Category Archives: Friday Session Notes

We provide bulleted notes for all of the New Age Christian Church meetings. PDF versions are also provided.

5.1.2015 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the May 1st, 2015 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

We’ve worked to clear up some misconceptions about the information on the blog, so click here for more information about that!


Man isn’t God. Man isn’t smart enough to be God, and we need to respect God and all of God’s creations.


Your three Spirit Guides aren’t, weren’t, will never be, and have never been human. They are Holy Spirits that were left for us by Christ. Click here for some more information!


Sin is in the intent.



  • It’s very important not to overload yourself with too many formulae at once. Pick one (maybe two), do that formula, learn from it, let your body adjust, and then move on to more.


Healing Work

  • You don’t need any abilities to do the healing, but you do need to build your authority
  • Always make sure to get permission before you do prayer work of any kind on another person!
  • Never do healing before a scheduled surgery. Physical surgery interferes with the healing process and can cause negative side effects.
  • It helps greatly if the subject is open to the healing
  • You can only do a healing up to three times
  • All disease and accidents have an emotional/psychological root to it that you can correct by using kinesiology and Heal Your Body by Louise Hay!


Past Life Traumas

  • We touched upon past life traumas this week again, so click here for a refresher!!



  • Animals get to choose their paths to some extent
  • They come back from past lives into present to come back with you
  • Animals (except for being bound through black magic and extreme tragedy) always go into the Light
  • Animals also have lessons to learn
  • Invasions of critters (ants, spiders, roaches) can be a message to you from the Legion of Pan. Nature gives you messages via totems (check Animal Speak if you’re unsure of the meanings) if you’re open and aware. You make the statement to the Legion of Pan that you understand the message, thank them for the message, and then ask the appropriate Deva to remove them from your home in the name of Jesus Christ.
    • If they stay after being warned to leave, it’s okay to send them into the Light
  • All animals have consciousness, but all creatures have a purpose and a role in the circle of life *cue The Lion King theme song*



  • Offer 20% of your garden to the Legion of Pan, and in return, the Legion of Pan will protect your crops and do what they can to help them grow and flourish.



  • Illnesses occur because of what we don’t deal with in our heads
  • It comes out in our bodies, and Heal Your Body gives great insight into it




Soul-Level Forgiveness

  • Acknowledge the person in question as a creation of God in their most perfect state of being (not for who they are or what they’ve done) and forgive them as a creation of God that went askew.
  • You don’t have to forgive them for anything they did/didn’t do.
  • This helps you not take it personally
    • NOTHING is personal


Solar Plexus Aches

  • Your solar plexus is God’s sounding board in your body
  • You can use kinesiology to ask questions to check to see who or what is causing the discomfort



  • A nexus point, which can be connected to other nexus points, will present a decision that needs to be made. Depending on the decision that is made, you can go on an entirely new timeline
  • Things can shift minutely, maybe something that you remembered on the old timeline doesn’t happen on the new timeline.
  • Time isn’t linear, but rather a big bunch of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.


Vengeful God vs. Loving God

  • The Old Testament is full of biblical laws, and getting mankind structured through the rabbis of that time. It wasn’t 100% done by God, it was interpretations
    • There were more than 10 commandments, but they got narrowed down
  • There was some harshness that came as a result of a falling away of some aspects of God. To Carol’s understanding, that has been corrected.

4.17.2015 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the April 17th, 2015 NACC meeting, please click here.

God doesn’t need religion. Man uses religion for his own purposes. Sometimes it’s good, but sometimes man can distort and misuse religion.


We had a refresher course on kinesiology, so click here for more information!



  • Most pregnant women have a protective shield around them, which causes the “glow”
  • This protection is only broken if you use drugs, alcohol, etc. while pregnant
    • A broken shield means that any soul from the Light or Outer Darkness can be born as your child


Lying and Truth

  • Truth is absolutely everything, and people know on a soul level where you’re coming from
    • Truth is honest, solid, and people can’t argue with it
  • Raise your kids with absolute truth, and break family chains of manipulation and guilt trips.
    • Truth gives them self-confidence from the inside out
  • When you lie, you sin against yourself and your soul
    • It’s even worse when we lie to ourselves!
  • You lie because you know you’re doing something you don’t want anyone to know about. Lies are covers and shields against something you’re doing knowingly.
  • Be as honest as you possibly can
  • Lying allows the dark side to come in and mess with your life
  • Some people feel they have to lie for purposes of business, family members, friendships, but you don’t have to do that. When you’re honest, people react to honesty and accept honesty.
  • Lying to someone to protect their feelings is doing them a disservice.
    • Lying to them hurts them on a soul level
    • If you really don’t want to hurt feelings, then don’t say anything
  • You shouldn’t be mean or manipulate with honesty.
  • You have to come from a good place in the soul, saying things truthfully, and refraining from doing harm to another soul.
  • Avoid opinions, because they can vary from person to person. Absolute universal truth is the way to go.
  • Working with the truth, with the intent to be honest, brings about change for the positive. People will either open up and react, or they’ll shut down and close up. Either way, it’s okay… If they shut down, then they’re not ready for the truth
    • We filter out what we’re not ready to hear and understand
    • Everything around us shapes our filters, but a soul-to-soul truth bypass these filters
      • Using the phrase “on a soul level, I need to speak to you” and it reaches them. Use this with great caution and respect. This isn’t something to use all the time, so be mindful.



  • You don’t have to take responsibility for other peoples’ reactions to your opinions, beliefs, and actions.
  • No one has the right to judge anyone else’s actions, whether it be good, bad, or otherwise
  • Everyone has the right to his or her opinions, even ignorant opinions.


Experiences vs. Beliefs

  • Experiences are real, things that you know to be true
  • It’s the difference between “believing in” God, spirits, or the demonic and KNOWING them to be a real, true fact
  • When you know something’s true, then you don’t have to carry a belief system



  • You don’t have to feel guilty for saying “no” and taking your authority
    • Working from a place of truth with the word “no” is the most powerful
  • Guilt is from the dark side, and they will use it to mess with your head
    • God gives conscience, Satan gives guilt
  • Guilt is manipulation, always.
  • Teach your kids not to accept guilt trips and it will protect them.



  • You can’t control anyone other than yourself, and you can’t take responsibility for what you can’t control
  • It’s hard enough to take your own responsibility for who you are and what you do
  • Tons of people want to blame you for their issues and their lack of responsibility
  • If they try to blame you, say “this is your problem, this is your issue, and I take no responsibility for your choices and decisions” (or some kinder, applicable variant of that J)
  • Stand your ground, and say “I do not accept your guilt trip.” Don’t comment about it, don’t feed into it. Just say that you don’t accept it and move on.
  • If somebody isn’t 100% there, don’t take it seriously. It’s not about you.
  • If you feed into it, you’re in trouble.



  • Decision-making is how we use our free will
  • When we make decisions from a place of truth, it’s solid and foolproof. People won’t argue with truth.
  • If you have a nasty feeling in your solar plexus, or have a bad feeling about a situation, you can figure out who the person is and what the situation is. Either put their face in your mind screen or say their name… If the solar plexus gets worse, then that’s the answer. (Kinesiology also works.) Once you figure it out, work through possible scenarios that come out of truth, then the feeling will totally dissipate. Stand in truth without emotions.



  • When worn bead to bead on the left hand, it’s protection against negative energies
  • It works in synergy with obsidian and smoky quartz
  • For more information, click here!



  • Whenever you are affected by negative energies, even when wearing carnelian or other protections, go outside and shake your hands out on the ground. Not over anyone or anything except the ground
  • Salt baths cleanse your auric field, de-stress your body, and make you feel wonderful! 1/3 cup of iodized table salt in a bath! The cheap, plain stuff works wonders!



  • When Carol taps into a handwriting sample or a photograph, she energetically merges with the individual’s signature energy frequency
    • Your energy shifts as you go through life experiences
    • Carol can use the signature frequency to update a picture of a child from the time of the photograph to present day
  • Carol’s like a radio. When she tunes into your individual station, then she gets your music!
  • When she touches into a murderer, she feels a gross feeling in her solar plexus, a gurgle of blood up her throat, and then she sees the murder through the killer’s eyes


Pentacles, Pentagrams, and Symbols

  • Most symbols go back to the Seals of Solomon
    • King Solomon was the king over all of the tribes of Israel. He was given tools and knowledge through God, as he was anointed by God
  • The pentagram and the Shaddai give authority over negative and demonic through the power of God
  • For more information about protections, click here!


Being in the Light

  • Loved ones will be waiting for you IF they make it into the Light
    • If they don’t make it into the Light, they’ll be reborn
    • If you have a family member pass before you, it is HIGHLY advised to pray them into the Light.
    • You can pray for yourself as a spiritual insurance policy!
  • Everyone is shown the Light, UNLESS you make a pact with dark ones. If you make pacts, then you may be snatched up by dark ones like in the movie “Ghost”


Building Authority

  • You have to build authority by saying the Daily Lifting consistently for about 3 months before you’ll be able to get good results with the other prayer formulae.

3.20.2015 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the March 20th, 2015 NACC meeting, please click here.


Please click here for a PDF version

Christ is Raid, and the dark side is a bunch of cockroaches. “I command you to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.” The dark side are the best teachers we have; take your authority and you’ll be okay.


Are you traveling any time soon? If so, be sure to say these prayers and listen to part two from 3:00 to 5:00!


For information about the Band of Mercy and other members of God’s Spirit Community, click here!


Astrology and Birth Charts

  • Edgar Cayce Association is a great place to look for star charts and other astrology related topics.
  • With birth charts, the exact time, place, and date of your birth all factor into producing your unique birth chart
    • If you incarnate from the Light and you have a specific purpose, you can plan to be born under specific circumstances so that your birth chart matches with your goals
      • You also get the negative traits with the positive traits, so these may be things that you have to overcome



  • When you reincarnate from the Light, you can often reincarnate with the same groups of people to learn lessons
  • You can incarnate with souls you have problems with
  • You can incarnate with your “twin soul”


Cellular Memory

  • If you travel to a certain place where a trauma occurred in a past life, or reach a certain age when a trauma occurred, past life cellular memory trauma can be reactivated
  • You should use kinesiology to get to the root of the issue, and tap it out as soon as possible!


Opening Up Your Abilities

  • If you see angels, demons, spirits, energy, and/or aliens, know that they are real and that you’re seeing these things because you’re supposed to.
  • Lower-level phenomenon (such as on paranormal shows) isn’t God- that’s earthbound spirits and demons.
  • The Daily Lifting will keep you safe!
  • There’s a lot of information out there, but a lot of it is misinformation and a lot of people who don’t know what they’re doing.
    • Kundalini yoga, for example, can be extremely dangerous when people don’t know what they’re doing.
  • Get in touch with your guides!
  • When you start using the information on a daily basis, you will open up! Using the names of God will raise your energy frequency!


Christ and the Demonic

  • Remember to take your authority through Christ against the demonic
  • Christ is Raid, and the demonic are cockroaches. Spritz, spritz!
  • The demonic will use people you care about to hurt you


Eggs and Bubbles

  • Pink Bubbles of Love
    • If people are unpleasant or nasty towards you, put them in a pink bubble!
    • “I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put a pink bubble of love around (this person, with an address if you have it) in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee”, or visualize a bubblegum pink bubble around them.
      • It’ll make them happy and nice, and it lasts around 12 hours.
    • This is an extremely positive thing, particularly if someone just needs to be uplifted.
  • Silver Mirrored Eggs as a Teacher
    • If someone is sending you directed negativity, you can put him or her in an egg that is mirrored on the inside, so that their negativity will reflect back upon themselves.
    • “I would please ask the Band of Mercy to place (name and address, if available) in a silver egg that is mirrored on the inside now, in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.”
    • This is also good for about 12 hours
  • For more information about bubbles and eggs, click here!


Negative Thought Forms (Part One, 35:00-44:00 and Part Two 0:00-3:00)

  • We manifest constantly! Unfortunately, we manifest negativity more frequently than we manifest positivity. We are co-creators of our universes!
  • Thoughts are things, and they can attach to people.
  • Thought forms are in geometric shapes that are pretty colors.
  • Native American shamans called manifested thought forms “tulpas”
  • For more information about negative thought forms, including information on how to remove them, click here!



  • Spirits can partake in poltergeist activity, but teenagers can manifest kinetic energy to move things. This usually happens around age 13 and lasts around a year, but the activity is prevalent when the child is angry at a parent or something similar.



  • Energies, ancient energies, and spirits can all attach and affect soldiers returning from war
  • The daily lifting is absolutely invaluable for soldiers returning from war


Calling upon Angelics

  • You must call upon the Archangel ____ and their legions
  • There is a large amount of angels in the different legions, and they have authority to work under that Archangel so than many people in many different places can all get help at the same time.
  • Angels can walk upon the Earth. They can either come as messengers, or they can be born in and have an entire life here.

2.6.2015 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio recording of the February 6th, 2015 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version


Attitude is everything!


The Power of Words

  • People don’t recognize that words carry specific vibrations that people often misconstrue. We take words for granted!
  • The Spirit Community recognizes the true, textbook definition of words, not what we think words mean
    • Care is a great example. We often use it in a positive way, but the definition connotes worry, anxiety, or concern
  • Words carry power!
    • Irritation brings sinus issues
    • Pain in the neck brings pains in the cervical region
    • Damning is REAL! Damnations are REAL!
    • Trust should be rare! You shouldn’t hand out your trust and it should be earned. If anyone tries to trigger guilt in you by saying “you don’t trust me? What have I done to lose your trust?!” you’re probably about to be conned.
  • Prayers are formulas, and these terms are interchangeable


Guides and Teachers

  • See God’s Spirit Community for more information about this
    • They are our caregivers!
  • Always ask for a “guide of” or “divine spirit of” whatever you need, but be sure to add “or whatever is deemed appropriate” to leave the door wide enough open to get the best results possible!
  • It’s important to build your authority with the spirit community, so that you can get the most appropriate help for your situation. The more you build your authority, the better results you’ll have!
  • If you have a lost animal, you can ask the Legion of Pan to bring your animal home safely in the name of Jesus Christ


Hand Placement for Prayers

  • Click here for more information
  • We pray with our hands open and out to send and receive the most energy
  • When you pray with your hands closed, you close yourself off to the energy


Heal Your Body by Louise Hay

  • You can use HYB to identify the psychological root of illnesses and injuries
  • Look at right side versus left side, the body part affected, and the illness/injury specifically
  • Use kinesiology to confirm your suspicions
  • When you identify an issue or something seems particularly relevant to you, use the first two fingers on your right hand and tap the area twice to release it
  • When you get tingles, it’s cured!
  • Part one, 28:00 to 31:00 shows this in action
  • Arthritis is based in guilt & resentment
  • For more information about relief from fibromyalgia, please click here



  • Autism is caused by the child being born without their soul being fully sealed into their body, possibly because of a lack of DNA/RNA integration prior to birth
    • Beginning at six months gestation, the soul begins to enter the physical body for periods of time to begin to adjust
  • To cure true autism, you would use the soul cleansing formula. This formula also works well for “bad seeds”. With both situations, the earlier in life you do this formula the better.
  • Vaccines DO NOT cause autism. This happens at BIRTH.



  • When people adopt children, the child intended to go to the birth parents
  • There are lessons involved for all parties


Nature/Legion of Pan

  • If you’re going to be pulling weeds, go out about 24 hours before and tell them that you’ll be pulling and that they should release their roots
  • Ask that the Legion of Pan do whatever they deem necessary to protect your garden and, in return, offer 20% of the garden to nature for whatever purposes necessary
  • The Legion of Pan is nature’s spirit community, and Pan is nature’s archangel
  • You can ask the Legion of Pan to reroute ants, water bugs, roaches (or whatever you have issues with) away from your house in the most appropriate way in the name of Jesus Christ… You can’t ask that they leave your property because they have the right to be in nature, but you can keep them from your dwelling.
    • If they don’t leave your dwelling, you can send them into the Light
  • You can look up the meaning of the animal species in Animal Speak by Ted Andrews to see what information they’re trying to tell you
    • Black spiders, black snakes, black bears, black dogs, and pigs can all be representations of the demonic in your dreams



  • Thanking God for everything you receive and asking for help in what you try to give really makes your life flow easier
  • Gratitude shown to each and every situation is a wonderful thing
    • It is particularly important to express gratitude to plants and animals that you consume
  • Ask for help in understanding lessons and situations, then give thanks for the growth that occurs as a result

9.6.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio for the September 6th, 2013 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version


Lifetimes and Lessons

  • Provided that we incarnate from the Light, we are given the opportunity to script our next lifetime
    • We choose what we want to accomplish, how we’re going to do it, who is going to help us along the way, etc.
  • If we incarnate from the Outer Darkness, we carry our “baggage” with us into the next lifetime
    • Traumas, fears, etc
    • This gets in our way
  • If you need help finding your correct path, you can ask your Guides for help
    • Say “Guides, I would please ask for your help in finding the right path that will be to my highest good and provide the most opportunities for knowledge and growth and evolvement, and I ask this in the name of my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, and I thank thee”
    • They’ll begin to help you
  • Look at everything that happens to you and try to find the lesson
    • Look for what you can learn from each experience and how you can grow as a result of your experience
    • This helps your Guides help you!
  • This is a place of learning and evolvement, and when you understand this and ask for help from God and your Guides, you’ll get better results
  • Sometimes, we have people placed in our lives to teach us, but it may not be a positive experience



Human Nature

  • As human beings, we’re self-centered
    • We have to be about ourselves… We’re all we have!
    • We need to set boundaries, be honest, and be good examples
  • You have to learn how to balance others and self
    • You should never put anyone before yourself
      • If you sacrifice, you’ll burn out
    • You have to be okay to be able to take care of others
  • It’s a healthy balance of giving and receiving
  • We have to take responsibility for ourselves, our choices, and our actions
    • There are consequences for everything that we do
  • ALL souls are precious to God; there is no one greater or lesser




  • Vortexes spin; they open and they close
  • There are natural ones all over the Earth




  • Daily exercise, like walking or dancing is best
  • Eating a balanced diet is best
    • This means not excluding entire food groups based off of fad diet claims
    • Obviously if you have allergies or sensitivities, then abide by your doctor’s suggestions
  • Hyper-sensitive individuals often need red meat
    • Steak cooked rare or medium rare is best
  • If you truly believe that something is bad for you, then it will be bad for you
    • You’ll manifest what you believe




  • It’s hard being here on the Earth plane!
    • If we’re empathic, we pick up on other peoples’ negative energy
    • Spirits can attach to us and can affect us and influence us
    • There are places where there is a lot of negative energy (due to ley lines or vortexes, perhaps) or it’s really spiritually active, and that can affect us as well
    • The demonic like to mess with us, too
  • Unfortunately, most people don’t have a clue about all of the possibilities
  • The whole point is learning and evolvement



  • Carol’s not afraid of dying, she’s afraid of being injured and not dying
    • Take out your spiritual insurance (the annual prayers) so that you’ll go into the Light
  • Animals go into the Light automatically
    • You can ask the Legion of Pan to ease their pain, or remove their pain, in the name of Jesus Christ
  • People who have near-death experiences come back very psychically in tune



Legion of Pan

  • Pan handles all aspects of nature, living and dying
    • Nature’s archangel, if you will
    • Marigold is Pan’s right-hand woman
  • You can ask the Legion of Pan to help you find a lost dog or cat (in the name of Jesus)
  • If you’re lost in the woods, you can ask the Legion of Pan to help you find your way out (in the name of Jesus)
  • If you have fire ants or cockroaches, you can ask the Legion of Pan to remove them from your dwelling (in the name of Jesus)
    • You can’t ask that they be removed from your yard, because that’s their domain
  • Each specie has a type of guardian angel assigned to protect them, called Devas
    • Devas of dogs, devas of cats, devas of cows, devas of whales, etc.
  • Nature spirits appear as multicolored sparks of light
  • Hunters who gleefully kill and murder animals can have animals attached
    • They’ll have a lot of back pain from where the animals attach in with their little claws
  • If you garden, you can ask the Legion of Pan to help you with your garden and then you donate 20% of the garden to nature as is needed




  • God is intelligence and consciousness
    • That consciousness is aware of you, and (hopefully) you are aware of it
  • The universe is the bloodstream of God
    • Everything you see is a part of God
  • There are 72 different names and aspects of God
  • God is unending; there’s no beginning or end
  • God is infinite
  • God is creator, we are co-creators
  • God is the source of all
    • Our Guides bring us information directly from source
      • They’re our master teachers and comforters
      • They can teach you about anything you want to know, you just have to ask



Spiritual Gifts

  • 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
    • “Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute idols. Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.”



Jesus Christ



The Dark Side

  • Demons are fallen angels. They’re not people, they’re not entities, they’re fallen angels.
    • They become exactly 180* opposite of what they were as an angel
  • NEVER challenge a demon
    • Command them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ
    • Ask Archangel Michael and his legions to remove whatever is attached to, affecting, or influencing you, your family, your pets, your home, your property, and all that you have domain over and place them into protected sanctuary in the name of Jesus Christ



Past Life Connection

  • If you have any emotional response (positive or negative) to a person, place, or thing then you’ve got a past life connection to it/them

9.20.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio recording for the September 20th, 2013 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

If you ever try to put your hand on a table and it goes through the table, you have passed and you should ask for the Light!



  • People can attach to other people, objects, etc. when they pass
  • It’s best not to be too dependent or attached to anyone or anything
  • It’s best to say the lifting on a daily basis to ensure that you don’t have other souls attached to you
  • People who are sensitive are more likely to be “bothered” by spirits
    • They may want to get a message across, get help, give you a hard time, etc.
    • It’s our responsibility to get them into the Light
      • We do this using the Lifting
      • If an emergency, you can ask the Band of Mercy to remove them in the name of Jesus Christ and they’ll take care of it



  • Manifestations need to be spoken aloud
  • Ask that it come with no harm to yourself or anyone involved, and that it be to the highest good for yourself and everyone involved


Eggs and Bubbles

  • For more information about eggs and bubbles, please click here
  • Silver mirrored eggs are great protections
    • Mirrored on the outside and filled with White Light
  • You can ask for an egg of white light to be placed around you
    • You can walk into a crowded room and people will notice you
  • You can ask to be placed in a subdued golden bubble (not shimmery gold)
    • You’ll walk into the same crowded room and no one will notice you
    • It doesn’t make you invisible, but people will sort of ignore you
    • You can also put golden bubbles around people who are going to hurt themselves


Getting Along with Family

  • Stay out of their business
  • Don’t give them too much information about your business
    • That way they don’t have anything to come back on you with
  • Don’t give them advice. If they ask for it, understand that they may not take it.
  • Respect their right to be wrong (in your eyes) and to make bad/poor choices.
  • Don’t be afraid to say the word “no”!
    • You have to mean it!
    • You can’t feel guilty- you have to make the decision to enforce your “no”



  • In order to be healthy and whole human beings, we have to have boundaries
  • Not having boundaries enables people, which causes them more harm than good
  • Boundaries include setting hours in which it’s okay to call, requiring that they call before they visit, etc.
    • You have to set these boundaries and enforce them consistently


Guilt vs. Conscience

  • Guilt is from the dark side, conscience is from God
  • Guilt manipulates, haunts, and vexes you



  • It doesn’t do much for the other person but it will absolutely eat your lunch
  • You can ask for Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede for you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the name of Jesus Christ



  • You can ask Archangel Michael to remove any demons of jealousy
    • I would please ask Archangel Michael and his legions to remove any demons of jealousy from you in the name of Jesus Christ and place them into appropriate protected sanctuary and I thank thee
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to work with you to help remove specific fears; all negative emotions (jealousy, anger, revenge) stem from fear


The Dark Side

  • Guilt, fear, and negativity is all from the dark side
  • They’ll tell you to drive your car off a bridge, into a tree, etc.
  • They’ll tell you to commit suicide, and if you do it, you can be bound into dark service
  • If they put negative thoughts in your head, command them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ
    • Take your authority, be firm, and be strong
  • For more information about the dark side, please click here



  • Suicide of all kinds, including assisted suicide, breaks the spiritual law of self-murder
  • Medically-assisted suicides don’t end any pain or suffering
  • You can refuse treatment, or refuse to eat, but you can’t take medicine to kill yourself
  • For more information about suicide, please click here



  • If you have dreams of someone that you don’t want to see, you’ve got options
    • You can ask the Divine Spirits to remove those dreams
    • You can program yourself so that, if they appear in the dream, you say “no”
    • You can visualize them standing in front of you, then visualize yourself slamming a heavy metal garage door between the two of you
  • If you have dreams of a loved one who has passed on, there are a couple of possibilities
    • If they look healthy and radiant, they’re in the Light. This is a visitation.
    • If they don’t look well, they’re asking for help, or if you just feel off, then they’re stuck in the Outer Darkness and you should pray them into the Light.


Sacred Geometry

  • Absolutely everything is based in sacred geometry
  • It’s the foundation for everything
  • Mandelbrot’s set is called the “thumbprint of God”

10.4.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio for the October 4th, 2013 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version


Earth is a place of learning, and growth. There are tests, lessons, and evils on this plane that are here to help us grow and evolve. Earth isn’t always a peaceful and wonderful place to be, but our attitude can make us or break us.


Spirit Guides

  • They’ll cry with you, mourn with you, and be sad with you
  • They’ll never scold you, never get disappointed in you, never chastise you
  • They appear as white sparkles, and they’ll come with a scent (either floral or sandalwood)



  • We are made up of energy
  • We can transmit energy
    • We can transmit negative or positive energy
    • Our energy that is transmitted can harm others or better others
  • You don’t have to be a psychic to be psychically aware of others’ energy


To cut negative people from your life:

  • Visualize the other person standing in front of you with cords between the two of you
  • Take a brand new, very sharp pair of shears and cut the cords
  • Cauterize your cords and tuck them back into you, and then cauterize their cords and tuck them back into them
  • You can’t dwell on it- you have to get them out of your head and move on.
    • You have to want it, badly.
    • You have to let the past be in the past. If you dwell on it, you can re-cord.
    • Forgive them, and release them with love on a soul level, and ask for their forgiveness on a soul level
  • If you can truly do it, you’ll no longer have any connection to them. It’ll be like they’re a stranger to you



  • Some people’s gift is sending energy and thoughts
    • Psychic vampires do this
  • They hook into you, feed off of your energy, and can attach to you
    • They can compel you to do things that you may not want to do
    • They’ll compel you to think about them 24/7… You can’t get them out of your head and it’s torture



  • Dreams are our brain’s way of working out psychological junk that you accumulate
    • You usually don’t remember these
  • Very vivid dreams with a lot of details and color, like you’re in a movie are prophetic dreams.
    • You may have very vivid dreams of an earthquake, or a tornado in a specific location
      • You can’t do anything about these
      • They’re meant to prepare you and warn you, and you can in turn warn others
    • You may have a dream of a specific person getting into a car wreck after getting into a white car wearing a red shirt
      • You can warn that person not to wear the red shirt in the white car, and it can avert the accident
      • You may not 100% avoid the accident, but you’ll be able to reduce the severity of the accident
      • The conditions should be avoided for about two weeks
    • If you have a dream
  • Most prophetic dreams take about three days to come to fruition. Some can take up to a couple of years to happen.
    • If you can see what is causing the problem, you may be able to help avert the situation
    • The purpose of prophetic dreams is to either prepare you for the coming situation, or allow you to change the situation.
  • Dreams can be symbolic, so pay attention to the symbolism of the dream.
    • You can set your symbology
      • Write your symbols down, then have someone read them back to you
      • When they read it back, tell them the first thing that comes to mind
    • Some symbols are set
      • Cars and vehicles represent your body
        • When someone else is driving their car and you’re in the car, you’re not handling your life and you’re letting someone else drive your life
        • When someone else is driving your car, you’ve let someone come into your life and take control of your life and your body
      • Dreams with nudity mean that you’re afraid of being embarrassed
      • Dreams with people have various reasons and purposes
        • Dreams with loved ones who have crossed over are visitations. These are real. If they look great and healthy, they’re in the light. If they look sick or unhealthy or need help, you should pray them into the light.
        • When you dream of people who are still alive, they’re reaching out for either positive or negative reasons
          • If it’s negative, slam a very heavy metal garage door between the two of you or command them to leave you alone.
        • Animals in dreams will convey messages. To interpret these dreams, you should consult Animal Speak
  • Recurring dreams can be past life remembrances
  • Sleep paralysis can be evidence of a haunting or of a demonic attack. It’s often more connected with phenomena than with other explanations
    • Demonic attacks can occur in dream state. If this happens, command the entity away in the name of Jesus Christ.


Spirits and Reincarnation

  • Human spirits usually last around 200 years
  • Carol has encountered shamans from the Mayan and Incan eras who showed up for specific purposes
  • Your soul is immortal, and it reincarnates many times over
    • You don’t reside in Heaven for eternity
    • The whole point is to keep learning, keep growing, keep evolving
      • If you’re not growing, learning, and evolving, you’ll de-evolve
    • You can incarnate from the Light or from the Outer Darkness, usually around every 60 years
      • Incarnating from the Outer Darkness is a crapshoot- you don’t know what you’re going to get
      • Incarnating from the Light gives you a heads up and allows you to choose your parents, your lessons, your opportunities


Why did God create us?

  • God is a constantly learning, intelligent force
  • He didn’t want to be alone
  • We are all part of God. We carry God within us, in our souls.


What happens when you go into the Light?

  • There’s a huge reunion where family, friends, animals, and loved ones show up. There’s food and beverage… It’s a party!
    • If they didn’t go into the Light, they won’t be there
    • Just because you’re married here doesn’t mean that you’ll be married on the other side
  • Then, you go through a Life Review
    • You do it to learn and understand your lessons
    • This isn’t meant to be a punishment
  • Next, you get some time out!
    • You can travel anywhere in the world you want to go!
  • Then, you choose your next life’s obstacle course
  • Everything that’s in heaven is here! Pizza, pasta, chicken… you name it!



  • You have a specific moment, down to the second, when it is your time to go
  • You may have pivotals, where you feel like you could live or you could die, and the decisions made during pivotals can shorten or extend your life span
    • You may have no pivotals, you may have 6 pivotals
    • You don’t get 7 pivotals, though. 6 is the max
  • When it’s a person’s absolute time to go, however, they may start to prepare about two weeks in advance. They’ll say their goodbyes, pick out their outfits, etc.
    • Angels or grandparents may come visit children
    • Children who pass young tend to have lived full lives, have been very outgoing, and tend to have packed in as many experiences as possible
  • If it’s truly their time, you can’t stop someone from passing



  • For more information, please click here
  • If a person who has committed suicide asks for your help, or if one of their loved ones ask for help, you can pray them into the Light



  • Formulas are first and foremost prayers
  • Stick to the formulas for the best results
  • Manifesting, for example, is something that you must be very cautious with
    • Be sure to include the phrases “to the highest good of all involved”, “if it’s deemed appropriate” and “so that no harm comes to myself or others”
    • These phrases are your spiritual insurance to make sure that you’re not bringing more harm than good to yourself or anyone who may be involved with the process
    • If you’re manifesting a car, make sure to ask that it be “mechanically sound”
    • If you’re manifesting a job, set your minimum salary, how far you’re willing to travel, and be sure to include the following phrases “harmless to all involved” and “to the highest good of all involved
    • Don’t absolutely define what you want and make it exact, but set parameters that you want
      • Be as specific as possible without limiting the possibilities


10.18.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the recording of the October 18th, 2013 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version

This is your friendly reminder that damnations are real, they are powerful, and they can be harmful. Removing the word “damn” from your vocabulary (particularly when using God’s name) is wise.


Please click here if you have questions about Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, or any other members of God’s Spirit Community. Members of God’s Spirit Community are never bound to us; they’re simply doing their job.


If you have a friend or a loved one who has not gone into the Light, you can pray them into the Light using this formula. Remember though, if they’re not a relative then you need a close relative’s permission! This can be obtained simply by asking, “can I pray for (the person who passed)?”



  • Get rid of the word “ghost”
  • They’re the souls of people who have passed but didn’t go into the Light, and it’s our responsibility to help them into the Light using the daily lifting
  • The Bible refers to them as unclean spirits.



  • It’s essential to recognize the patterns associated with everything… There are patterns to demonic attack, spirit attachment, mental illness, etc.
  • Recognizing patterns allows you to recognize the true nature of the situation so that you can respond appropriately to the scenario at hand



  • Everything is made up of energy, and this has been scientifically proven
  • Your aura is the radiation of your energy, of your life force
  • Wind, water, our bodies, buildings, trees, and rocks all have electromagnetic energy
  • When there are mass shifts, energy can be created that is felt on a global scale
  • When there are frequencies and harmonies of energies to come, people can pick up on and recognize these pre-energies
  • Every major event has ripples of energy, both before and after the event
  • Sun storms can also affect your balance and energy
  • Large groups of people can also affect your energy



  • Everything has an aura- even trees
  • If you can truly read auras, you’ll know the true character of a person. They can’t hide what’s in their auras
  • If you ever are getting on a plane or you’re traveling with a group of people and the majority of people don’t have auras, you don’t get on the plane or in the car!
  • No aura means that death is impending
  • People with black auras are just bad. That indicates a connectedness with evil, darkness, and Satan
  • You can see where there are physical problems in the aura- there are dips or holes
  • To cleanse the aura (and remove stress from the physical body), you would add to ½ cup of iodized table salt to your bathtub (depending on the size of your tub- bigger tubs need more salt) and soak for as long as you feel necessary
    • Ladies, you can use a washcloth to “wipe away” the auric field surrounding your head and hair.



  • Your chakras are vortexes in your body; these vortexes create your aura
    • Vortexes open to release energy, and then they close
  • You have 21 chakras; 14 minor chakras and 7 major chakras
  • Your major chakras are your circuit breakers for your electrical system
    • If you get into kundalini and attempt to open and close your chakras at will, you can blow your chakras out
      • You can shut your entire nervous system down and paralyze yourself
    • You can safely cleanse and open your chakras using smoky quartz
  • They can be shut down through traumas, and cause emotional and physical problems corresponding to the affected chakra



  • Plastic blocks energy
  • With hypersensitive babies, placing a piece of saran wrap on their solar plexus (put a little water on it so that it adheres to their skin, then dress them as your normally would) will stop them from absorbing negative energies



  • Magic isn’t okay because you use spells, bindings, and conjurations to bend the will of other living creatures away from God for your own selfish purposes. You should be working in harmony with these elements.
    • You don’t need to bind other souls and creatures to yourself or anyone else.
    • You can ask the essences of plants to do healing while still allowing them to be free
  • Both white and black magic involve bending the free will of other beings away from God, and that’s not okay
    • White magic is for the healing and benefit of others, but you can heal and benefit others without bending free will
    • Black magic is because it’s for selfishness and manipulation. This is way wrong.


Bubbles and Tactics

  • Bubbles are great tools
    • Subdued golden bubbles are useful for protection and “invisibility”
    • Pink bubbles and eggs are useful to calm people down
  • Time manipulation is a wonderful tool as well. It’s great for long trips because you can knock hours off your trips.
    • To slow down time, you hold the first two fingers on your dominant hand up, point them to the sky, and twirl them counterclockwise three times
    • To speed time up, you hold the first two fingers of your dominant hand up, point them to the sky, and twirl them clockwise three times


Flower Essences

  • John’s Shield protects you from negative energies
    • You apply the oil directly to your solar plexus.
  • Dandelion oil applied directly to the neck and shoulders removes stress


Spiritual Airports

  • Things can appear out of nowhere, or drop from the ceiling
  • Things can “poof” into and out of existence
    • If things “poof” out of existence, you can command it back in the name of Jesus
      • I command (whatever is gone) back in the name of Jesus Christ.


Lost & Found

  • If you’ve recently lost/misplaced something, fret not!
  • You can ask your Guardian Angel to please help you locate whatever is missing or help you find whatever is missing. You should get results in about 30 minutes. Remember to say thank you when you find it!


Carol’s Favorite Ability

  • Carol loves tapping into ancient ruins to learn about previous cultures, civilizations, etc.
  • Macchu Picchu was her favorite place until it became a monopolized “tourist trap”
    • What was once affordable is not around $1500USD a night

11.15.2013 Session Notes

For the audio for the November 15th, 2013 NACC meeting, please click here.


Please click here for a PDF version


  • A ghost is a spirit, and a spirit is a human soul
  • Ghostbusting is low phenomena; it’s not good energy.
  • The spirits who often make themselves known are human souls who are stuck, and you have the responsibility of helping them
  • The issue with “ghostbusting” is that you have no idea what you’re gonna bring home with you
    • People go for the thrill of being scared like the movies, but it’s not the movies
    • It’s like bringing a Ouija board home with you
    • Human spirits will follow you home, but demonic will also follow you home too
      • There are nice humans and there are mean humans. You never know what you’re going to get!
      • The demonic will tear your world apart



  • They are not humans. Humans cannot become demonic, but humans can act demonic if they have been bound into service.



  • There’s a lot of concern over orbs because they show up in photographs
  • Orbs have been around for a very long time. They’re natural to Earth (not ET)
  • They were once called Foo Fighters
  • They can be a huge range of shapes and sizes- from tiny to the size of football fields
  • They’re NOT human souls, they’re interdimensional/dimensional parasites that help clean the Earth’s energy
  • Orbs are drawn to paranormal energy, battles, murders, so they can clean up the negative


Thought Forms

  • They appear as geometric shapes and as different bright colors
  • Negative thought forms can appear as many colors, not just red



  • Your Spirit Guides will appear as a white mist, or as white sparks of light


Nature Spirits

  • Nature spirits show up as multicolored sparks of light
  • An imp is a negative nature spirit (deva) that has fallen or has been bound into dark service. They’re demonic
    • Archangel Michael and his legions have authority over imps
    • They can be quite pesky
    • They’re always black with red eyes, and very unpleasant



  • When animals pass, they usually go directly into the light
    • Animals can be bound through cruelty and witchcraft
    • If they’re bound, you would use the following prayer:
      • I would please ask the Legion of Pan to release and unbind this animal and take them directly into the Light or into appropriate sanctuary through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ and in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.
    • They’ll stay for around 2 months, and they’ll help train your new puppy or kitten if you get one in that time frame


Spiritual Consent

  • 13 is the age of spiritual consent
  • You can no longer pray for them without their consent
  • Eventually, you praying for them will no longer work- they have to take responsibility for themselves


Iodized Table Salt

  • All negative energy is able to be cleared with iodized table salt
  • You can sprinkle salt, or put salt in water and sprinkle the water on the area
  • If you move into a new house, it’s best to perform the House Cleansing and Blessing
  • This goes back to the covenant of salt that God made with David, which stated that all items to be offered to God were to be offered with a measure of salt


Drugs and Alcohol

  • These open people up to spirit possession and demonic attack
  • You’re more susceptible to being influenced by outside forces when you use drugs and alcohol
  • Plus, if the spirit of an addict attaches to you, they get their fix and they may continue to use you to get their fix. In this situation, you could also become an addict.



  • We’re here to learn our lessons and we’re here to make mistakes
  • Make the same mistake once or twice, that’s okay. Make it more than twice? That’s just dumb.



  • The death process, when done naturally, is rather euphoric.
  • People’s aura will go in and out as they prepare to leave their physical body
  • Having your physical body die doesn’t mean you’re dead- you’re very much alive, aware, and alert. You just don’t have your meat suit.

12.20.2013 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the December 20th, 2013 NACC meeting, please click here.


Please click here for a PDF version

“True magic is working in harmony with everything around you to do good things.”



  • Fear is your worst enemy
  • Fear feeds into the demonic
    • They prey on your fear
    • Fear gives the demonic the ability to hurt you
  • Fearing for someone else can bring negativity upon them
  • Fear is a WEAKNESS



  • They’re fallen angels
  • Whatever they were the angel of, they become the total opposite of when they fall
  • The Dictionary of Angels has angels and fallen angels, their duties, and what they do
  • They’re always hanging around, they’re always ready, and they’re always looking for your weaknesses
  • They can affect you when you’re doing the lifting… You’ll get a shortness of breath or your mind will blank out



  • Blood curses
    • Usually family curses
    • Someone cursed the entire bloodline of a family
      • Can be through the male lineage or female lineage
      • Marrying into the family counts
      • Can cause massive amounts of destruction
    • If you laid the curse, you’ll be the last in line to receive the curse
  • In the US, it’s common for Native Americans to have laid curses on their children if they married into a white family
  • A silver cross and a silver pentagram worn together offers greater protection against curses



  • A pentagram is a star with one point up and two points down, with a circle around it
  • It was given to King Solomon by Archangel Raphael to give him authority over the demonic
    • The demonic cannot stand against a pentagram
    • Witches wore them for protection
  • Inverted pentagrams (with 2 points up and one point down) are a “door-opener” for the demonic



  • There is power in damnations and these can be very dangerous
  • Don’t damn others, don’t damn yourself, and don’t damn anyone else.
  • Using God’s name in vain puts even more power behind a damnation
  • Words carry power, even if you don’t know what the words mean



  • True magic isn’t binding with herbs and plants, it’s working in harmony with God and everything around you for the highest loving good of all involved
  • Spells, conjurations, and all forms of witchcraft bind things away from God
  • Witchcraft is extremely limited- why limit yourself to the Earth and the moon when you have the God of universes to work with?



  • JESUS is the reason for the season!
  • Without Christ, there would be no redemption
  • Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we all have the option to be redeemed back to God
  • Christ is Carol’s absolute Lord and Master Teacher
    • She tries to walk her talk as much as she can
    • The Holy Spirits have taught Carol about Christ, His love, and His story
  • Christ may not have been born on Christmas Day, but celebrating and appreciating Him is appropriate
  • Christ HAD to go through the crucifixion and HAD to create the tunnel of Light so that all can be redeemed back to God
    • Redemption is restoring the soul back to God
    • That was His plan and His goal, not to perform the healing and miracles
    • The Daily Lifting allows you to do redemption work through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ


Christ is real, Satan is real, and God is real.

  • The dark side can’t stand up to Christ, and often tries to lead people away from Christ
  • The dark side’s biggest tool is fear-so don’t be afraid. Fear empowers the demonic.
  • Take up your power and your authority through Christ, and command them away in the name of Jesus Christ. You can use this whenever you need to.


Spiritual Gifts

  • Satan has no gifts to give anyone. He can twist and pervert your gifts, but he cannot give you any gifts.
  • Spiritual gifts are from GOD.


Guides/Angelic vs. Demonic

  • The demonic speak from your left side
  • Your Guides/Angelic speak from the back of your head and from your right


Remote Viewing

  • When you’re being remotely viewed, it feels like a little earthquake below your feet and up into your body
  • Silva Mind Control teaches how to remote view in a safe way
  • Archangel Michael and his legions can protect you from remote viewers, and the daily lifting can help as well


Mastering Your Mind

  • Take a rose. Look at the rose and focus on the rose as long as you can without breaking your attention from some aspect of the rose. Build this attention span up to an hour.
  • Once you can do it in the physical realm, do the same thing in your mind screen
  • You have to teach your mind that it can’t run and play whenever it wants to



  • Pictures capture a person’s signature energy frequency, but they don’t capture part of a person’s soul
  • Destroying a picture (by burning it or using salt water) doesn’t harm the person in any way

12.19.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio for the December 19th, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

Jesus Christ

  • Other information about Jesus Christ can be found here and here
  • People don’t appreciate the totality of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross
  • Jesus is not God
  • When He came in, He knew His mission
    • He was to be the Redeemer, not necessarily the Messiah
      • The Messiah was to free the Jewish people from the Romans
      • The Redeemer opened the path of Light to be with God again
    • It wasn’t about healing people, or showing God’s power on Earth
      • He did prove that God has power through us (spiritual gifts)
  • He knew He was to teach truth and wisdom, so that people could learn to do the same things as Him
    • He imparted as much knowledge as He could, to teach that this is a physical world and is meaningless; the true kingdom is in Heaven
    • He taught that all races, sexes, and creeds are equal. No human is greater or lesser than another.
    • He tried to teach His disciples that they could do everything He did and greater, but they had a hard time grasping that concept.
      • “What I do, you can do and greater.”
      • The disciples didn’t feel worthy of the gifts and abilities
      • Mary Magdalene was so close to Christ because she actually listened, learned, and took in the knowledge and understanding and used it
        • Many disciples were jealous of Mary because she used the knowledge
        • She sometimes gained more knowledge than they did because she truly listened and understood
  • Before the Crucifixion
    • The Last Supper came when it was time for Christ to hand Himself over
      • The bread was to remember His body, the wine to remember His blood
        • They didn’t really understand it at the time, but they did as He said
      • He went to the Garden of Gethsemane and pleaded with God to relieve Him of His burdens
      • Christ had to give himself completely over to the dark side, of His own free will, to do whatever they wished to do to Him.
      • When Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek, Jesus knew it was time
        • Judas knew that He was part of the plan, and that it was about redemption
      • The dark side beat Him, made Him carry the cross, put the nails in Him, and crucified Him
  • After the Crucifixion
    • After Jesus died, He went to Hell and faced Satan on his own turf.
    • Jesus created the tunnel of Light so that all, even those in Hell, could enter Heaven simply by accepting the Light
    • He stayed there for 3 days, our time, and redeemed many souls
    • When He returned to Earth, He told Mary Magdalene “don’t touch me, I’m not yet clean.” This referred to the uncleanliness of Hell that hadn’t been cleansed by the Light.
      • Mary didn’t recognize Him at first
    • He then preached for 40 days (the Pentecost)
  • Significance of the Crucifixion
    • If Jesus hadn’t suffered through the crucifixion, and given Himself over freely to the dark side, we wouldn’t have the opportunity to be redeemed
    • We are all shown the tunnel of Light, and we can all go to Heaven if we step into the Light. The Light doesn’t discriminate against anyone- serial murderers and rapists and “bad” people are all given that opportunity for learning and growth.
      • It’s even available to fallen angels (aka the demonic) as evidenced in Romans 11:23
      • Accepting the Light is accepting Christ and is the only way to Heaven.
    • The story of the crucifixion is outlined in the Apostles’ Creed.
  • Baptism
    • You can christen a child to offer protection
    • You shouldn’t baptize a child before the age of 13 because they have to make the choice to accept Christ as their lord and master of their own free will
      • 13 is the age of spiritual consent, and the dark side can (and will) bring the full force down on teenagers
    • Full baptism is optimal, as Christ was baptized by John the Baptist
    • Accepting Christ as your lord and master, and taking your authority through Christ provides you with the protection that you need
      • Satan is real, but standing through the authority of Christ protects you from Satan and his wrath
      • Taking authority and standing means that you respect others, you respect their choices, you don’t place the material world above God, and you aren’t afraid to say no.
  • Jesus left us the Holy Spirits to teach us
    • They’re not humans, they’re part of God
    • They are your Guides, and they have total knowledge about everything.
    • They were appointed to you so that they can teach you and comfort you
      • When they speak to you, it’s God speaking to you
    • Your Guides change from lifetime to lifetime to accommodate different levels of learning



  • Man began to de-evolve and fall away from God by disobeying orders
    • Nature began to shut us down, because we had become dangerous
  • Sin came again with Cain and Abel, and the resulting murder
    • At this point, the Heavens began to close
  • Christ’s sacrifice changed everything, because it allowed for the demonic to be redeemed



Physical Death

  • Your soul is immortal
  • “Dying” isn’t truly a death; it’s a matter of shedding your physical body
  • Your soul remains the same. You still have arms and legs, you can walk and you can talk (and hopefully somebody can hear you!)
  • If you’re in doubt, touch the table. If your hand goes through the table, you’re out of body.
    • Ask for the Light!
  • If it’s dim in the room, you can see the soul hovering above the body and then you can see the soul leave when they pass.
    • The soul will be lavender in color
    • If you can see auras, you should be able to see this easily
  • When children pass before age 13, there is usually an angel to receive them. If you have a spirit child in your home, you should use the following prayer formula:
    • I would please ask the Band of Mercy to bring forth loved ones and spirit healers for them, and either take them directly into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.



Seeing the Light

  • A lot of people will see loved ones, Angelics, and the Light when they’re still in body before they pass from natural causes.
  • If you were shot, or are in a car crash, and you look over and see your physical body, you should ask for the Light
  • Say your annual prayers to take out insurance so you don’t suffer with the confusion.
  • Animals go straight into the Light, so you can tell your animal the following:
    • “I love you, and I’m going to miss you terribly, but I’m going to help you get into the Light because I don’t want to see you in pain. When you see the Light, go into it.”




  • God isn’t a punishing God
  • He’ll let you punish yourself
  • He wants you to learn your lessons



Reincarnation and the Bible

  • It’s in the older versions of the Catholic Encyclopedia… It was accepted by the Church
  • It’s present in the Bible, but it’s scattered throughout
    • Constantine did his best to get it out of the Bible, but the essence remains
  • Justinia had a lot of the gospels destroyed because they referenced not needing a church or a middle-man to get to God
    • Gospels are the written accounts of specific timeframes.
  • No matter what, truth has always and will always remain in the Bible




  • Carol sampled many, many different religions looking for truth
  • The problem is, that man distorts religion and makes it his own and puts his stamp on it
  • The truth is a kernel in every religion of the world
    • God is real, Christ is real, Satan is real
      • Start there- if they don’t have these three truths, walk away.
    • Condemnation to Hell isn’t a truth.
    • Are there dogmas? Are they God’s laws or man’s laws?
      • If they serve to control, then walk away.



Hearing Animals

  • You’ll get your animal’s thoughts in your head
  • It’ll be simple, and accept it as your animal’s thoughts not your own
  • When you start, ask you dog if they’re hungry, or if they need to go outside
    • You speak verbally, and they’ll respond in your heads
  • There’s a law that was put into place after man fell from God to protect the animals… It says that animals aren’t supposed to communicate with humans
    • Animals don’t get in trouble, but with spiritual authority comes the permission to speak to animals



Exploring Past Lives

  • Kinesiology is the best way to find out past lives
    • If you have a place or a country you’re drawn to, finger test to find the answer
  • If you ever had dreams as a child where you were an adult in a different place, pay attention to those
    • Finger test about those
  • Listen from 1:10:00 to 1:15:00 to hear Carol talk about exploring past lives

12.5.2014 Session Notes

For the audio for the December 5th, 2014 NACC meeting, please click here.

Please click here for a PDF version


Hey- you! Have you started to Build Your Authority, yet?



  • Carol brought the HIV virus through a medium in the early years (1986-1987) of her spiritual work
  • The virus explained that it was manmade, that it had been on Earth before, and that its purpose was to teach all other viruses and bacteria how to change their DNA/RNA and how to mutate
    • The virus explained that there will be superbugs and super-viruses that would result out of the HIV teachings
  • Bacteria and viruses are all intelligent, but bacteria aren’t as smart as viruses
  • Carol is capable of putting HIV in stasis through prayer work



  • Carol uses this tool to tap into information
  • It’s the ability to touch into a photograph or writing sample (in ink) to obtain information about the subject
    • The subject can be a person or a place
    • It can’t be an abstract concept like a country, but she can tap into leaders (because they have authority over the country)
  • Psychometry involves “tuning into” the subject’s signature energy frequency and allowing yourself to become one with that energy frequency
  • It’s very helpful to control the rate at which you obtain psychic information
  • Sometimes, the person that Carol is “tapping into” will know that they’re being “tapped into”, but most of the time they aren’t aware of it
  • She’s not tapping into their subconscious, she’s experiencing things firsthand (as the person she’s tapping into)
    • She experiences and can recall minute details, like license plates, locations of hairs or other genetic material, and names
  • Carol also has the gift of being able to see past lives


Blood & Family Curses

  • They don’t necessarily activate at birth, but at an anniversary
  • The person to lay the curse is usually the last one to receive it


Money Matters

  • Carol’s guides have continued to advise her to stay out of the stock market
  • Roth IRA accounts are recommended for money management


Past Lives

  • If you have a strong obsession or drawing to a place or a time period, you had a past life there
  • If you have a strong aversion to a place or a time period, then you probably had a negative experience in your past life there
  • It’s also possible that you have a spirit attached to you from those places, so say the daily lifting to clear yourself
  • For information about releasing past-life traumas, please click here


Names of God

  • There are 72 names of God and 72 different emotions, each name correlating with a different emotion or attribute
  • Each name of God is a different attribute of God
  • Each name has a specific legion that has authority for that particular attribute
  • God didn’t create evil
    • Falling away from God created evil
    • Falling away from God results in becoming the complete opposite of what God intended that aspect to be
  • The more you evolve, the closer to God you become
  • God is simplicity. The complexity of God is that there are many Divine Beings who assist in His work


Knowledge brings Responsibility

  • You can’t play in the Dark and walk in the Light- you have to walk the walk.
  • You don’t need a third party (like a church) to get to God. You’re a child of God, and you have the right to go straight to source


How do you help create spiritual growth of the people around you?

  • You can’t- it’s their right to go in whatever direction they want to
  • It’s wrong to shove our belief systems down others throats
  • The best way for you to help another human being is by showing them an example and walk your talk
  • There are a whole lot of wannabes who will take your money and take you on a path that’s not to your highest good.
    • Sometimes, people have to walk a path that is “wrong” to teach them that it is “wrong”
  • You can say prayers for others
    • You can ask for their highest good, and that they be on their highest path for their most appropriate learning in the name of Jesus Christ
    • If you have their permission, you can do the daily lifting for them



  • If you’re ever given an opportunity and you’re unsure if it’s an opportunity from God or something sent by the dark side, you can say the following prayer
    • God, if this is appropriate for me, I ask that all be opened and that the path be opened for me. If this isn’t appropriate for me, I ask that this be shut down in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • If it’s too good to be true and it doesn’t feel right, shut those opportunities down.
  • If you have more than one opportunity and you’re having trouble deciding, you would say the following prayer:
    • God, I’m having trouble deciding which situation [name your possibilities] I should choose. I would ask that the path that’s to my highest good and to the highest good of all involved become clear. If I am supposed to do [option #1], I ask that all doors be opened to this situation and that all doors to [option #2] be closed. If I’m supposed to do [option #2], I ask that all doors be opened to this situation and all doors to [option #1] be closed. I ask this to be done in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.

11.7.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying notes for the November 7th, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

If you don’t ask for help, in this lifetime or on the other side, you won’t get it. You have to work for everything; you don’t truly learn anything until you experience it yourself.


There are no limitations in God.


Designed and Created by God

  • People lack self-esteem and self-worth
    • We tend to base it on how few mistakes we make, but this is wrong.
    • We are here to make mistakes!!! We learn through our mistakes!
      • Knowingly making mistakes is rebelling, so don’t do that
      • But you can ask your guides to show you where you’re making your mistakes!
        • “I would please ask my guides to show me where I’m making my mistakes. Please be obvious, and please be as gentle as possible. Thank you.”
      • If anyone has an issue with your life and mistakes, remember that it’s none of their business.
  • If we acknowledge that we are created and designed by God and are a part of God, yet still have low self-esteem and self-worth, what does that say about God?
  • God designed each of us individually, just like individual snowflakes
    • No two people are exactly alike, even twins
    • Even in the entire universe, God knows us individually, loves us individually, and has put into place an entire Spirit Community to aid us individually
  • God created us each as a perfect soul, without flaw
    • We incarnate over time, and it is our free will choice whether we go into the Light between incarnations.
      • If we incarnate from the Light, we choose our parents, our body, our lessons, and we put into place protective measures to ensure that we don’t skip our lessons and we learn what we need to learn.
        • You don’t meet your Guides until you incarnate, but you can ask for spiritual beings in Heaven to help you create your lessons. You have to know to ask for help on the other side, though.
        • Incarnating from the Light can still leave you with baggage if you set up lessons out of guilt and try to “overcorrect” the situations. God doesn’t choose our lessons, we do, and we are harsher on ourselves that God ever will be.
      • If you incarnate from the Outer Darkness, you don’t get these opportunities. You may be born into a crippled body or you may end up in the wrong gendered body.
      • Some incarnations are to experience certain situations that are advantageous to our growth.
        • To listen to Carol speak more on this, listen to Part One, from 19:00-22:00
    • We use our free will to make choices. Sometimes, they’re good choices. Sometimes, they’re choices that distort the perfect soul that God created
      • Free will and ego are constantly in battle and constantly trying to balance each other out
        • Ego isn’t created by God, it’s created by man
        • Most of the time, ego is very unhealthy
        • The majority of human beings have too much ego or a lack of ego; they either think too highly of themselves or not highly enough of themselves.
      • When we make mistakes, it usually takes several times for us to make a change.
        • We don’t want to realize that it was our mistakes


Growing When You Cross Over

  • There is spiritual help available to you if you ask for it
    • Ask the appropriate members of God’s Spirit Community, who have authority with what you need, to help you
      • Divine Spirits assist you in gently developing certain attributes. DO NOT just ask for these attributes, or you’ll be given tests to develop it.
        • Patience, wisdom, strength, knowledge, tolerance, maturity
      • Guides bring you help with what you ask for
        • Painting, psychology, mechanics, TV repair
      • Your guides bring you knowledge
      • Angels and their legions have specific purposes
        • Guardian angels, messenger angels, and Archangels all have specific purpose
      • There are opportunities for higher evolvement and higher spiritual learning
        • The absolute key to spiritual evolvement is just to ask
        • Your free will is to ask or not to ask
      • Religion teaches a lot of misinformation about what to expect when you pass, that you’ll be taken directly into Heaven or Hell depending on how you lived. This is just wrong.


Growing In This Lifetime

  • Then you can ask them to teach you. You don’t have to ask big questions, but you do have to get the ball rolling.



  • If people drain your energy, your best bet is to get a carnelian bracelet
  • If a person has the ability to reach out psychically to manipulate you, then you should visualize a door slamming. When you feel them reaching into you psychically, imagine a heavy metal garage door slamming between you and him or her, as hard as you can possibly imagine. They’ll stop messing with you.


The Demonic

  • The dark side is always there to discredit God, destroy faith, and isolate you from truth
  • The dark side will try to get you to take your protections off so that they can do whatever they want to you.
    • They’ll make your cross, pentagram, or Shaddai feel warm, itchy, uncomfortable
      • If the upside-down triangle on your silver Shaddai turns black, you’re under attack or you’re in danger. When you’re no longer under attack or in danger, it will turn silver again.
    • This means you’re in a dangerous place and you should leave immediately


Names of God

  • There are 72 names, and each name represents a different attribute of God
  • Each name of God has a legion of angels with specific authorities and jurisdictions
  • Shekinah is the female aspects of God
  • Shemhamfarash is the name that encompasses all 72 aspects of God
  • We don’t know the true name of God, so we also use “the Unknown Name of God”


God’s Spirit Community

  • The B’Nai Or are the 70 sects of the Great White Brotherhood
    • The B’Nai Or doesn’t remove beings, but they offer protection against negative universal entities


Portals & Vortexes (Part Two, 15:50 – 23:00)

  • Portals transport you from one place to another
    • It’s interdimensional and you can go between different times
    • Portals really do exist! They’re cool and you’re not crazy.
    • Disappearing Cemetery of Biloxi, Mississippi and the Palace at Versailles both have portals
  • Vortexes are spinning energy locations that expand and contract

10.17.2014 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the October 17th, 2014 NACC meeting, please click here.


Please click here for a PDF version



  • For a lot of the prayer formulas, you have to build authority
  • The daily lifting is the best way to build your authority
    • You have to get someone’s permission to say the Lifting for them
      • If you say it every day for someone else, it’ll only work for about two months. At that point, they have to take responsibility for themselves and say it themselves.
      • You can say it over your spouse for longer periods of time, because any attachments could affect you. Be sure to get their permission once a year so that it remains effective.
  • Having spiritual knowledge also builds authority
    • The more you know, the better you can help others
    • Carol gives us spiritual knowledge, but we have to work hard still!
  • Living a spiritual life builds authority
    • Have integrity and you do the very best you can with what you have
      • Don’t try to fix people – it’s a guaranteed trap
    • You don’t lie, cheat, steal, or do mean things
    • Authority makes a huge difference when saying the soul cleansing prayer
      • Without authority, you can only help institute and seal their soul into their body
      • With authority, you can ask the Band to take them into the Light and cleansed and then institute and seal their soul into their body
  • With authority, you earn the ability to do more and call upon more of God’s Spirit Community
    • Band of Mercy deals primarily with souls, but in extreme emergencies, they can take care of pretty much anything
    • Archangel Michael deals with the demonic
      • If you’re dealing with demonic possession, then it is best to do commanding, binding and blessing, and/or the house cleansing and blessing between 12 noon and 3:00 PM
        • Christ passed at 3 PM on the cross, and this is why the demonic is weakest at that hour
      • The weeks before and after Halloween are particularly active with the demon, as humans have given the demonic free reign during this time
        • Keep your Halloween festivities light-hearted, and you’ll be fine
        • Don’t play in cemeteries, or call upon the dead!
          • There’s a lot of confusion and anger in the spirits there (Part one, 21:30–24:00)
          • If you go to a cemetery, say the Lifting afterwards
          • You could say “Those of you who have found yourself alive without your body, God wants you to come home. Look for the bright white light.” Then, ask for the Band of Mercy to show them the Light and assist anyone who wants their help


  • 200 mg of selenium per day can offer protection against the Ebola virus


Dream States

  • We are weakened, on a soul level, in dream state because we’re not aware
  • We work through our psychological “junk” in dream state, and we don’t necessarily remember them
    • Alcoholics who drink heavily and pass out will develop shakiness and hallucinations because they’re in a waking dream state. They don’t go into dream state while asleep, so their brains figure out a way to make it happen.
  • It’s okay not to remember our dreams, but if we do remember them, we need to pay attention to them
    • There’s probably a good meaning for you
  • The dark side is notorious for taking advantage of dream state.
    • They will vex you as you’re going in and out of dream state
    • They can attack you in dream state
      • Seeing demons, pigs, black snakes, vampires, black hooded figures
      • If this happens, you need to learn how to command in dream state
        • “I command you to leave now in the name of Jesus Christ”
      • Prep yourself. Tell yourself “if I have a demonic dream, then I’ll command them out in the name of Jesus Christ”
      • It’s a test. Your guides are allowing you to be tested so that you’ll grow
    • The dark side are great teachers, however, as they show you your weaknesses
      • Tell them thank you!
  • Spirit can also come to us in dream state
    • Relatives can come visit
      • If they’ve gone into the Light
        • Sometimes it will be in a grey area, where you’re allowed to touch and talk
        • Sometimes it’ll be in a country area
        • They’ll look healthy, younger, and they’ll glow. They’ll look good.
      • If they haven’t gone into the Light, they’ll be in a really bad condition
        • The look terrible, they’re still sick, they’ll ask for help, and you don’t feel right about them
      • People can come ask for help
  • Prophetic dreams
    • Usually occur in groups of three, at least two
    • It’s a warning, and you can change it
      • You can change how they die if they show you how someone dies. Warn them not to get into that specific situation
      • You can’t change it if it’s a funeral or after a funeral. They’re preparing you for that person’s passing. If this happens, it’s best to say these prayers to help aid you and the person who is going to be in transition

9.5.2014 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the September 5th, 2014 NACC meeting, please click here.


 Please click here for a PDF version

Ghosts and spirits are HUMAN SOULS who are stuck. Say the daily lifting and pray them into the Light.


If you have a loved one who is passing, you can do prayer work to help them through the transition


Spiritual Gifts

  • We’re all gifted in one way or another
    • Try out lots of things that you’re drawn to figure out what you’re good at and what you’re not good at
      • If you’re not good at something, don’t let it rob you of your ego and your self-esteem
  • Spiritual gifts are like muscles. You have to trust them and use them in order to make them stronger.
    • If you have information, it’s your responsibility to get it to the right people.
    • Establish reliable communication with your guides
    • If you don’t use it, you lose it
    • You can expand on gifts by going in training
    • You can also pick up gifts from past lives when you travel to foreign countries
      • It activates parts of the soul and brings it to the surface
      • If you’re drawn to specific places, then GO! There’s something there for you to help you to evolve
      • Beware of dangers, and be aware of past life attachments and past life traumas. Also be aware of spirit attachments, and be sure to say the daily lifting
  • We come in with tangible gifts. These are the obvious ones that are noticeable on the physical plane.
    • We’ve earned these and excelled in these over our past lifetime(s)
    • These put us in the right circles that we need to be in to learn and grow in this lifetime
    • You’ll have an urging feeling or a drawing to whatever your gift is
      • It can trigger at different times in your life, usually on the anniversary of when you dealt with it in your past lives
    • Being a doctor, lawyer, or an artist is a gift.
      • Attorneys, doctors, and engineers think similarly
    • The ability to cook, and work with nature are both gifts
    • Child prodigies who excel in music, art, etc. have these gifts
  • We also come in with intangible gifts. These are psychic and intuitive abilities, and people often try to hide these gifts.
    • Discernment is a HUGE gift
      • Being able to detect a person’s true agenda, intent, and purpose
      • True discernment has nothing to do with judgment
        • Discernment involves just knowing about their agenda, judgment is putting your personal feelings into it
    • People often try to talk themselves out of their gut feeling
      • If you get a bad feeling about someone, acknowledge it and act accordingly.
        • Don’t give them your trust and walk away from the situation
    • Precognition is a gift from God
      • We know things before they’re going to happen, either a dream or a gut feeling
        • It’s usually a fleeting sense
      • If you have a dream that a bad situation is happening, this is a warning that you have a choice to make. You can choose not to put yourself in the situations where the bad thing was going to happen
    • Dreams that come true are gifts in that you can use the information to change the outcomes of specific situations
      • Changing small details will change the whole outcome
      • ALWAYS trust these
      • If you have a dream where you see a friend wearing a red shirt in a white car get into a car accident, you can warn that friend not to wear the red shirt in the white car
    • Red Flags are true warnings from God
      • If you trust the red flags, you’ll stay safe. If you go against the red flags, you’ll have problems
      • You’ll hear “stop”, “no”, nausea, a gripping in your solar plexus, or other very clear warning signs
    • Pivotals
      • Times in your life that you can choose to live or choose to die.
      • You’re always warned that it’s a pivotal
    • It’s a gift to be a student and it’s a gift to be a teacher
    • Being able to see spirits is a gift, but this doesn’t make you a medium


The Soul

  • We are the hologram of everything that we have been, everything that we are, and of God
  • All knowledge and all memory is within us, we just have to trigger it
  • “The Ghost Inside My Child” on television shows proof to the world that the soul is eternal



  • There are two types of anger, righteous anger and emotional based anger
  • Righteous anger is justified
    • Comes from the heart chakra up, and it comes on strong
    • If it comes with strength, it’s correct
    • It comes from “this is wrong”
    • You can trust this
  • Emotional-based anger is an overreaction that isn’t justified
    • It makes you shaky and makes you want to cry
    • You’ve had a button pushed, don’t give into this and don’t trust this
    • If it comes with emotion, it’s incorrect
    • A trigger from your childhood could be causing you to overreact now


Clearing Energy

  • Sage will help clear negative energies, but iodized table salt (can be mixed with water) will clear it better
  • Sage isn’t effective for the demonic, but iodized table salt is effective
    • Sandalwood is effective against the demonic
  • If you live near a battleground or a particularly spiritually active area, you can put into place a floating protected sanctuary



  • Exists in many levels
    • Each level is a different vibration
  • When you die, you’re trapped in that time level
    • If you die with a lot of other people, then you will all be on that same level
    • If you don’t die at the same time as others, you will be by yourself
  • There’s not a limit to the amount of time levels that can exist in one place
  • Leveling and rebuilding in the same location is dangerous because the older energy of a place can carry over into the new time level
    • Cairo, Rome, Atlanta (Georgia) have all done this


ISIS and Terror Groups

  • There are always lessons to be learned, and there has always been violence on the Earth plane
  • You can do prayer work to help with the situations
    • Ask for Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede on behalf of our country, if it is deemed appropriate
    • You can pray for the awareness and redemption of the people committing the acts of terror



  • If someone says “pray for me”, that gives you permission to do what you need to do
  • If a person in unable to give consent and a family member gives you permission to pray for them, then that gives you permission to do prayer work for them


Going through a Surgery

  • Get the Doctor’s name, where the surgery will be taking place (the address, floor, and room of the hospital), and the time of the surgery.
    • Ask the Band of Mercy to clear all doctors and nurses performing the surgery
    • Ask the Divine Spirits of Healing to be there to lessen pain and promote quick healing
    • Divine Spirits of Healing afterwards to assure that the person heals and is whole, and in the state that God intended thee to be
    • Ask the Band of Mercy to clear the person of whatever might have attached to them



  • There are devas of everything
  • If you pray to the Legion of Pan for help from devas, the prayer is effective for 24 hours.
    • I would please ask the Legion of Pan to ask the deva of ___ to do whatever they need to do to protect my house and family in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.