Tag Archives: dreams

2.6.2015 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio recording of the February 6th, 2015 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version


Attitude is everything!


The Power of Words

  • People don’t recognize that words carry specific vibrations that people often misconstrue. We take words for granted!
  • The Spirit Community recognizes the true, textbook definition of words, not what we think words mean
    • Care is a great example. We often use it in a positive way, but the definition connotes worry, anxiety, or concern
  • Words carry power!
    • Irritation brings sinus issues
    • Pain in the neck brings pains in the cervical region
    • Damning is REAL! Damnations are REAL!
    • Trust should be rare! You shouldn’t hand out your trust and it should be earned. If anyone tries to trigger guilt in you by saying “you don’t trust me? What have I done to lose your trust?!” you’re probably about to be conned.
  • Prayers are formulas, and these terms are interchangeable


Guides and Teachers

  • See God’s Spirit Community for more information about this
    • They are our caregivers!
  • Always ask for a “guide of” or “divine spirit of” whatever you need, but be sure to add “or whatever is deemed appropriate” to leave the door wide enough open to get the best results possible!
  • It’s important to build your authority with the spirit community, so that you can get the most appropriate help for your situation. The more you build your authority, the better results you’ll have!
  • If you have a lost animal, you can ask the Legion of Pan to bring your animal home safely in the name of Jesus Christ


Hand Placement for Prayers

  • Click here for more information
  • We pray with our hands open and out to send and receive the most energy
  • When you pray with your hands closed, you close yourself off to the energy


Heal Your Body by Louise Hay

  • You can use HYB to identify the psychological root of illnesses and injuries
  • Look at right side versus left side, the body part affected, and the illness/injury specifically
  • Use kinesiology to confirm your suspicions
  • When you identify an issue or something seems particularly relevant to you, use the first two fingers on your right hand and tap the area twice to release it
  • When you get tingles, it’s cured!
  • Part one, 28:00 to 31:00 shows this in action
  • Arthritis is based in guilt & resentment
  • For more information about relief from fibromyalgia, please click here



  • Autism is caused by the child being born without their soul being fully sealed into their body, possibly because of a lack of DNA/RNA integration prior to birth
    • Beginning at six months gestation, the soul begins to enter the physical body for periods of time to begin to adjust
  • To cure true autism, you would use the soul cleansing formula. This formula also works well for “bad seeds”. With both situations, the earlier in life you do this formula the better.
  • Vaccines DO NOT cause autism. This happens at BIRTH.



  • When people adopt children, the child intended to go to the birth parents
  • There are lessons involved for all parties


Nature/Legion of Pan

  • If you’re going to be pulling weeds, go out about 24 hours before and tell them that you’ll be pulling and that they should release their roots
  • Ask that the Legion of Pan do whatever they deem necessary to protect your garden and, in return, offer 20% of the garden to nature for whatever purposes necessary
  • The Legion of Pan is nature’s spirit community, and Pan is nature’s archangel
  • You can ask the Legion of Pan to reroute ants, water bugs, roaches (or whatever you have issues with) away from your house in the most appropriate way in the name of Jesus Christ… You can’t ask that they leave your property because they have the right to be in nature, but you can keep them from your dwelling.
    • If they don’t leave your dwelling, you can send them into the Light
  • You can look up the meaning of the animal species in Animal Speak by Ted Andrews to see what information they’re trying to tell you
    • Black spiders, black snakes, black bears, black dogs, and pigs can all be representations of the demonic in your dreams



  • Thanking God for everything you receive and asking for help in what you try to give really makes your life flow easier
  • Gratitude shown to each and every situation is a wonderful thing
    • It is particularly important to express gratitude to plants and animals that you consume
  • Ask for help in understanding lessons and situations, then give thanks for the growth that occurs as a result

9.20.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio recording for the September 20th, 2013 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

If you ever try to put your hand on a table and it goes through the table, you have passed and you should ask for the Light!



  • People can attach to other people, objects, etc. when they pass
  • It’s best not to be too dependent or attached to anyone or anything
  • It’s best to say the lifting on a daily basis to ensure that you don’t have other souls attached to you
  • People who are sensitive are more likely to be “bothered” by spirits
    • They may want to get a message across, get help, give you a hard time, etc.
    • It’s our responsibility to get them into the Light
      • We do this using the Lifting
      • If an emergency, you can ask the Band of Mercy to remove them in the name of Jesus Christ and they’ll take care of it



  • Manifestations need to be spoken aloud
  • Ask that it come with no harm to yourself or anyone involved, and that it be to the highest good for yourself and everyone involved


Eggs and Bubbles

  • For more information about eggs and bubbles, please click here
  • Silver mirrored eggs are great protections
    • Mirrored on the outside and filled with White Light
  • You can ask for an egg of white light to be placed around you
    • You can walk into a crowded room and people will notice you
  • You can ask to be placed in a subdued golden bubble (not shimmery gold)
    • You’ll walk into the same crowded room and no one will notice you
    • It doesn’t make you invisible, but people will sort of ignore you
    • You can also put golden bubbles around people who are going to hurt themselves


Getting Along with Family

  • Stay out of their business
  • Don’t give them too much information about your business
    • That way they don’t have anything to come back on you with
  • Don’t give them advice. If they ask for it, understand that they may not take it.
  • Respect their right to be wrong (in your eyes) and to make bad/poor choices.
  • Don’t be afraid to say the word “no”!
    • You have to mean it!
    • You can’t feel guilty- you have to make the decision to enforce your “no”



  • In order to be healthy and whole human beings, we have to have boundaries
  • Not having boundaries enables people, which causes them more harm than good
  • Boundaries include setting hours in which it’s okay to call, requiring that they call before they visit, etc.
    • You have to set these boundaries and enforce them consistently


Guilt vs. Conscience

  • Guilt is from the dark side, conscience is from God
  • Guilt manipulates, haunts, and vexes you



  • It doesn’t do much for the other person but it will absolutely eat your lunch
  • You can ask for Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede for you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the name of Jesus Christ



  • You can ask Archangel Michael to remove any demons of jealousy
    • I would please ask Archangel Michael and his legions to remove any demons of jealousy from you in the name of Jesus Christ and place them into appropriate protected sanctuary and I thank thee
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to work with you to help remove specific fears; all negative emotions (jealousy, anger, revenge) stem from fear


The Dark Side

  • Guilt, fear, and negativity is all from the dark side
  • They’ll tell you to drive your car off a bridge, into a tree, etc.
  • They’ll tell you to commit suicide, and if you do it, you can be bound into dark service
  • If they put negative thoughts in your head, command them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ
    • Take your authority, be firm, and be strong
  • For more information about the dark side, please click here



  • Suicide of all kinds, including assisted suicide, breaks the spiritual law of self-murder
  • Medically-assisted suicides don’t end any pain or suffering
  • You can refuse treatment, or refuse to eat, but you can’t take medicine to kill yourself
  • For more information about suicide, please click here



  • If you have dreams of someone that you don’t want to see, you’ve got options
    • You can ask the Divine Spirits to remove those dreams
    • You can program yourself so that, if they appear in the dream, you say “no”
    • You can visualize them standing in front of you, then visualize yourself slamming a heavy metal garage door between the two of you
  • If you have dreams of a loved one who has passed on, there are a couple of possibilities
    • If they look healthy and radiant, they’re in the Light. This is a visitation.
    • If they don’t look well, they’re asking for help, or if you just feel off, then they’re stuck in the Outer Darkness and you should pray them into the Light.


Sacred Geometry

  • Absolutely everything is based in sacred geometry
  • It’s the foundation for everything
  • Mandelbrot’s set is called the “thumbprint of God”

10.4.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio for the October 4th, 2013 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version


Earth is a place of learning, and growth. There are tests, lessons, and evils on this plane that are here to help us grow and evolve. Earth isn’t always a peaceful and wonderful place to be, but our attitude can make us or break us.


Spirit Guides

  • They’ll cry with you, mourn with you, and be sad with you
  • They’ll never scold you, never get disappointed in you, never chastise you
  • They appear as white sparkles, and they’ll come with a scent (either floral or sandalwood)



  • We are made up of energy
  • We can transmit energy
    • We can transmit negative or positive energy
    • Our energy that is transmitted can harm others or better others
  • You don’t have to be a psychic to be psychically aware of others’ energy


To cut negative people from your life:

  • Visualize the other person standing in front of you with cords between the two of you
  • Take a brand new, very sharp pair of shears and cut the cords
  • Cauterize your cords and tuck them back into you, and then cauterize their cords and tuck them back into them
  • You can’t dwell on it- you have to get them out of your head and move on.
    • You have to want it, badly.
    • You have to let the past be in the past. If you dwell on it, you can re-cord.
    • Forgive them, and release them with love on a soul level, and ask for their forgiveness on a soul level
  • If you can truly do it, you’ll no longer have any connection to them. It’ll be like they’re a stranger to you



  • Some people’s gift is sending energy and thoughts
    • Psychic vampires do this
  • They hook into you, feed off of your energy, and can attach to you
    • They can compel you to do things that you may not want to do
    • They’ll compel you to think about them 24/7… You can’t get them out of your head and it’s torture



  • Dreams are our brain’s way of working out psychological junk that you accumulate
    • You usually don’t remember these
  • Very vivid dreams with a lot of details and color, like you’re in a movie are prophetic dreams.
    • You may have very vivid dreams of an earthquake, or a tornado in a specific location
      • You can’t do anything about these
      • They’re meant to prepare you and warn you, and you can in turn warn others
    • You may have a dream of a specific person getting into a car wreck after getting into a white car wearing a red shirt
      • You can warn that person not to wear the red shirt in the white car, and it can avert the accident
      • You may not 100% avoid the accident, but you’ll be able to reduce the severity of the accident
      • The conditions should be avoided for about two weeks
    • If you have a dream
  • Most prophetic dreams take about three days to come to fruition. Some can take up to a couple of years to happen.
    • If you can see what is causing the problem, you may be able to help avert the situation
    • The purpose of prophetic dreams is to either prepare you for the coming situation, or allow you to change the situation.
  • Dreams can be symbolic, so pay attention to the symbolism of the dream.
    • You can set your symbology
      • Write your symbols down, then have someone read them back to you
      • When they read it back, tell them the first thing that comes to mind
    • Some symbols are set
      • Cars and vehicles represent your body
        • When someone else is driving their car and you’re in the car, you’re not handling your life and you’re letting someone else drive your life
        • When someone else is driving your car, you’ve let someone come into your life and take control of your life and your body
      • Dreams with nudity mean that you’re afraid of being embarrassed
      • Dreams with people have various reasons and purposes
        • Dreams with loved ones who have crossed over are visitations. These are real. If they look great and healthy, they’re in the light. If they look sick or unhealthy or need help, you should pray them into the light.
        • When you dream of people who are still alive, they’re reaching out for either positive or negative reasons
          • If it’s negative, slam a very heavy metal garage door between the two of you or command them to leave you alone.
        • Animals in dreams will convey messages. To interpret these dreams, you should consult Animal Speak
  • Recurring dreams can be past life remembrances
  • Sleep paralysis can be evidence of a haunting or of a demonic attack. It’s often more connected with phenomena than with other explanations
    • Demonic attacks can occur in dream state. If this happens, command the entity away in the name of Jesus Christ.


Spirits and Reincarnation

  • Human spirits usually last around 200 years
  • Carol has encountered shamans from the Mayan and Incan eras who showed up for specific purposes
  • Your soul is immortal, and it reincarnates many times over
    • You don’t reside in Heaven for eternity
    • The whole point is to keep learning, keep growing, keep evolving
      • If you’re not growing, learning, and evolving, you’ll de-evolve
    • You can incarnate from the Light or from the Outer Darkness, usually around every 60 years
      • Incarnating from the Outer Darkness is a crapshoot- you don’t know what you’re going to get
      • Incarnating from the Light gives you a heads up and allows you to choose your parents, your lessons, your opportunities


Why did God create us?

  • God is a constantly learning, intelligent force
  • He didn’t want to be alone
  • We are all part of God. We carry God within us, in our souls.


What happens when you go into the Light?

  • There’s a huge reunion where family, friends, animals, and loved ones show up. There’s food and beverage… It’s a party!
    • If they didn’t go into the Light, they won’t be there
    • Just because you’re married here doesn’t mean that you’ll be married on the other side
  • Then, you go through a Life Review
    • You do it to learn and understand your lessons
    • This isn’t meant to be a punishment
  • Next, you get some time out!
    • You can travel anywhere in the world you want to go!
  • Then, you choose your next life’s obstacle course
  • Everything that’s in heaven is here! Pizza, pasta, chicken… you name it!



  • You have a specific moment, down to the second, when it is your time to go
  • You may have pivotals, where you feel like you could live or you could die, and the decisions made during pivotals can shorten or extend your life span
    • You may have no pivotals, you may have 6 pivotals
    • You don’t get 7 pivotals, though. 6 is the max
  • When it’s a person’s absolute time to go, however, they may start to prepare about two weeks in advance. They’ll say their goodbyes, pick out their outfits, etc.
    • Angels or grandparents may come visit children
    • Children who pass young tend to have lived full lives, have been very outgoing, and tend to have packed in as many experiences as possible
  • If it’s truly their time, you can’t stop someone from passing



  • For more information, please click here
  • If a person who has committed suicide asks for your help, or if one of their loved ones ask for help, you can pray them into the Light



  • Formulas are first and foremost prayers
  • Stick to the formulas for the best results
  • Manifesting, for example, is something that you must be very cautious with
    • Be sure to include the phrases “to the highest good of all involved”, “if it’s deemed appropriate” and “so that no harm comes to myself or others”
    • These phrases are your spiritual insurance to make sure that you’re not bringing more harm than good to yourself or anyone who may be involved with the process
    • If you’re manifesting a car, make sure to ask that it be “mechanically sound”
    • If you’re manifesting a job, set your minimum salary, how far you’re willing to travel, and be sure to include the following phrases “harmless to all involved” and “to the highest good of all involved
    • Don’t absolutely define what you want and make it exact, but set parameters that you want
      • Be as specific as possible without limiting the possibilities