Category Archives: General Information

A Quick Word…

I would please ask for everyone to pray for Israel and all the people of Israel. I would ask for you to do the following special prayer to bring into effect Divine Spirits of Justice.

I would please ask for Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede for Israel for egregious acts in whatever way God deems appropriate. I ask for this to be done in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and my One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit and I thank thee.

Hello all! We are sorry to announce that due to inclement weather, Carol will not be doing a LIVE this Friday. Her next LIVE is scheduled for March 7, 2025. See you then!



ZINC and Vitamin D help to ward off viruses.

GREEN CHARTREUSE LIQUEUR IS AN ALCOHOLIC LIQUEUR MADE OF 150 HERBS BY MONKS IN France that helps to curb viruses. You only need one ounce upon beginning symptoms. Sip slowly.

NOTE for COVID-19 VIRUS: If you are symptomatic, 1 cup of tonic water every hour seems to be helpful, and if appropriate you may ask to your doctor about taking a z-pack.

PRAYER (formula): I would please ask the Legion of Pan to remove from me all negative viruses, bacteria, parasites and nano parasites, their seeds, eggs, particles, residue and young and take them into the light, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee. (You may say this once a day.)

PRAYER (formula): I would please ask the ET Band of Mercy to remove from me all negative viruses, bacteria, parasites and nano parasites, their seeds, eggs, particles, residue and young and take them into the light, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee. (You may say this once a day.)

If you currently have COVID or have recovered from COVID, this prayer (formula) may help:

I would please ask the Dimensional/Interdimensional Band of Mercy to please remove all transmutational vermin and place them in appropriate protected dimensional/interdimensional sanctuary now, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Click here to print the above information.


Remember fear comes from the dark side, not from God. Fear can overwhelm you and bind you in place, and remove free will choice. Accept the Light of Christ into your heart. Then there will be no more room for fear. God will always prevail.

Love & Light,
Carol Pate





The Lord’s Prayer

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Most of us are familiar with the Lord’s Prayer, as it is spoken in churches frequently. But, as with all traditions that have been passed down through generations, it has undergone significant transformation from the original version. Jesus spoke first-century Aramaic, and the Bible has been translated through many languages and edited by many religious leaders. While the heart of God’s word remains in the Bible, literal word-for-word interpretations can become quite tricky, as meaning and context can be “lost in translation”. With the Lord’s Prayer, the direct translation from ancient Aramaic reflects a far more spiritual nature than what is often recited today. Below is a translation from Aramaic, and was accessed at


The Prayer To Our Father

Bolded words indicate first-century Aramaic; italicized words indicate the most direct translation into English


“Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes,


who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.

Nethkâdasch schmach

May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.

Têtê malkuthach.

Your Heavenly Domain approaches.

Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d’bwaschmâja af b’arha.

Let Your will come true – in the universe (all that vibrates)

just as on earth (that is material and dense).

Hawvlân lachma d’sûnkanân jaomâna.

Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,

Waschboklân chaubên wachtahên aikâna

daf chnân schwoken l’chaijabên.

detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma)

like we let go the guilt of others.

Wela tachlân l’nesjuna

Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations),

ela patzân min bischa.

but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.

Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l’ahlâm almîn.

From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act,

the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.


Sealed in trust, faith and truth.

(I confirm with my entire being)

Negative Thought Forms

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We often create negative thought forms without even realizing it! Unfortunately, we can unknowingly create problems for ourselves! To hear Carol speak about negative thought forms, please click here to listen to the audio recording of the 3.20.2015 NACC Meeting!


To remove negative thought forms, you should use the following formulae.

This prayer should be used the first time only


Energy and consciousness of all negative thought forms that I have created and sent, knowingly and unknowingly, and all negative thought forms that have been sent to me, knowingly and unknowingly, from all past lives through present, I call thee forth through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

Energy and consciousness of all negative thought forms that I have created and sent, knowingly and unknowingly, and all negative thought forms that have been sent to me, knowingly and unknowingly, from all past lives through present, I call thee forth through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Release, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and be no more.

Use this version of the prayer after the first time. Carol recommends doing this once a week.


Energy and consciousness of all negative thought forms that I have created and sent, knowingly and unknowingly, and all negative thought forms that have been sent to me, knowingly and unknowingly, I call thee forth through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

Energy and consciousness of all negative thought forms that I have created and sent, knowingly and unknowingly, and all negative thought forms that have been sent to me, knowingly and unknowingly, I call thee forth through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

I release thee and unbind thee, turn thee from negative to positive, dissolve and disperse thee, and return thee back to God through the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Release, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and be no more.

Travel Protections

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When traveling, it’s wise to use the following prayers to help ensure that your journey is as safe and stress-free as is possible! You’re allowing your Guardian Angel and/or Archangel Raphael (who is the archangel of traveling) and his legions to intercede should the need arise! It is also wise to say the Daily Lifting on a daily basis, and to also ask the Band of Mercy to clear any planes, boats, trains, and cars of any method you use in your travels; since your well-being is directly impacted by their actions, you can also clear the pilots, conductors, captains, and/or taxi drivers who are responsible for your travel.

I give my Guardian Angel permission to do whatever they deem appropriate to protect me while I’m traveling to (location), while I’m in (location), and on my way home from (location) in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

I would please ask Archangel Raphael and his legions to protect me in whatever ways are deemed appropriate while I’m traveling to (location), while I’m in (location), and on my way home from (location) in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Aura, Chakra, and Color Information

Your aura is the electromagnetic energy field that emanates from the seven major chakras located in the physical body. There are 7 major chakras and 21 minor chakras in the physical body, and there are chakras located outside of the physical body that connect us to God. For our purposes, we will focus on the 7 major chakras in the physical body and one outside of the physical body, which is known as the 8th chakra.

Each chakra resonates at a specific energy frequency and has a specific color associated with it. The color of your aura indicates the chakra that you’re working with primarily, and can thus give a lot of information about a person. Aura colors should be clear, pastel colors (think baby colors); murky colors of the aura indicate problems and/or negative characteristics. For more information about the colors of chakras and auras, please consult the aura, chakra, and color chart. There are also some unusual aura colors & situations that are outlined.


Chakra Locations

Chakras are vortexes of energy that are located along the spine. The chakras traverse the sagittal plane (the line that divides the body in left and right halves), so the chakra is located on both the front and back of the body.

The root chakra (1st chakra) is located at the pubic bone (on the front of the body) and at the tailbone (on the back of the body).

The sacral chakra (2nd chakra) is located two inches below the belly button (on the front of the body) and two inches above the tailbone (on the back of the body).

The solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra) is located one palm’s distance above your belly button (on the front of the body) and at the bra line (on the back of the body).

The heart chakra (4th chakra) is located in the center of the chest (on the front of the body) and between the shoulder blades (on the back of the body).

The throat chakra (5th chakra) is located in the Adam’s apple region of the neck (on the front of the body) and where the neck meets the shoulders (in the back of the body).

The third eye chakra (6th chakra) is located in the middle of the forehead (on the front of the body) and at the base of the skull (on the back of the body).

The crown chakra (7th chakra) is located on the top of the head.

The 8th chakra is located two inches above the crown chakra.

Jesus Christ: His Sacrifice & Our Redemption

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Information about Jesus was given to Carol through her Guides and verified via the Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty. And in Jesus Christ His only (begotten) Son our Lord, who was born of the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary; crucified under Pontius Pilate, and buried; the third day He rose from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father, from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. And in the Holy Ghost; the holy Church; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; (the life everlasting).

Old Roman Form of the Apostles’ Creed, the oldest known version


Jesus Christ was not God, and He taught that we are all children of God. He spoke often of His Father, God, and made a clear distinction between God and Himself. The Holy Trinity exists; there is God, there are the Holy Spirits (who were left behind by Christ after His death to be our teachers and our comforters), and there is Christ.


Jesus Christ doesn’t equal religion. Where religion is concerned, you have man’s concept of what and who God is; Christ didn’t have a Church, Christ taught for us to connect and to work like He did, not to go to another human being for God. Christ did know His purpose and His mission, which was to be the Redeemer. Not the Messiah, per se, but the Redeemer. He had to show the power of God through His actions, such as His healing work, and raising the dead. He showed that God could work through man, and He taught others to do the same. Christ taught that all races, sexes, and creeds are equal in God’s eyes; none are greater, none are lesser. Christ often got frustrated with His disciples because they didn’t seem to understand that they could do the same things He did (healing work, miracles, etc.); His disciples lacked self-worth, because the dark side stole it from them. Christ taught how to stop the demonic by casting them out and showing that God had domain even over fallen angels. Through Christ’s name, we too have power over the demonic.


Jesus went through the Baptism to show others a way to be freed of their sins. At Passover, Christ was teaching His disciples what He was going to do: He was going to sacrifice His body and His blood for all of mankind. In the Garden of Gethsemane, He pled with God to relieve Him of His burden, knowing that He had to do it of His own free will. Christ gave Himself over to the dark side 100%, so that they could do whatever they wanted to do to Him. He knew that He could call upon God’s Spirit Community to aid him but He didn’t, He remained silent, and this sacrifice gave Him the right to enter Hell. Upon Crucifixion, Christ’s soul was taken to the depths of Hell for 3 days, where He faced Satan and freed all souls. After freeing the souls, Christ created the tunnel of Light that allowed anyone, anywhere to accept Him and His Light and be with God. Before Christ, no man was allowed to enter Heaven; even the most righteous men were bound into the Outer Darkness. After His 3 days in Hell, He returned to His body on the physical plane. He told Mary Magdalene not to touch Him, because He was unclean and had yet to be cleansed after His time in Hell. During this time, He taught for 40 days until He ascended into Heaven. In South America, Mexico, Latin Americas, there is information about Christ’s teachings. They spoke of a white, bearded man, believed to be Jesus during the timeframe of the Pentecost.


Jesus wasn’t the only master to live on Earth, but He was the only master to allow for Redemption and to overcome the demonic. Christ gave His life so that ALL could be redeemed back to God, so long as they accept Christ. Redemption requires no belief system; it’s available for all of us. Romans 11:23 states that even the demonic “will be grafted in again as soon as they abandon their unbelief. God is well able to graft them in again.”


There is power in Christ because of the Blood of the crucifixion. If you encounter the demonic and show them a wooden, iron, or silver cross, they will flee. Wooden cross, because of the wood of the cross of the crucifixion; silver cross because of the 30 pieces of silver given to Judas to betray Jesus (Judas was bound to betray Jesus, and He played a crucial part in the Redemption process.); iron because of the iron nails used to affix Jesus to the cross. The cross and the crucifix will both work equally as well.


You must pray your prayers in the name of Jesus Christ for them to be effective.

You Can Manifest Anything

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If you want or need a cushion in your bank account, or you want to go on a trip, or you need anything, you simply ask God for it. You just have to decide what you want (with money, $10,000 is a good starting amount) and state the following:


I would please ask for a $10,000 cushion to come to me, through no harm to myself or anyone involved, to the highest good of all involved, and I thank thee.


It’s important to get out of your own way… You cannot doubt it when you’re stating this! Don’t worry about how it is going to happen or how you will receive it. When you ask God for a blessing, whatever that blessing is, you cannot give it away, because giving away your blessings shows that you feel unworthy of them; all blessings will immediately stop, and those already given may disappear.


Be aware that blessings take about 2 months to come in. At that time you can increase it, but again you can’t give it away. Always remember that you can’t ever put a blessing before God.

Surgery Prayers

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Anesthesia leaves us wide open spiritually, but there are times in our lives when going under general anesthesia is medically necessary. Should you find yourself or a loved one in this situation, it is wise to say the following prayers.


Make sure to get the doctor’s name, the time of the procedure, and the address (floor and room if at all possible) of where the procedure will be taking place. If you’re praying for a friend or loved one, make sure to obtain their permission (if they are unable to give permission, then the closest relative- by blood or marriage- can give permission). If they’re under 13, you’ll need to obtain a parent’s permission.


It would be wise to say the daily lifting over yourself or the patient on a daily basis while you/they are on pain medication.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to please clear all doctors and nurses, including (doctor’s name, anesthesiologist’s name, and any other names that you have) who will be performing my (or the name of whoever you’re praying for) procedure that will be taking place at (time of procedure) at (location of procedure), and take whatever was attached to them into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


I would please ask the Divine Spirits of Healing to be with myself (or with whomever you’re praying for) during the procedure to lessen pain and promote quick healing, and after the procedure to ensure that I (or they) heals and is whole and in the state that God originally intended thee to be. I ask this to be done in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


I would please ask the Band of Mercy to please clear myself (or the name and location of the person you’re praying for) after the procedure of whatever might have attached to me (them), and either take them directly into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


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Suicides, even medically assisted suicides, are considered self-murder. Suicide breaks spiritual law and can cause you to be bound to the Earth plane for a specific period of time (usually until it is your natural time to go).

It’s very important to note that suicide is NOT a mental illness. Presenting suicide as a mental illness suggests that, if a parent or relative commits suicide, then there is a hereditary component in your DNA and that you are condemned to commit suicide as well. This is false. Chemicals, food allergies, bad programming from childhood, bullying, low self-esteem, painful mental and emotional ordeals, physical trauma can all contribute to a state of depression that leads to suicide. Spirit possession and demonic attack can lead to suicide as well, because the voices in the person’s head will tell them to end it, end their pain, or kill themselves.

If someone you love has committed suicide, you should first pray them into the Light using the following formula:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to locate (name of loved one) who lived at (street address, city, and state of loved one). 

I would ask for spirit healers and loved ones to be brought forth for (him/her) and if (he/she) is willing be taken directly into the Light. If (he/she) is not willing I would ask that (he/she) be placed in the appropriate sanctuary and that the teachers and loved ones be allowed to work with (him/her) until (he/she) is prepared to go into the Light.

If this is deemed appropriate I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


You should then say this prayer, as a means of removing the legacy of suicide from yourself. This can also be useful, in conjunction with the Daily Lifting, if you have ever experienced suicidal thoughts.

I would please ask Archangel Michael and his legions to remove any demons of suicide and the legacy of suicide from myself and my family (or the name and address of the person you have permission to pray for) now and place them into appropriate protected sanctuary in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Stones & Gems

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This list is by no means exhaustive but meant for a general reference.


Stones & Gems

This list is of stones with which Carol has worked. Stones are tools from God to help humans.

Abalone: brings in flow to help you flow with situations and gives you more flexibility on an emotional level.

African Turquoise: brings healing of mind, body, and spirit. African turquoise works particularly well in healing the emotional body, which in turn heals physical body.

Amazonite: brings peacefulness; helps to sooth the soul when frustration hits; and eases problematic situations for better understanding and clarity.

Amethyst: aids in higher spiritual connectedness.

Ammonite: helps to magnify psychic abilities and brings wisdom.

Andalusite (Chiastolite): offers protection from all negative energies, especially in crowds.

Angelite: brings peaceful bliss.

Apple Jasper: blood purifier, especially blood flowing through the lungs and liver.

Apple Green Jasper: has been known to help stimulate the thymus gland if worn around throat area. Red labradorite will enhance it. It doesn’t want to be stored in plastic. It likes granite. It is a positive stone and makes you feel happy.

Aqua Terra Agate: enhance life’s flow, the flow of joy throughout the day. Enhanced by white or blue opal. Onyx negates it and causes it to be ineffective.

Artic Blue Impression Jasper: brings joy into a dreary life, bring up endorphins, and stimulate movement in the body. Good for exercise and athletes. 

Aventurine – green: brings prosperity

Azurite: balances out the emotional systems. Historically, azurite has been known to help with certain types of mental imbalances, such as Bipolar Disorder.

Black Druzy: helps bring content when alone to whomever uses or wears the stone.

Black Cinnabar: has been known to help to clear bronchi when below the neck but above the breast. 

Black Labradorite: intensifies vibration and strengthens character and foundation.

Black Tourmaline: helps heal traumas from past and present lives, when placed on the Sacral (2nd) Chakra.

Bloodstone: historically known to aid the circulatory system with issues such as heart attacks and high blood pressure.

Boji Stones: come in pairs with male, which feels rough to the touch, and female, feels smooth, and there is a light magnetism between the stones. These stones open the owner to aid in communication with nature. Stones should always be worked together with the male in the left hand and the female in the right hand.

Blue Goldstone: has been known to be helpful with depression and works by helping to pull you out of the “midnight of the soul”.

Brown Goldstone: helps stop internal shakiness and has been known historically to help with mild tremors. 

Brown Obsidian: enhances physical and emotional growth, stimulates the mind and brain activity, and brings balance into effect. 

Brown Mother of Pearl: helps with flow, strength, invigoration, brings a resistance of negativity and isolation, lifts the intellect, clears thinking and resolve, and opens you up on social levels, also brings into effect deep understanding of all things.

Byzmuth Geodes: synchronizes your way of thinking and helps to put you back in synchronicity and helps synchronize and restore frequency. 

Caribbean Blue Druzy: purifies and helps with communication, emotional stabilizer, releases negativity especially with the throat (5th) chakra, brings peacefulness and calming influences, and helps in releasing old resentments.

Carnelian: must be worn on the non-dominate wrist with beads touching. It protects you from losing your energy to people who drain you, which when worn allows sensitive people to go out in crowds without feeling drained and exhausted after. When worn with obsidian, it creates a synergy that is a stronger protection against energy loss. 

Carnelian (Dark red/black): contains the energies and keep them in their perfect flow and redistribute electrical flow when out of balance. 

Citrine: brings balance to the physical, mental, and emotional bodies and is particularly helpful when placed on the Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra. 

Cobalt Impression Jasper: enhances logic and logical thinking and any other stones which deal with logic. Good for teachers, psychologists, mathematicians, and people who work in logical fields. Enhances stones that deal with emotions by helping you deal with the situation with logic which can enhance by leveling out the emotions.

Coral: helps bring strength and flow

Dalmatian Jasper: helps to transmit, receive, and understand information and should be worn close to heart charka. Yellow labradorite enhances. Don’t store in hard plastic.

Desert Spirit Stone: tunes communication on higher level, brings forth unseen knowledge, and sharpens intuition.

Dragon Blood Jasper: helps to correct and rebalance hormones and restore hormones dealing with the ovaries, therefore can help with menopause and hot flashes and could possibly help you get pregnant. Has been known to help dealing the spiritual and emotional aspects of sexual trauma such as rape, abuse, incest, and abortion. Could be used with black tourmaline to increase the removal of any type of sexual trauma present or past life. The black tourmaline must be placed on the sacral chakra (next up from root chakra) by itself with dragon’s blood jasper on a different part of body, not on chakras.

Dragon Stone: gives sanity, sense of self-worth, sensibility, and helps you become proactive in your life; heightens awareness; brings tranquility from the peacefulness you get from your sense of self-worth; and helps communication. 

Druzy: are basically the inside of a geode, and help bring energy to the wearer. 

Elite Shungite: helps to ease pain. In raw form, you must use two stones to complete the circuit, or one cut pyramid shaped stone. It also purifies water. 

Fluorite: helps with healing overall and magnifies all other stones dealing with healing, such as jaspers, by creating a synergy. 

Garnet: helps with mental focus on a specific task, especially studying and tests.

Golden Labradorite (Bytownite): magnifies any stones you pair with it.

Golden Pyrite (Fool’s Gold): brings chaos. Not necessarily a stone to use on its own. Might benefit perfectionists to bring into effect balance and may also help people with OCD.

Gray and White Banded Agate: enhances chakras when it is placed on the chakra. Makes them brighter. Known to help back pain through the chakras by placing on the sacral chakra. It likes cold storage, not hot.

Green Goldstone: brings passion back to the heart; passion for life, passion for everything. 

Green Obsidian: helps to on all levels and aspects; bring serenity, peace and harmony; release judgment; and bring integrity and optimism.

Green Tree Jasper: helps lightens the heart, make for better flow, and reduce tension; helps to spice up life and awaken interest; helps to move forward in life. Good for 2nd year widow(ers).

Hematite: helps ground and balance the physical body and promotes overall health and is a naturally magnetic stone. If you have ever gone to a rock and gem show and experienced overwhelming energies from the stones, wear hematite jewelry or keep a single stone on your person, and it will keep you protected and in balance.

Hiddenite: helps bring up both physical and emotional immunity system and helps immunity across the board seemingly by working like shield and also heightens awareness. 

Impression Jasper: helps in manifesting what you need if you don’t get in your own way. Internal blockages such as bad programs can negate it. (Ex. – negative beliefs given by parents, siblings, etc, that you carried forward from childhood into adulthood.) Remember manifesting can be positive and/or negative so be aware. 

Jade: brings peace and tranquility and helps to heal a broken heart. Good for loss of a loved one. Good for 1styear widow(ers). 

Kyanite: aids in telepathy.

Labradorite: brings out positive aggressiveness for the wearer when worn mid chest, over the heart chakra and must be worn in this position to be effective. You DO NOT need this stone, nor should you wear or handle it if you already have positive aggressiveness or aggressiveness of any type. It could actually harm you and/or harm the stone. 

Lapis Lazuli: promotes universal connectedness. 

Lepidolite: aids in transitions. Creates a synergy with pink tourmaline to help ease transition and bring strength during transitions.

Malachite: brings forth bounty and fruitfulness.

Mardi Gras (mixed Impression) Jasper: helps to embrace life and the moment; seize the opportunity; and not hesitate or procrastinate. Don’t wear it in the water. As each stone is a little different in color combinations, the more blues helps in seizing life, the up part, whereas the more reds detour procrastination. 

Metallic Peacock Agate: can be incorporated with other healing stones to amp up the healing.

Mexican Obsidian: invokes earth energies. Good for farmers and household planting and gardening. Enhanced by red labradorite, should not be worn or stored with onyx, and likes to be stored in a natural substance such as wood or rock.

Midnight Blue Impression Jasper w/Bronzite: makes you realize your ambition and pushes self-confidence and self-expression.

Moldavite: is created when a meteor strikes the earth’s surface. It helps open the Third Eye (6th) Chakra

 Moonstone: brings you to a greater level of connectedness with God by opening your 8th Chakra, when placed on the 8th Chakra which is about 2 inches above the Crown Chakra at the top of the head.

Mother of Pearl: brings abundance and wealth and soothes troubled minds.

 Mystic Topaz: strengthens the auric fields, strengthens equalizer and a good balancer on all levels.

 Nuummite: expels negativity, helps to recenter, releases negative programs which stop evolvement, protects against darkness so it can’t stay, deletes darkness. If you are dealing with a traumatic dark event such as a murder or suicide, placing the stone on your heart chakra may help to alleviate the darkness you are feeling. Combining it with wearing angelite may help even more.

 Obsidian: helps open psychic channels. Creates a synergy with carnelian that strengthens protection against energy loss.

 Olive Jade:  clears and cleans the heart of all deception and stops the jaded heart. Good for a breakup.

 Onyx: helps protect from negative energies.

 Opalite: soothes the wearer, restores vigor, and helps release nervous energy while giving back positive energy.

 Petrified Wood: helps to ease arthritic pain.

 Petrified Wood w/Agate: has been known to help alleviate inflammation and corrects the joints back to where they once were, therefore helping with arthritis.

 Pink Opal: helps to tone down and soothe emotions for hot tempered, hot blooded, emotional people.

 Prehnite: is an “elite” stone which helps clarify and purify the essences of the auric, emotional, physical, and mental bodies; heightens overall frequency; and helps heal your mind of burdens.

Quartz Crystals: magnify energy, are capable of holding an extraordinary amount of information and energy, and are programmable but must be cleansed first.

 Red Creek Jasper: helps with intestines by balancing the acid in the stomach and intestines.

 Red Granite: strengthens the heart chakra.

 Red Jasper: historically known as a cleanser and a filter for blood and the liver and can be used for blood and liver issues. Onyx negates it, and red goldstone enhances it.

Red Jasper w/Pyrite: historically known to cleanse the body and the blood as a purifier and detoxifier of blood, helps balance red and white blood cells, and is known to help with blood cancers such as leukemia.

Red Zincite: unblocks and opens the root chakra and opens up sexuality and passion.

 Rose Quartz: vibrates at the energy of love and historically has shown to be useful in healing the lungs and to work for chest cold, etc.

 Ruby in Zoisite: historically, ruby-in-zoisite has been known to help with sugar diabetes. For best results, place the stone directly over the pancreatic region.

Sandalwood: repels the demonic. They don’t like the smell of it.

Sage Artistic Stone: Illuminates (to enlighten spiritually or intellectually), creates understanding and opens you for knowledge and understanding knowledge.

Selenite: (Satin Selenite or Satin Spar) historically known to remove muscle soreness.

Shiva Lingam: helps the owner “go with the flow”.

Snowflake Obsidian: protects your aura from outside negative energies which have been directed towards you, including black magic.

Smoky Quartz: helps protect you from negative energies and is also helpful in unblocking the chakras safely and naturally.

Sunstone: brings strength and balance.

Tanzanite: gives you intense mental and physical focus allowing you to speed through tasks. It will help you to clean and organize quickly by wearing a ring on each hand.

 Tiger Eye: helps to strengthen will and character.

 Watermelon Tourmaline: historically has been known to aid with the healing of cancer, although it will not cure the cancer.

White Agate: refreshes and helps to restore new ideas, new concepts, eases the mind and opens it to other dimensions. Wear on non-dominate wrist. It likes water.

White Druzy: helps you spring back to life such as when you have dulled down or overburdened for a long period of time, ex. – long term caregiver.

 White Howlite:  connectivity to God.

 Yellow Jasper: known as the “traveler’s stone”, has historically been known to ease stomach and bowel problems and may help to regulate bowels and their issues you may have, especially when traveling and away from your daily routine.

Names of God

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There are a total of 72 Names of God (all in Hebrew) and each name of God has legions of angels that have authority over different things. Carol was given the names directly through her work and was able to verify these names through the Keys of Enoch and the Dictionary of Angels.


The following is a partial list of the Names of God that we call upon frequently in various prayer formulas, and their meanings.


Adonai (Ad – Doe- Nye): Hebrew. “My Lord”; another name for God in the Old Testament


Adonijah (Add – Doe – Nuh – Jah): Hebrew. “Jehovah is Lord”


Ain Soph (En- Soff): Hebrew. The Boundless Substance of God”; supreme, invisible, unimaginable creator of the universe; the limitless Light


El Elohey Israel (El – El – Oh – Hay – Is – Ray-El): Hebrew. “God, God of Israel”


El-Jarr (El – Jar):Hebrew. God. Jehovah.


El Shaddai (El – Shah – Dye): Hebrew. “God Almighty”


Elohim (El – Oh – Hame): Hebrew. Derives from the female “eloh” and the male “im” for God. Has been used in parts of the Old Testament


Jehovah (Je – Ho – Vah): Hebrew. Means “the eternal One” or “Revealed Name”


Kadesh Ha-Shem (Kuh – Dish – Hah – Shem): Hebrew. “Consecrated Name”


Shaddai (Shah – Dye): Hebrew. “God Almighty”


Shamish (Shah – Mish): Akkadian. “The Shining One who Lights Up Heaven and Earth”


Shekinah (Shek – in – ah): Hebrew. Literally means “to reside”. The female manifestation of God.


Shemhamfarash (Shem – Ham – Fer – Ah – Sh): Hebrew. The Title given to the 72 names of God. This name of God has authority over all ten dimensions of the Earth plane


Yahweh (Ya – Way): Hebrew. God.

Glossary of Terms

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Adam Kadmon: Origin race name for mankind.


Celestial: Not of this Earth.


Curses, Spells, Conjurations, Hexes, Fixes, and Damnations: To bind and conjure against the free will of nature spirits, elementals, devas, human spirits, and demonic entities, in order to control them so that they can create havoc, devastation, and manipulation against an others free will in any situation surrounding them. (Such as relationships, businesses, etc.)


Demons: Fallen angels and archangels. When they fall from God, they become the exact opposite of what they once were. Creator angels become destroyer angels, and angels of love become angels of hatred.


Devas: Angelic guardians of every specie of nature spirits and elementals.


Dimensional: Any being from one of the dimensions surrounding this Earth.


Elemental: Minerals and all the elements, which are air, fire, water, and earth.


Enochians: Fallen Holy Sephiroths.  Sephiroths are the Ten Emanations or attributes of God, (Creator Archetypes).


Human soul: ghost, spirit, soul; all various names for the human species in or out of body.  Should not be confused with “entity” which is not human.


Inter-dimensional entities and energies: entities and energies that are capable of moving between and through dimensions.


Nature Spirits: plants, insects and all forms of animal life, including viruses and bacteria.


Negative Energies and Influences: These can be residue from traumatic events, such as battles, murders, suicides, etc.


Negative Entities: Any being that has been perverted that is not human.


Origin: Our original form as made by God.


Servants of Satan: A human spirit that has been bound to Satan through its own free will. They believe they are a demon or a demon in training. You must call upon the Glory Band of Mercy to remove them


Sons of Darkness: There are many different species. They are alien beings that come from a dark area of the universe that is totally negative. They can appear in a physical form as well as spirit.


Terrestrial: Of this Earth.


Thought Forms: Thoughts produce tremendous amounts of energy, which, through concentration, can be given form and directed it to another person, place, or thing.


Unclean Human Spirit: these are human spirits that are Earthbound, or trapped in the Outer Darkness (the 4th dimension)


Universal Entities and Energies: Extraterrestrials from outside our galaxy, but within our universe.


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Enochians (E-Noch-You-Ins) are fallen Holy Sephiroths that were bound and perverted, against their will. This was done through the misuse of the magic of the Keys of Enoch by ancient priests, primarily Atlantean and Egyptian. The Keys of Enoch were turned into what is now known as Enochian magic, which goes against God. Holy Sephiroths are creator angels, so fallen Holy Sephiroths (Enochians) are focused on destruction. Because of their high nature, Enochian entities will not be removed by the daily lifting.


Enochian infestations can sometimes begin with the arrival a black egg that cracks open and glows red, although this will not always be seen.


The physical symptoms of an Enochian attack are as follows. You do not have to experience all of the symptoms for it to be an Enochian attack, but the symptoms can range anywhere from headaches to (what appears to be) spinal meningitis. If you experience a headache similar to what is described below, it is wise to use the prayer formula as soon as possible.

  • A band, 2 inches wide, located above the eyes, above the ears, all the way around the head will appear and begin to tighten. Headaches will begin.
  • This headache will create electrical nerve pain that shoots down the back of the neck into the shoulders.
  • A high fever can develop, 103-105*F is common.
  • All of the symptoms of spinal meningitis can present, including convulsions
  • Death can occur


To remove an Enochian, use the following formula. After using this formula, all symptoms will be instantly gone.

I would please ask the Archangel Raphael and his legions to remove all Enochians and their residue from me now, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and place them into appropriate protected sanctuary, and I thank thee.

After using the Enochian formula, you state the following out loud so that they cannot and will not return:

All Enochians I have bound, knowingly and unknowingly, from all past lives through present, I ask for forgiveness, and in turn, I forgive all Enochians, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Emergency Situations

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Whether we like it or not, we can sometimes find ourselves in emergency situations. Knowing how to respond to these situations is absolutely vital, and the information outlined below is a great place to start.

The Band of Mercy

The Band of Mercy is composed of those souls who were once Earthbound, and who have donated their time in the Light to help others in similar situations. In extreme emergencies, when you are only able to call upon the Band of Mercy, they have the authority to remove demonic entities. For all non-emergency situations involving the demonic, you would refer to Archangel Michael and his legions.

If you are suddenly hit with sadness, anxiety, or any emotions or thoughts that are not yours, you should call upon the Band of Mercy as follows:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to remove whatever is attached to me now in the name of Jesus Christ and do whatever they deem necessary with them and I thank thee.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael and his legions have absolute authority over the demonic. If you see dark figures, or you feel afraid, or you feel that your situation is demonic, you should call upon Archangel Michael and his legions.

I would please ask the Archangel Michael and his Legions to remove all demonic entities, energies and influences, that are affecting, influencing or attached to me and all I have domain over now, in the name of Jesus Christ and place them into the appropriate protected sanctuary and I thank thee.

Commanding in the name of Jesus Christ

If you are being pestered by the demonic, if you have intruding thoughts, or if you feel irrationally afraid, it’s best to command whatever is bothering you out using the following formula

I command thee to leave now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Silver, Mirrored Egg

A mirrored egg works as a reflective barrier when you are being sent negative energy.

To use, you should visualize a silver, mirrored egg that totally encompasses you. There should be Christed white light inside, and the outside should be mirrored on the outside. If you’re not the best at visualization, you can use the following prayer:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a silver, mirrored egg around myself that is mirrored on the outside, and filled with Christed light and Christed truth, and I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

This lasts 12 hours.

If somebody is sending you witchcraft, like curses, spells or conjurations, or even just really negative directed thoughts, you can place them in an egg that is filled with Christed light and is mirrored on the inside and outside. This will turn their witchcraft on them, which tends to be a good lesson for them. This also lasts 12 hours.

Pink Bubble

A pink bubble is effective for toxic, negative, mean people in your life. It might be an over demanding boss, a friend with a bad temper, a bullying spouse or a coworker who constantly undermines you. It can also help deter an impending argument if you use it quickly enough. Pink is the color of pure love, and will calm someone down if you place him or her in it. You do not have to have their permission to place them inside a pink bubble.

To use, you should visualize a light pink bubble completely surrounding the person in question. Bubblegum and cotton candy pink are good colors to keep in mind during this visualization. If you’re not the best at visualization, you can use the following prayer:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a bubblegum pink bubble around (the person in question) now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

This lasts 12 hours.

Golden Bubble

Golden bubbles tend to make you less noticeable to those around you. People tend to avert the energy, and this can protect you in potentially unsafe areas, and can protect your home and property while you are gone.

To use, you should visualize a subdued golden bubble completely surrounding you (or your home and property). Don’t think about shiny gold, as shiny gold will actually draw attention to you. If you’re not the best at visualization, you can use the following prayer:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to put into place a subdued golden bubble around myself (or my home and property) now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

This lasts 12 hours.

Divine Spirits of Justice

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It is very important not to use this prayer lightly, and without great thought and consideration. If you are in the wrong in the situation and ask for Divine Spirits of Justice to intervene, this prayer may affect you more than the other party.

If this is a legal situation, it is helpful to provide the names and addresses of the attorneys, the other party, the judge, and the address and time of the court proceeding with as much detail as possible where the name and address fits into the formula.

I would please ask Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede and intervene for me with (name, street address, city, and state of person or situation) to do whatever they deem appropriate now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

If the person in question has committed egregious acts, out of pure spite and meanness, it is appropriate to include the phrase “due to egregious acts” as follows.


I would please ask Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede and intervene for me due to all egregious acts with (name, street address, city, and state of person or situation) to do whatever they deem appropriate now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.