Please click play below to listen to the audio for the April 17th, 2015 NACC meeting. For the accompanying notes, please click here.
Part One
Part Two
Please click play below to listen to the audio for the April 17th, 2015 NACC meeting. For the accompanying notes, please click here.
Part One
Part Two
For the accompanying audio for the March 20th, 2015 NACC meeting, please click here.
Please click here for a PDF version
Christ is Raid, and the dark side is a bunch of cockroaches. “I command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.” The dark side are the best teachers we have; take your authority and you’ll be okay.
Are you traveling any time soon? If so, be sure to say these prayers and listen to part two from 3:00 to 5:00!
For information about the Band of Mercy and other members of God’s Spirit Community, click here!
Astrology and Birth Charts
Cellular Memory
Opening Up Your Abilities
Christ and the Demonic
Eggs and Bubbles
Negative Thought Forms (Part One, 35:00-44:00 and Part Two 0:00-3:00)
Calling upon Angelics
Please click here for a PDF version
We often create negative thought forms without even realizing it! Unfortunately, we can unknowingly create problems for ourselves! To hear Carol speak about negative thought forms, please click here to listen to the audio recording of the 3.20.2015 NACC Meeting!
To remove negative thought forms, you should use the following formulae.
This prayer should be used the first time only
Energy and consciousness of all negative thought forms that I have created and sent, knowingly and unknowingly, and all negative thought forms that have been sent to me, knowingly and unknowingly, from all past lives through present, I call thee forth through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.
Energy and consciousness of all negative thought forms that I have created and sent, knowingly and unknowingly, and all negative thought forms that have been sent to me, knowingly and unknowingly, from all past lives through present, I call thee forth through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.
I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Release, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and be no more.
Use this version of the prayer after the first time. Carol recommends doing this once a week.
Energy and consciousness of all negative thought forms that I have created and sent, knowingly and unknowingly, and all negative thought forms that have been sent to me, knowingly and unknowingly, I call thee forth through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.
Energy and consciousness of all negative thought forms that I have created and sent, knowingly and unknowingly, and all negative thought forms that have been sent to me, knowingly and unknowingly, I call thee forth through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.
I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.
Release, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and be no more.
Please click here for the PDF version
When traveling, it’s wise to use the following prayers to help ensure that your journey is as safe and stress-free as is possible! You’re allowing your Guardian Angel and/or Archangel Raphael (who is the archangel of traveling) and his legions to intercede should the need arise! It is also wise to say the Daily Lifting on a daily basis, and to also ask the Band of Mercy to clear any planes, boats, trains, and cars of any method you use in your travels; since your well-being is directly impacted by their actions, you can also clear the pilots, conductors, captains, and/or taxi drivers who are responsible for your travel.
I give my Guardian Angel permission to do whatever they deem appropriate to protect me while I’m traveling to (location), while I’m in (location), and on my way home from (location) in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.
I would please ask Archangel Raphael and his legions to protect me in whatever ways are deemed appropriate while I’m traveling to (location), while I’m in (location), and on my way home from (location) in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.
Please click play below to listen to the audio for the March 20th, 2015 NACC meeting. For the accompanying notes, please click here.
Part One
Part Two
Please click here for the audio recording of the February 6th, 2015 NACC meeting.
Please click here for a PDF version
Attitude is everything!
The Power of Words
Guides and Teachers
Hand Placement for Prayers
Heal Your Body by Louise Hay
Nature/Legion of Pan
Please click play below to listen to the audio for the February 6th, 2015 NACC meeting. Please click here for the accompanying notes.
Part One
Part Two
Please click here for the audio for the September 6th, 2013 NACC meeting.
Please click here for a PDF version
Lifetimes and Lessons
Human Nature
Legion of Pan
Spiritual Gifts
Jesus Christ
The Dark Side
Past Life Connection
Please click here for the audio recording for the September 20th, 2013 NACC meeting.
Please click here for a PDF version
If you ever try to put your hand on a table and it goes through the table, you have passed and you should ask for the Light!
Eggs and Bubbles
Getting Along with Family
Guilt vs. Conscience
The Dark Side
Sacred Geometry
Please click here for the audio for the October 4th, 2013 NACC meeting.
Please click here for a PDF version
Earth is a place of learning, and growth. There are tests, lessons, and evils on this plane that are here to help us grow and evolve. Earth isn’t always a peaceful and wonderful place to be, but our attitude can make us or break us.
Spirit Guides
To cut negative people from your life:
Spirits and Reincarnation
Why did God create us?
What happens when you go into the Light?
Please click here for the recording of the October 18th, 2013 NACC meeting.
Please click here for a PDF version
This is your friendly reminder that damnations are real, they are powerful, and they can be harmful. Removing the word “damn” from your vocabulary (particularly when using God’s name) is wise.
Please click here if you have questions about Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, or any other members of God’s Spirit Community. Members of God’s Spirit Community are never bound to us; they’re simply doing their job.
If you have a friend or a loved one who has not gone into the Light, you can pray them into the Light using this formula. Remember though, if they’re not a relative then you need a close relative’s permission! This can be obtained simply by asking, “can I pray for (the person who passed)?”
Bubbles and Tactics
Flower Essences
Spiritual Airports
Lost & Found
Carol’s Favorite Ability
For the audio for the November 15th, 2013 NACC meeting, please click here.
Please click here for a PDF version
Thought Forms
Nature Spirits
Spiritual Consent
Iodized Table Salt
Drugs and Alcohol
For the accompanying audio for the December 20th, 2013 NACC meeting, please click here.
Please click here for a PDF version
“True magic is working in harmony with everything around you to do good things.”
Christ is real, Satan is real, and God is real.
Spiritual Gifts
Guides/Angelic vs. Demonic
Remote Viewing
Mastering Your Mind
Please click here for the audio for the December 19th, 2014 NACC meeting.
Please click here for a PDF version
Jesus Christ
Physical Death
Seeing the Light
Reincarnation and the Bible
Hearing Animals
Exploring Past Lives
For the audio for the December 5th, 2014 NACC meeting, please click here.
Please click here for a PDF version
Hey- you! Have you started to Build Your Authority, yet?
Money Matters
Past Lives
Names of God
Knowledge brings Responsibility
How do you help create spiritual growth of the people around you?