Tag Archives: going into the light

10.4.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio for the October 4th, 2013 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version


Earth is a place of learning, and growth. There are tests, lessons, and evils on this plane that are here to help us grow and evolve. Earth isn’t always a peaceful and wonderful place to be, but our attitude can make us or break us.


Spirit Guides

  • They’ll cry with you, mourn with you, and be sad with you
  • They’ll never scold you, never get disappointed in you, never chastise you
  • They appear as white sparkles, and they’ll come with a scent (either floral or sandalwood)



  • We are made up of energy
  • We can transmit energy
    • We can transmit negative or positive energy
    • Our energy that is transmitted can harm others or better others
  • You don’t have to be a psychic to be psychically aware of others’ energy


To cut negative people from your life:

  • Visualize the other person standing in front of you with cords between the two of you
  • Take a brand new, very sharp pair of shears and cut the cords
  • Cauterize your cords and tuck them back into you, and then cauterize their cords and tuck them back into them
  • You can’t dwell on it- you have to get them out of your head and move on.
    • You have to want it, badly.
    • You have to let the past be in the past. If you dwell on it, you can re-cord.
    • Forgive them, and release them with love on a soul level, and ask for their forgiveness on a soul level
  • If you can truly do it, you’ll no longer have any connection to them. It’ll be like they’re a stranger to you



  • Some people’s gift is sending energy and thoughts
    • Psychic vampires do this
  • They hook into you, feed off of your energy, and can attach to you
    • They can compel you to do things that you may not want to do
    • They’ll compel you to think about them 24/7… You can’t get them out of your head and it’s torture



  • Dreams are our brain’s way of working out psychological junk that you accumulate
    • You usually don’t remember these
  • Very vivid dreams with a lot of details and color, like you’re in a movie are prophetic dreams.
    • You may have very vivid dreams of an earthquake, or a tornado in a specific location
      • You can’t do anything about these
      • They’re meant to prepare you and warn you, and you can in turn warn others
    • You may have a dream of a specific person getting into a car wreck after getting into a white car wearing a red shirt
      • You can warn that person not to wear the red shirt in the white car, and it can avert the accident
      • You may not 100% avoid the accident, but you’ll be able to reduce the severity of the accident
      • The conditions should be avoided for about two weeks
    • If you have a dream
  • Most prophetic dreams take about three days to come to fruition. Some can take up to a couple of years to happen.
    • If you can see what is causing the problem, you may be able to help avert the situation
    • The purpose of prophetic dreams is to either prepare you for the coming situation, or allow you to change the situation.
  • Dreams can be symbolic, so pay attention to the symbolism of the dream.
    • You can set your symbology
      • Write your symbols down, then have someone read them back to you
      • When they read it back, tell them the first thing that comes to mind
    • Some symbols are set
      • Cars and vehicles represent your body
        • When someone else is driving their car and you’re in the car, you’re not handling your life and you’re letting someone else drive your life
        • When someone else is driving your car, you’ve let someone come into your life and take control of your life and your body
      • Dreams with nudity mean that you’re afraid of being embarrassed
      • Dreams with people have various reasons and purposes
        • Dreams with loved ones who have crossed over are visitations. These are real. If they look great and healthy, they’re in the light. If they look sick or unhealthy or need help, you should pray them into the light.
        • When you dream of people who are still alive, they’re reaching out for either positive or negative reasons
          • If it’s negative, slam a very heavy metal garage door between the two of you or command them to leave you alone.
        • Animals in dreams will convey messages. To interpret these dreams, you should consult Animal Speak
  • Recurring dreams can be past life remembrances
  • Sleep paralysis can be evidence of a haunting or of a demonic attack. It’s often more connected with phenomena than with other explanations
    • Demonic attacks can occur in dream state. If this happens, command the entity away in the name of Jesus Christ.


Spirits and Reincarnation

  • Human spirits usually last around 200 years
  • Carol has encountered shamans from the Mayan and Incan eras who showed up for specific purposes
  • Your soul is immortal, and it reincarnates many times over
    • You don’t reside in Heaven for eternity
    • The whole point is to keep learning, keep growing, keep evolving
      • If you’re not growing, learning, and evolving, you’ll de-evolve
    • You can incarnate from the Light or from the Outer Darkness, usually around every 60 years
      • Incarnating from the Outer Darkness is a crapshoot- you don’t know what you’re going to get
      • Incarnating from the Light gives you a heads up and allows you to choose your parents, your lessons, your opportunities


Why did God create us?

  • God is a constantly learning, intelligent force
  • He didn’t want to be alone
  • We are all part of God. We carry God within us, in our souls.


What happens when you go into the Light?

  • There’s a huge reunion where family, friends, animals, and loved ones show up. There’s food and beverage… It’s a party!
    • If they didn’t go into the Light, they won’t be there
    • Just because you’re married here doesn’t mean that you’ll be married on the other side
  • Then, you go through a Life Review
    • You do it to learn and understand your lessons
    • This isn’t meant to be a punishment
  • Next, you get some time out!
    • You can travel anywhere in the world you want to go!
  • Then, you choose your next life’s obstacle course
  • Everything that’s in heaven is here! Pizza, pasta, chicken… you name it!



  • You have a specific moment, down to the second, when it is your time to go
  • You may have pivotals, where you feel like you could live or you could die, and the decisions made during pivotals can shorten or extend your life span
    • You may have no pivotals, you may have 6 pivotals
    • You don’t get 7 pivotals, though. 6 is the max
  • When it’s a person’s absolute time to go, however, they may start to prepare about two weeks in advance. They’ll say their goodbyes, pick out their outfits, etc.
    • Angels or grandparents may come visit children
    • Children who pass young tend to have lived full lives, have been very outgoing, and tend to have packed in as many experiences as possible
  • If it’s truly their time, you can’t stop someone from passing



  • For more information, please click here
  • If a person who has committed suicide asks for your help, or if one of their loved ones ask for help, you can pray them into the Light



  • Formulas are first and foremost prayers
  • Stick to the formulas for the best results
  • Manifesting, for example, is something that you must be very cautious with
    • Be sure to include the phrases “to the highest good of all involved”, “if it’s deemed appropriate” and “so that no harm comes to myself or others”
    • These phrases are your spiritual insurance to make sure that you’re not bringing more harm than good to yourself or anyone who may be involved with the process
    • If you’re manifesting a car, make sure to ask that it be “mechanically sound”
    • If you’re manifesting a job, set your minimum salary, how far you’re willing to travel, and be sure to include the following phrases “harmless to all involved” and “to the highest good of all involved
    • Don’t absolutely define what you want and make it exact, but set parameters that you want
      • Be as specific as possible without limiting the possibilities


8.15.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the August 15th, 2014 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version



  • People sometimes look at movies as being sheer entertainment, not a means of sending a message
  • Ghost and What Dreams May Come both have accurate information, but they’re not always viewed as such



  • Suicide is NOT a mental illness (Part One 2:00-4:00)
    • When you have a parent commit suicide, you get a legacy of suicide that you have to fight to overcome
      • You’re not your parent, and you can change your own programming
      • For Carol’s personal experiences with suicide, listen from 5:00-7:00
    • Presenting it as a mental illness shows that you’ll inherit it and there’s no way out
      • That suggests that it’s in your DNA and you’re condemned to commit suicide as well
    • It’s a highly dangerous theory
  • Factors that can contribute to depression that leads to suicide
    • Chemicals
    • Food allergies
    • Really bad programming from childhood
    • Bullying
    • Low self-esteem
    • Painful mental, physical, emotional ordeals
    • Voices in your head that tell the person to end it/kill themselves
  • If you have a legacy of suicide, you can remove it using the following prayer.
    • I would please ask Archangel Michael and his legions to remove any demons of suicide and the legacy of suicide from myself and my family (or the name and address of the person you have permission to pray for) now and place them into appropriate protected sanctuary in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.
  • Suicide is a sin, and you become Earthbound until it’s your “time” to go, or until a loved one prays you into the Light
    • The sin is self-murder
    • If they think “I want to die” or “I want to kill myself”, that’s intent and that makes it a sin.
    • Even medically assisted suicides are self-murder
      • They bind themselves and they end up in pain
      • Part One, 15:00-16:00
    • If they don’t go into the Light, they can reincarnate from the Outer Darkness
      • Suicidal thoughts will kick in around the time when they committed suicide in their previous lifetime
        • If they were 24, the thoughts would kick in at 24
        • If they were 15, the thoughts would kick in at 15
      • If they don’t go into the Light, they can stay and influence others to commit suicide in a similar fashion.
        • All of the people who commit suicide will be bound there
        • Part One, 21:00-25:00
  • Refusing to accept medical treatment, or refusing to eat because you’re in pain doesn’t constitute suicide.
      • That’s death by natural causes
  • Putting animals down isn’t an issue.
    • Animals all go directly into the light, but they can come back for a period of about two months to help you get past losing them
      • If you get a new animal in that time frame, the deceased dog will train the new dog how to do all of the things you love
      • Animals will also come back to help their pack with the grieving process
        • Wolves and elephants grieve very ritualistically


Soul Groups

  • When a tragedy occurs and a large amount of people die in a similar fashion because of unlearned lessons, they’ll reincarnate in similar groups
    • Holocaust is a great example
  • Reasons and situations vary, but we go through tragedies together in order to overcome them


Crystal Skulls

  • Most aren’t authentic
    • A lot of mythology
    • Take all the stories with a grain of salt
      • Especially what’s on TV and the Internet
    • If you get a bad vibe, walk away
  • Carol worked with one in San Francisco when she was in her 20s
    • Knowledge was placed into the skull
    • She got images of Mayan culture and chanting
    • It affected her in a positive way


Positive Attitude

  • It’s important to keep a positive attitude and a positive mindset
  • When things happen and you just can’t get in a positive mindset, it can be helpful to give yourself 30 minutes to be not so positive.
    • After the 30 minutes is up, tell yourself “I can’t change this situation, I can’t fix the world, I can’t fix other people, I can only fix myself.”
    • Then you psych yourself into being in a good mood in the now.
  • Keep aware of the truth and of the news, but don’t get sucked into the dramatization and what is spun out of context
    • Learn to discern truths


Ley Lines and Odic Force 

  • The Earth is its own body, Gaia, with bloodlines (filled with water) and chakras
  • Ley lines are water lines on the Earth
    • When they intersect, they create power points called vortices
      • A vortex is a place where energy is released
        • Mount Albán in Oaxaca, Mexico is an example
        • Carol has 5 springs under the Center
          • Part One 45:00-48:00
        • Hot Springs is a major power point
        • Hell’s Half-Acre is a powerful one
      • Vortices open and contract
      • They will magnify the power of manifestation and prayer
    • Negative activity and worship can cause negative, unnatural vortices to be formed
      • Consult Vortex E-on Jah for assistance if there is one on your property
  • Crystals have an immense amount of power, as well
    • Humans have tiny, tiny crystals in our pineal and pituitary glands.
      • Calcification of these glands is a bigger problem than being able to use your third eye- it leads to Parkinson’s disease
    • See Programming Your Crystals for more information
  • Odic force is your blood
    • It carries your life force
      • Which is why people used to do blood rituals and sacrifices involving the human heart
    • If you’re mediumistic or highly sensitive, then it’s important to eat a rare or medium rare steak once a week to keep your energy levels up
      • If you believe that what you’re doing, consuming, or eating is harmful, then it will be harmful. If you believe that it’s good, then it will be good.
        • Genetic issues can cause issues with food, so this is excluding those issues
      • Vegetables have consciousness, too. So eating raw veggies is eating them alive.
    • For more information about Od and the Odic Force, consult Communication with the Spirit World of God by Johannes Greber





  • There are no coincidences, and there’s an underlying root.
  • According to Heal Your Body, accidents are an inability to speak up for yourself, rebellion against authority, belief in violence
  • If you get a cold, you’ve over-burdened yourself and weakened your immune system and you need down time



  • There is a reason for EVERYTHING… It’s our lessons!
  • We’re always in school!
    • We forget this because we get bogged down in the material
    • We’re not here to save the world, spread the world of our truth, or fix other people. We’re here to be an example to others. If you get to a place that you can genuinely help others by using your talents, that’s awesome. But work on yourself first.
    • We’re spiritual beings in a material world, and we forget this.
  • Be true to yourself, and don’t sacrifice yourself for others
  • Sometimes we come in with problems so that we can learn our lessons
  • We choose our parents coming in, which means that they can be our biggest teachers
  • We choose our lessons, how we present ourselves, and our parents unless we incarnate from the Outer Darkness
    • If this happens, you take what you can get.
    • It makes it very difficult during that lifetime
    • You’ll do it over and over and over until you go into the Light


Going into the Light

  • It’s a fresh start
  • It cleanses you of old baggage, allows you to see what you need to see to learn, and it helps you to choose the right people for your next incarnation
  • The Dark Side doesn’t want us to go into the Light
    • They tell us we’ll be judged, we’ll be sent to hell, that we’re born of sin
    • They want us to be afraid of dying and of judgment, and of what the afterlife may or may not be
    • Knowledge is POWER
  • Our guides and angels aren’t available to us in the Outer Darkness
  • Your heaven will be what you imagine heaven to be like
    • It’s sort of like Earth. There are different cultures, different belief systems, that sort of thing. They will, once they move past their belief systems, ultimately come into truth (if they choose to)
    • Each planet has its own dimensions, so you don’t want to be an astronaut and die on another planet
  • ANYONE can go into the Light, but you have to choose to go into the Light
    • Our ultimate goal should be to help people get into the Light


Spirit Guides

  • Every human has 3 spirit guides, at a minimum, who are the Holy Spirits
  • You can have more according to your path in life and how many people you affect
  • From Part Two, 2:30-6:30, Carol discusses seeing her guides and how to see other guides
  • You can earn higher guides over incarnations by spiritually evolving, learning, and growing
    • They teach us at the appropriate level for soul growth, in terms that you’ll understand



  • Hell is separation from God. This can be on Earth or in the afterlife
  • You do not get “sent” to hell, but you can bind yourself there.