Tag Archives: Ain Soph

Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, and Molds

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This can be used for infectious diseases. Use this daily for at least three days with diseases.


I would please ask the Legion of Pan to remove all negative viruses, bacteria, parasites, and molds from my body (or “body of” with the name street address, city, and state of the person who you have permission to pray for) and take them into the Light or do whatever is necessary with them, and remove all seeds, spores, particles, eggs, young, and negative residues and do whatever is deemed appropriate with them. I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

If you do not feel immediate relief with the prayer above, you should use the following formula.


I would please ask the Interdimensional/Dimensional Band of Mercy and/or the Interdimensional/Dimensional Legion of Pan to remove all negative viruses, bacteria, parasites, and molds from the appropriate realms and counter-realms from my body (or “body of” with the name street address, city, and state of the person who you have permission to pray for) and take them into the Light or do whatever is necessary with them, and remove all seeds, spores, particles, eggs, young, and negative residues and do whatever is deemed appropriate with them. I ask this to be done now in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.


I would please ask for divine spirit healers from the appropriate counter realms to remove all residue and perversions in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Names of God

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There are a total of 72 Names of God (all in Hebrew) and each name of God has legions of angels that have authority over different things. Carol was given the names directly through her work and was able to verify these names through the Keys of Enoch and the Dictionary of Angels.


The following is a partial list of the Names of God that we call upon frequently in various prayer formulas, and their meanings.


Adonai (Ad – Doe- Nye): Hebrew. “My Lord”; another name for God in the Old Testament


Adonijah (Add – Doe – Nuh – Jah): Hebrew. “Jehovah is Lord”


Ain Soph (En- Soff): Hebrew. The Boundless Substance of God”; supreme, invisible, unimaginable creator of the universe; the limitless Light


El Elohey Israel (El – El – Oh – Hay – Is – Ray-El): Hebrew. “God, God of Israel”


El-Jarr (El – Jar):Hebrew. God. Jehovah.


El Shaddai (El – Shah – Dye): Hebrew. “God Almighty”


Elohim (El – Oh – Hame): Hebrew. Derives from the female “eloh” and the male “im” for God. Has been used in parts of the Old Testament


Jehovah (Je – Ho – Vah): Hebrew. Means “the eternal One” or “Revealed Name”


Kadesh Ha-Shem (Kuh – Dish – Hah – Shem): Hebrew. “Consecrated Name”


Shaddai (Shah – Dye): Hebrew. “God Almighty”


Shamish (Shah – Mish): Akkadian. “The Shining One who Lights Up Heaven and Earth”


Shekinah (Shek – in – ah): Hebrew. Literally means “to reside”. The female manifestation of God.


Shemhamfarash (Shem – Ham – Fer – Ah – Sh): Hebrew. The Title given to the 72 names of God. This name of God has authority over all ten dimensions of the Earth plane


Yahweh (Ya – Way): Hebrew. God.