Tag Archives: enochian

Glossary of Terms

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Adam Kadmon: Origin race name for mankind.


Celestial: Not of this Earth.


Curses, Spells, Conjurations, Hexes, Fixes, and Damnations: To bind and conjure against the free will of nature spirits, elementals, devas, human spirits, and demonic entities, in order to control them so that they can create havoc, devastation, and manipulation against an others free will in any situation surrounding them. (Such as relationships, businesses, etc.)


Demons: Fallen angels and archangels. When they fall from God, they become the exact opposite of what they once were. Creator angels become destroyer angels, and angels of love become angels of hatred.


Devas: Angelic guardians of every specie of nature spirits and elementals.


Dimensional: Any being from one of the dimensions surrounding this Earth.


Elemental: Minerals and all the elements, which are air, fire, water, and earth.


Enochians: Fallen Holy Sephiroths.  Sephiroths are the Ten Emanations or attributes of God, (Creator Archetypes).


Human soul: ghost, spirit, soul; all various names for the human species in or out of body.  Should not be confused with “entity” which is not human.


Inter-dimensional entities and energies: entities and energies that are capable of moving between and through dimensions.


Nature Spirits: plants, insects and all forms of animal life, including viruses and bacteria.


Negative Energies and Influences: These can be residue from traumatic events, such as battles, murders, suicides, etc.


Negative Entities: Any being that has been perverted that is not human.


Origin: Our original form as made by God.


Servants of Satan: A human spirit that has been bound to Satan through its own free will. They believe they are a demon or a demon in training. You must call upon the Glory Band of Mercy to remove them


Sons of Darkness: There are many different species. They are alien beings that come from a dark area of the universe that is totally negative. They can appear in a physical form as well as spirit.


Terrestrial: Of this Earth.


Thought Forms: Thoughts produce tremendous amounts of energy, which, through concentration, can be given form and directed it to another person, place, or thing.


Unclean Human Spirit: these are human spirits that are Earthbound, or trapped in the Outer Darkness (the 4th dimension)


Universal Entities and Energies: Extraterrestrials from outside our galaxy, but within our universe.


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Enochians (E-Noch-You-Ins) are fallen Holy Sephiroths that were bound and perverted, against their will. This was done through the misuse of the magic of the Keys of Enoch by ancient priests, primarily Atlantean and Egyptian. The Keys of Enoch were turned into what is now known as Enochian magic, which goes against God. Holy Sephiroths are creator angels, so fallen Holy Sephiroths (Enochians) are focused on destruction. Because of their high nature, Enochian entities will not be removed by the daily lifting.


Enochian infestations can sometimes begin with the arrival a black egg that cracks open and glows red, although this will not always be seen.


The physical symptoms of an Enochian attack are as follows. You do not have to experience all of the symptoms for it to be an Enochian attack, but the symptoms can range anywhere from headaches to (what appears to be) spinal meningitis. If you experience a headache similar to what is described below, it is wise to use the prayer formula as soon as possible.

  • A band, 2 inches wide, located above the eyes, above the ears, all the way around the head will appear and begin to tighten. Headaches will begin.
  • This headache will create electrical nerve pain that shoots down the back of the neck into the shoulders.
  • A high fever can develop, 103-105*F is common.
  • All of the symptoms of spinal meningitis can present, including convulsions
  • Death can occur


To remove an Enochian, use the following formula. After using this formula, all symptoms will be instantly gone.

I would please ask the Archangel Raphael and his legions to remove all Enochians and their residue from me now, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and place them into appropriate protected sanctuary, and I thank thee.

After using the Enochian formula, you state the following out loud so that they cannot and will not return:

All Enochians I have bound, knowingly and unknowingly, from all past lives through present, I ask for forgiveness, and in turn, I forgive all Enochians, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.