I unbind thee and release thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and to restore all that has been damaged and go into stasis through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ. I encase thee and seal thee in gold through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Heal and be whole in the name of Jesus Christ. I now send thee back to heal.

Consciousness of HIV virus, I unbind thee and release thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to heal, rebalance, and to restore all that has been damaged and go into stasis through the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ. I encase thee and seal thee in gold through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Heal and be whole in the name of Jesus Christ. I now send thee back to heal.”


Step Five

 “If it’s deemed appropriate, I would please ask for a member of the Legion of Pan to assist the virus along with any seeds, eggs, particles, young, and residue into the Light in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.”

Step Six

 Call forth the energy of the DNA and RNA of the patient. If you’re saying this for yourself, say “energy of my DNA and RNA”

“Energy of the DNA and RNA, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to no longer create or assist in the making of the seeds of the HIV virus. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Energy of the DNA and RNA, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to no longer create or assist in the making of the seeds of the HIV virus. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.”

The patient must do this reprogramming daily in order to not produce seeds.

 Step Seven

Call forth the consciousness of the DNA of the seeds of the HIV virus, and ask that the intelligence be raised for the time being..

“If it’s deemed appropriate, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to respond to the etheric mind and no longer reproduce growth of the seed of the HIV virus. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I now send thee back.

If it’s deemed appropriate, I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to respond to the etheric mind and no longer reproduce growth of the seed of the HIV virus. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. I now send thee back.”

Step Eight

 Call forth all cellular residue of the HIV virus.

“I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and dissolve thee and disperse thee through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Release and be no more.

I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and dissolve thee and disperse thee through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. Release and be no more.”

 Step Nine

“I call forth the high energies of the body to promote new cellular production.

I call forth the high energies of the body to promote new cellular production.

I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to increase cellular production. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

I release thee and unbind thee and turn thee from negative to positive and reprogram thee to increase cellular production. I infuse thee with the White Light of Christ through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

You may return now and God bless thee.”

Step Ten

Call forth the higher self of the patient. Tell the higher self that it must blend with the conscious mind and raise the vibration of the body to its highest level. Thank the higher self and return it.