Tag Archives: fixes

12.20.2013 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the December 20th, 2013 NACC meeting, please click here.


Please click here for a PDF version

“True magic is working in harmony with everything around you to do good things.”



  • Fear is your worst enemy
  • Fear feeds into the demonic
    • They prey on your fear
    • Fear gives the demonic the ability to hurt you
  • Fearing for someone else can bring negativity upon them
  • Fear is a WEAKNESS



  • They’re fallen angels
  • Whatever they were the angel of, they become the total opposite of when they fall
  • The Dictionary of Angels has angels and fallen angels, their duties, and what they do
  • They’re always hanging around, they’re always ready, and they’re always looking for your weaknesses
  • They can affect you when you’re doing the lifting… You’ll get a shortness of breath or your mind will blank out



  • Blood curses
    • Usually family curses
    • Someone cursed the entire bloodline of a family
      • Can be through the male lineage or female lineage
      • Marrying into the family counts
      • Can cause massive amounts of destruction
    • If you laid the curse, you’ll be the last in line to receive the curse
  • In the US, it’s common for Native Americans to have laid curses on their children if they married into a white family
  • A silver cross and a silver pentagram worn together offers greater protection against curses



  • A pentagram is a star with one point up and two points down, with a circle around it
  • It was given to King Solomon by Archangel Raphael to give him authority over the demonic
    • The demonic cannot stand against a pentagram
    • Witches wore them for protection
  • Inverted pentagrams (with 2 points up and one point down) are a “door-opener” for the demonic



  • There is power in damnations and these can be very dangerous
  • Don’t damn others, don’t damn yourself, and don’t damn anyone else.
  • Using God’s name in vain puts even more power behind a damnation
  • Words carry power, even if you don’t know what the words mean



  • True magic isn’t binding with herbs and plants, it’s working in harmony with God and everything around you for the highest loving good of all involved
  • Spells, conjurations, and all forms of witchcraft bind things away from God
  • Witchcraft is extremely limited- why limit yourself to the Earth and the moon when you have the God of universes to work with?



  • JESUS is the reason for the season!
  • Without Christ, there would be no redemption
  • Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we all have the option to be redeemed back to God
  • Christ is Carol’s absolute Lord and Master Teacher
    • She tries to walk her talk as much as she can
    • The Holy Spirits have taught Carol about Christ, His love, and His story
  • Christ may not have been born on Christmas Day, but celebrating and appreciating Him is appropriate
  • Christ HAD to go through the crucifixion and HAD to create the tunnel of Light so that all can be redeemed back to God
    • Redemption is restoring the soul back to God
    • That was His plan and His goal, not to perform the healing and miracles
    • The Daily Lifting allows you to do redemption work through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ


Christ is real, Satan is real, and God is real.

  • The dark side can’t stand up to Christ, and often tries to lead people away from Christ
  • The dark side’s biggest tool is fear-so don’t be afraid. Fear empowers the demonic.
  • Take up your power and your authority through Christ, and command them away in the name of Jesus Christ. You can use this whenever you need to.


Spiritual Gifts

  • Satan has no gifts to give anyone. He can twist and pervert your gifts, but he cannot give you any gifts.
  • Spiritual gifts are from GOD.


Guides/Angelic vs. Demonic

  • The demonic speak from your left side
  • Your Guides/Angelic speak from the back of your head and from your right


Remote Viewing

  • When you’re being remotely viewed, it feels like a little earthquake below your feet and up into your body
  • Silva Mind Control teaches how to remote view in a safe way
  • Archangel Michael and his legions can protect you from remote viewers, and the daily lifting can help as well


Mastering Your Mind

  • Take a rose. Look at the rose and focus on the rose as long as you can without breaking your attention from some aspect of the rose. Build this attention span up to an hour.
  • Once you can do it in the physical realm, do the same thing in your mind screen
  • You have to teach your mind that it can’t run and play whenever it wants to



  • Pictures capture a person’s signature energy frequency, but they don’t capture part of a person’s soul
  • Destroying a picture (by burning it or using salt water) doesn’t harm the person in any way

Curses, Spells, Conjurations, Hexes, Fixes, & Damnations

Please click here for a PDF version

If you feel that you have been sent any form of magic or damnations, this formula should relieve you of any of the symptoms. If they are sent to you repeatedly, you may need to say this more than once. The first time, return it to sender threefold. If you need to say it a second time, return it to sender tenfold. If you need to say it a third time, return it to sender hundredfold.

If you were affected by a curse, it can be helpful to use this bath to remove any negative residues.


Upon saying “uncurse thee”, hands are crossed and uncrossed with the left hand passing over the right. When doing this for yourself, palms are turned inward. When doing for another, your palms are turned outward toward them.

Energies of curses, spells, conjurations, hexes, fixes, and damnations, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth. 

Energies of curses, spells, conjurations, hexes, fixes, and damnations, I call thee forth through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, come forth.

I release thee and unbind thee, uncurse thee, unspell thee, unconjure thee, unhex thee, unfix thee, and undamn thee, in all thy many parts, layers, and intricacies. Turn thee from negative to positive, and send thee back to sender threefold through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

I release thee and unbind thee, uncurse thee, unspell thee, unconjure thee, unhex thee, unfix thee, and undamn thee, in all thy many parts, layers, and intricacies. Turn thee from negative to positive, and send thee back to sender threefold through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Release and return to sender now, in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit;  and I thank thee.

Then you need to say the following:

I would please ask the Band of Mercy to please remove all that was bound in to curses, spells, conjurations, hexes, fixes, damnations, and do whatever is deemed appropriate with them in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and either place them in appropriate protected sanctuary or do whatever they deem necessary with them, and I thank thee.