Tag Archives: Four Agreements

6.6.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the June 6th, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version



  • A need to control stems from insecurities and fears (aka from the dark side)
  • Control is an illusion to make you feel better, it doesn’t exist
    • You can’t control ANYTHING or anyone!
      • You control your car until someone hits you, or you have a heart attack
    • You have to respect others’ free will and paths in life whether you like it or not
      • We’re not wise enough on our own to guide others
      • We’re all equal
  • When you respond in a controlling way, it’s because someone struck a personal fear cord within you
    • Watch your reactions, and try to think before you speak.
    • Personal fear makes you shaky and fearful, like your buttons got pushed
    • Psychic fear is a pit in your stomach, a rock in your solar plexus
    • Nausea involves negative energy, not fear
  • Problems with controlling
    • You bend spiritual law by controlling another
      • Usually has heavy ramifications
    • Controlling leads to a sense of responsibility from the controller, and ultimately a sense of resentment from all parties involved.
      • The controller resents the controlee for placing the responsibility on them
      • The controlee resents the controller for controlling them
    • Controlling is selfish, because it saves the controller from worry and concern
    • People rebel against control
      • You also train people NOT to take responsibility for themselves
      • “Enabling is disabling”
    • If you want to work on someone, work on yourself first and be an example
      • Walk the walk and talk the talk
    • Benign Controllers: a person who controls out of love, out of the need to protect.
      • Controlling is not love. Accepting and supporting is love.
      • As a parent of a young child, it’s your responsibility to teach, protect, make rules, set a good foundation, and set boundaries. As a parent of an independent adult, those things are no longer appropriate.
        • They need to learn to support themselves, and that their security lies in God
        • What people don’t earn, they don’t respect
      • Tell yourself, “I have faith that my son/daughter/husband/wife will make good decisions.”
  • The Four Agreements and Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz will help with this



  • When you have a success of any sort, enjoy the success for what it is
  • Don’t worry about the future, what may come, what may happen. Stay in the now and embrace what you have going on at that point in time.
  • We fear the unknown, so release all of your assumptions and see what happens
  • Worry is a burden that distracts us from the present.
  • Treat life as a positive adventure.



  • It can take years for their effects to wear off.
  • There are also forms of these demons that can roam around and seduce without being attached to a human.
  • Pentagrams and crosses worn in combination will help stop the effects. Take your picture, put a silver or wooden cross over the picture, put that into the 91st Psalms in the bible, close the bible, and place it under your bed. This will help stop it, as well.
    • 91st Psalms is the strongest Psalm in the Bible, and offers protection against evil and negativity


Stubborn Spirits

  • If you have a stubborn spirit who refuses to go into the Light, it can be helpful to ask the Band of Mercy to bring forth loved ones to help explain what’s happening to them, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • If they’re determined to “protect” a certain living human, tell them that once they go into the Light, they can ask God for permission to be that human’s protector, and they will have far more authority and actually be able to help the living person.
    • You can do a whole lot of good, offer protection by calling upon legions of Angels to help the living person once you’re in the Light
    • Staying around when they’re in the Outer Darkness only harms the living person
  • Most people are terrified that they won’t go to heaven


Being in the Light

  • Spirits in the Light aren’t worried about Earthly affairs, houses, and money… They respect the decisions of the living.
  • Your belief system will change as you wake up into truth in the Light
  • Just because they’re good and they believed in God while they were alive doesn’t mean that the person got into the Light
    • ALWAYS pray them into the Light
  • They’ll visit in dream state and they look youthful and vibrant and healthy, they went into the Light. You’ll feel comfortable about them
    • Don’t assume they went into the Light, because they may not realize that they’re dead.
    • No dreams about them, or dreams when you see them looking haggard or unhealthy or hurt or sick means that they’re not in the Light



  • We’ve taken so much out of the Earth, and it’s constantly moving and shifting.
  • Sinkholes are voids being filled by the Earth
    • In St Louis, they have issues with building over coal mines and sinkholes developing
  • Earthquakes and sinkholes and volcanoes and mudslides will continue to happen. It’s natural.


Pacific Radiation Issue

  • There are issues with the aftermath of the Japanese earthquake, and the way the radiation was disposed of (it was thrown in the ocean)
  • Beware of Pacific seafood.


Sacred Geometry

  • The number 3 is sacred due to the Holy Trinity
    • The dark side will wake you up around 3:00AM to knock the Trinity
      • Command them out in the name of Jesus
  • The shapes have specific vibrations, and they can vary


Confusion, Illusion, Fear

  • The three powers of Satan
  • They’re all tricks
  • We’re here to protect ourselves, teach our loved ones how to help themselves
  • The demonic can show themselves in various ways
    • Black blobs
    • Red balls of light
    • A man in a plaid shirt with bibbed overalls looking “off”



  • Archangel Raphael delivered the 5-pointed star (the pentagram) to King Solomon to give him absolute authority over the demonic
  • This is not a symbol of the occult; witches wear them for protection. The pentagram predates witchcraft.
    • It is imperative that it is worn with one point up and two points down, as this represents God over Satan.
    • Wearing it with two points up and one point down represents Satan over God, and is equivalent to wearing a cross upside down.
  • Wearing the pentagram (must be silver) with a cross offers extra protection against the demonic.


If you live in a particularly spiritually active area (battlegrounds, vortexes, etc)

  • Ask the Band of Mercy to please put into place a floating protected sanctuary around you, your home, and your property and ask that it be perpetually cleansed, and ask that anything that is brought through be taken into appropriate protected sanctuary for whatever amount of time is deemed appropriate through God, in the name of Jesus Christ, and thank thee.