Tag Archives: Guardian Angels

10.18.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the recording of the October 18th, 2013 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version

This is your friendly reminder that damnations are real, they are powerful, and they can be harmful. Removing the word “damn” from your vocabulary (particularly when using God’s name) is wise.


Please click here if you have questions about Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, or any other members of God’s Spirit Community. Members of God’s Spirit Community are never bound to us; they’re simply doing their job.


If you have a friend or a loved one who has not gone into the Light, you can pray them into the Light using this formula. Remember though, if they’re not a relative then you need a close relative’s permission! This can be obtained simply by asking, “can I pray for (the person who passed)?”



  • Get rid of the word “ghost”
  • They’re the souls of people who have passed but didn’t go into the Light, and it’s our responsibility to help them into the Light using the daily lifting
  • The Bible refers to them as unclean spirits.



  • It’s essential to recognize the patterns associated with everything… There are patterns to demonic attack, spirit attachment, mental illness, etc.
  • Recognizing patterns allows you to recognize the true nature of the situation so that you can respond appropriately to the scenario at hand



  • Everything is made up of energy, and this has been scientifically proven
  • Your aura is the radiation of your energy, of your life force
  • Wind, water, our bodies, buildings, trees, and rocks all have electromagnetic energy
  • When there are mass shifts, energy can be created that is felt on a global scale
  • When there are frequencies and harmonies of energies to come, people can pick up on and recognize these pre-energies
  • Every major event has ripples of energy, both before and after the event
  • Sun storms can also affect your balance and energy
  • Large groups of people can also affect your energy



  • Everything has an aura- even trees
  • If you can truly read auras, you’ll know the true character of a person. They can’t hide what’s in their auras
  • If you ever are getting on a plane or you’re traveling with a group of people and the majority of people don’t have auras, you don’t get on the plane or in the car!
  • No aura means that death is impending
  • People with black auras are just bad. That indicates a connectedness with evil, darkness, and Satan
  • You can see where there are physical problems in the aura- there are dips or holes
  • To cleanse the aura (and remove stress from the physical body), you would add to ½ cup of iodized table salt to your bathtub (depending on the size of your tub- bigger tubs need more salt) and soak for as long as you feel necessary
    • Ladies, you can use a washcloth to “wipe away” the auric field surrounding your head and hair.



  • Your chakras are vortexes in your body; these vortexes create your aura
    • Vortexes open to release energy, and then they close
  • You have 21 chakras; 14 minor chakras and 7 major chakras
  • Your major chakras are your circuit breakers for your electrical system
    • If you get into kundalini and attempt to open and close your chakras at will, you can blow your chakras out
      • You can shut your entire nervous system down and paralyze yourself
    • You can safely cleanse and open your chakras using smoky quartz
  • They can be shut down through traumas, and cause emotional and physical problems corresponding to the affected chakra



  • Plastic blocks energy
  • With hypersensitive babies, placing a piece of saran wrap on their solar plexus (put a little water on it so that it adheres to their skin, then dress them as your normally would) will stop them from absorbing negative energies



  • Magic isn’t okay because you use spells, bindings, and conjurations to bend the will of other living creatures away from God for your own selfish purposes. You should be working in harmony with these elements.
    • You don’t need to bind other souls and creatures to yourself or anyone else.
    • You can ask the essences of plants to do healing while still allowing them to be free
  • Both white and black magic involve bending the free will of other beings away from God, and that’s not okay
    • White magic is for the healing and benefit of others, but you can heal and benefit others without bending free will
    • Black magic is because it’s for selfishness and manipulation. This is way wrong.


Bubbles and Tactics

  • Bubbles are great tools
    • Subdued golden bubbles are useful for protection and “invisibility”
    • Pink bubbles and eggs are useful to calm people down
  • Time manipulation is a wonderful tool as well. It’s great for long trips because you can knock hours off your trips.
    • To slow down time, you hold the first two fingers on your dominant hand up, point them to the sky, and twirl them counterclockwise three times
    • To speed time up, you hold the first two fingers of your dominant hand up, point them to the sky, and twirl them clockwise three times


Flower Essences

  • John’s Shield protects you from negative energies
    • You apply the oil directly to your solar plexus.
  • Dandelion oil applied directly to the neck and shoulders removes stress


Spiritual Airports

  • Things can appear out of nowhere, or drop from the ceiling
  • Things can “poof” into and out of existence
    • If things “poof” out of existence, you can command it back in the name of Jesus
      • I command (whatever is gone) back in the name of Jesus Christ.


Lost & Found

  • If you’ve recently lost/misplaced something, fret not!
  • You can ask your Guardian Angel to please help you locate whatever is missing or help you find whatever is missing. You should get results in about 30 minutes. Remember to say thank you when you find it!


Carol’s Favorite Ability

  • Carol loves tapping into ancient ruins to learn about previous cultures, civilizations, etc.
  • Macchu Picchu was her favorite place until it became a monopolized “tourist trap”
    • What was once affordable is not around $1500USD a night

6.20.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the June 20th, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version



  • The Four Agreements and The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz are wonderful things to live by
  • The ability to say the word “no”
    • It’s not your job to please everyone or sacrifice yourself for others
      • You’re here for you, and if you don’t take every chance to learn and to grow that is given, you’ve wasted your time on Earth
      • We have to respect other people’s right to be (in our eyes) wrong
      • You don’t have the power to hurt others’ feelings, and other people only have the power to hurt your feelings when you give it to them
      • You have no responsibility for their reaction
  • We like to define ourselves as “good people” but you, through God, are already a good person
    • You don’t have to prove it
    • Always be truthful, and do your best at all times
      • It’s best to never lie
    • Teach your children how to responsibly use the word “no” and set boundaries
    • Say the word no with conviction!
      • Saying no gives you the freedom to be yourself and to be an adult
  • Boundaries should be set by your level of self-respect; and then your self-respect will grow and set better boundaries for you
    • You first have to decide that you want to respect yourself, and then you have to decide that you will not accept disrespect
    • When you’re truthful to yourself and others, you’ll have greater self-respect
      • Lies are from the dark side!
      • People react to truth
  • You have two kinds of people
    • Liars
      • They put a spin on things to justify what they’re doing/what they want to do
        • Revenge/tit for tat is not the way to go
      • Lying to yourself is bad, as well
    • Honest people
      • Take their authority, are truthful
      • You can trust them and they set a strong foundation that lasts
      • People keep coming back to these people, over and over again
  • We have NO authority without boundaries
    • Take your authority, say no, and gain your self-worth and self-respect
    • If you don’t have the authority, or you don’t have the knowledge, or you don’t really want to do it, then say no
      • If you don’t want to do it, but you say yes and do it begrudgingly, that is sinful
    • Your incentive needs to be YOU!
  • The goal is to evolve to a point that we choose not to react to situations with our human traits, but to treat others with respect and expect to be treated with respect in return.
    • Righteous anger happens, and is appropriate in certain situations
      • Jesus got angry in the Temples, and He got angry with His disciples because they didn’t understand that they could do the same “miracles” He was doing
    • Becoming a more evolved human being starts with you fixing yourself, then helping others (if they ask for help)
      • You have to walk the walk
      • People learn by example
  • It’s important to give, but it’s also important to learn how to receive
    • Giving your children absolutely everything disables them
      • This teaches them that they’re not worthy or able to take care of themselves
      • This is disrespectful and cruel
  • As you begin to evolve, you’ll draw to you a specific standard of person and of life
    • The more you evolve, the higher the quality of people
  • We tend to think that people think like us and have the same moral code as us, but they don’t!
    • Setting a boundary means that people can play, but they play by your rules


There will always be division of groups

  • The dark side divides to cause turmoil, to conquer, to prevent peace
    • Don’t be intimidated by the dark side
  • There will always be turmoil because we are in the 3rd dimension, on the Earth plane, and we were sent here to learn



  • All sin is in the intent
  • If you believe that what you’re doing is sinful, then it is. If you believe it’s wrong, then it’s sinful.
  • The ONLY true “sin” is blaspheming the Holy Spirits, your Guides


Angels vs. Guides

  • Your Guardian Angel speaks warnings, loudly, to protect you
  • Messenger Angels can be sent by God



  • Not all forms, but true autism can be corrected with the soul cleansing formula
    • Not effective with Asperger’s
  • True autism occurs when the soul isn’t properly instituted and sealed into the body at birth
    • We’re not exactly sure why this occurs, but it is possible that forcing the time frame during labor might contribute to this
      • The rise in autism could be due to the amount of doctors inducing women into labor before it’s time for the baby to be born
      • It doesn’t have to do with the chemicals used during birth, it has to do with the soul being partially in and partially out of the body
  • The younger that you perform the soul cleansing formula, the better the results are



  • Self-nurturing is not selfishness


Retrieving Past Life Gifts

  • Any place that you’ve been drawn to your whole life is probably a past-life remembrance
  • When you arrive there, you’ll pick up parts of yourself that you previously left behind. You can also pick up traumas, so it’s important to understand how to release past-life traumas

4.18.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the April 18th, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version


Carol’s Information, Formulae, Etc.

  • It’s practical information that you can use
  • It’s helpful and beneficial to anyone who wants to use it
  • Not a lot of “metaphysical mumbo-jumbo”
  • Practical spirituality
    • You get hit with a spirit or a demon, and you’ll know how to take care of yourself
    • You buy a haunted house, you’ll know how to take care of the situation
  • Everything’s a teacher, everything’s a lesson. It’s all about growth and evolvement!



  • We are all a part of God, and God grows and evolves in each and every one of us
  • Shekinah is the female aspect of God
  • We only refer to God as “Him” because we live in a male-oriented society


Christ and the Crucifixion

  • Information was given to Carol through her Guides and verified via the Apostles’ Creed
    • I believe in God the Father Almighty. And in Jesus Christ His only (begotten) Son our Lord, who was born of the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary; crucified under Pontius Pilate, and buried; the third day He rose from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father, from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. And in the Holy Ghost; the holy Church; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; (the life everlasting).
  • There is God, there are the Holy Spirits, there is Christ
    • The trinity exists
    • Christ tried to teach us all that we’re children of God
    • Christ spoke often of His Father, God, and made a clear distinction between God and Himself
    • Christ left behind the Holy Spirits after His death to be our comforters and teachers
  • Christ DOESN’T equal religion
    • Where religion is concerned, you have man’s concept of what and who God is
    • Christ didn’t have a Church, Christ taught
      • He taught for us to connect and to work like He did
      • Christ didn’t teach for us to go to another human being for God
    • Before Christ incarnated as Christ, he lived as David, which is probably why he chose to be born of the line of David (on Mary’s side)
    • In the 18 “missing” years, he traveled widely to acquire wisdom, knowledge, and learning from various masters
      • Information in India, Egypt… The information was in the locations he visited but the information wasn’t placed in the Bible


  • Christ did know His purpose and His mission, which was to be the Redeemer. Not the Messiah, per se, but the Redeemer.
    • He had to show the power of God through His actions (healing work, raising the dead)
    • He showed that God could work through man, and He taught others to do the same
    • Christ taught that all of us are equal. Races, sexes, creeds are all equal in God’s eyes; none are greater, none are lesser
    • You must pray your prayers in the name of Jesus Christ for them to be effective
  • Christ often got frustrated with His disciples because they didn’t seem to understand that they could do the same things He did (healing work, miracles, etc.)
    • His disciples lacked self-worth, because the dark side stole it
  • Christ taught how to stop the demonic, He cast out the demonic
    • He showed that God had domain, even over the demonic
    • Through Christ’s name, we too have power over the demonic
  •  Jesus went through the Baptism to show others a way to be freed of their sins
    • The Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem contains some of the original stones that Christ walked on, as evidenced by Carol’s reaction to a picture of the site
      • Part Two of the recording, at around 1:30
  • At Passover, Christ was teaching His disciples what He was going to do
    • He was going to sacrifice His body and His blood for all of mankind
    • In the Garden of Gethsemane, He pled with God to relieve Him of His burden, knowing that He had to do it of His own free will
      • Christ gave Himself over to the dark side 100%, so that they could do whatever they wanted to do to Him
        • He HAD to do this of His own free will
        • He knew that He could call upon God’s Spirit Community to aid him but He didn’t, He remained silent
        • This sacrifice gave Him the right to enter Hell
    • At the time of the Passover, the Jews were given the option to free either Jesus or Barabbas, a murderer, and they chose Barabbas.
      • This had to happen, however, for the Redemption process to be able to take place
  • Upon Crucifixion, Christ’s soul was taken to the depths of Hell for 3 days, where He faced Lucifer/Satan and freed all souls.
    • After freeing the souls, Christ created the tunnel of Light that allowed anyone, anywhere to accept Him and His Light and be with God
    • Before Christ, no man was allowed to enter Heaven
      • Even the most righteous were bound into the Outer Darkness
      • Elijah was shown the Heavens to prove that it exists
        • Confirmation purposes
  • After His 3 days in Hell, He returned to His body on the physical plane
    • He told Mary Magdalene not to touch Him, because He was unclean and had yet to be cleansed after His time in Hell
    • Significance of the Crucifixion
      • Christ gave His life so that ALL could be redeemed back to God… All they have to do is go into the Light
        • You can live a “righteous” life but if you don’t go into the Light, you’re not going anywhere
          • Even Satanists who step into the Light are redeemed back to God
      • Redemption requires no belief system, it’s available for all of us
        • Described as a tunnel of white light
      • Sometimes, loved ones appear to greet them
    • Christ created the tunnel from Hell to Heaven
      • “Ghost” with Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg offers truth
      • It’s a one-way elevator, but you can get on at any floor
  • There is power in the blood of Christ
    • Blood of the crucifixion
      • If you encounter the demonic and show them a wooden, iron, or silver cross, they will flee
        • Wooden cross, because of the wood of the cross of the crucifixion
        • Silver cross because of the 30 pieces of silver given to Judas to betray Jesus
          • Judas was bound to betray Jesus, and He played a crucial part in the Redemption process.
          • It HAD to happen.
        • Iron because of the iron nails used to affix Jesus to the cross
      • The cross and the crucifix will both work equally as well
    • His Name is SO powerful
      • If the demonic bothers you, command them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ and watch what happens
    • Christ conquered the darkness through His sacrifice
  • God is NOT a punishing God
    • Even the demonic can be Redeemed
      • Carol noticed this began in 1993, and other groups that did similar work noticed this as well
      • The demonic fell due to envy of man’s free will
      • The demonic begged and pleaded to be redeemed
      • Romans 11:22-23 (ESV)
        • “Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. And even they, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again.”
      • What goes around comes around, as a lesson
        • Hitler would come back in the opposite position to be taught what it’s like
      • Everyone goes through a Life Review when they’re ready to learn from it
        • You get to feel, see, and understand what you put others through
        • If you correct your actions on Earth, you can avoid feeling the full impact


  • 10 dimensions of the Earth Plane
    • 1-3 are the physical
      • Both physical and spiritual
      • Without the spiritual, we wouldn’t exist
    • 4 is the Outer Darkness
      • Many, many, many levels and dimensions within this dimension
    • 5th-10th are heaven
      • There are 10 levels of Heaven but the 10th is God
      • Level 1 is exactly a mirror of the Earth; they have everything there that we have here. You can travel wherever.
        • You can stay here as long as you want.
      • Each level is a different level of learning and evolvement
        • Higher learning is higher up
        • If you partake in higher learning, you’re expected to come back and teach and use this information to help others
          • Masters teach on the other side
          • You can learn and ascend, and you don’t necessarily have to come back here
        • Secrets of Enoch in The Christian Apocrypha has more information


The Bible

  • So much information has been lost and misconstrued due to errors in translation


Psychic Abilities

  • How do you turn them on and off?
    • You can’t do it 100%
    • To help with empathy, the carnelian bracelet worn bead-to-bead on the left wrist, or a solid band worn on the left middle finger, will help dampen the sensations


Have you lost something?

  • Give your Guardian Angel permission to help you find whatever you lost
  • You’ll get results in about half an hour
  • Remember to say “thank you”!


Claiming what you want

  • Ask that what is to the highest good of all involved be opened up and brought to you, ask that what isn’t to the highest good of all involved to be shut off
  • “God, I claim this and this if it is to the highest good of all involved, I claim both. If it’s to the highest good of everyone involved for one to happen, I ask that that option be opened and the other be closed off. If this is appropriate, I ask this to please be done now in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.”


Bigfoot/Sasquatch/The Wild Man of China

  • Carol took a trip to middle China to “hunt” for Bigfoot in 1993
    • They found hair, footprints, and a bed
      • The hair, when analyzed, proved to be half human and half animal
      • One of the first humanoids of the planet
    • The energies of China were out of balance. Belief systems and temples were destroyed
    • For more information on China and Bigfoot, listen from 36:30 to 48:35


Psychic Information vs. Mediumistic Information

  • Psychic information is received via psychometry, where Carol touches into a photograph or writing (in ink), goes back in time, and sees what the person in the picture saw
  • Mediumistic information comes from the spirit themselves, when they tell Carol what happened to them
    • When recordings are played back, you can hear the spirit’s voice telling Carol the information, and then Carol relaying it to the person receiving the reading.
    • Spirits can also take Carol over and speak through them
      • Like Whoopi Goldberg in “Ghost”


Why were the Jews chosen?

  • They were part of the 12 tribes, that went along with the 12 creator races of the Elohim through God
  • The Jews weren’t chosen, the tribes were chosen. One actually fell away and turned to Islam

4.4.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the April 4th, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version


Q & A Session

  • When you’re in the Light planning your next life out, who all is involved in the planning process? Do your guides help, does your guardian angel help, or is it strictly you and God?
    • Your guides are assigned to you based on the lessons you choose and how evolved you already are. The higher evolved you are, the higher evolved your guides are
    • You have a choice in the lessons you want to learn, the people and situations you want to interact with, whether you’re male or female, and the area you’re born into.
    • You can come in with certain illnesses and diseases to be a sacrifice to be the teacher for people around you
  • Why is it advantageous to incarnate from the Light vs. the Outer Darkness?
    • In the Outer Darkness, you don’t have a “heads up” about your lessons and you have a lot of emotional baggage, traumas, etc. that you bring in to the new life
      • Hatreds, fears, actions can lock you into certain characteristics and situations in your next lifetime
        • Anti-Semites will often reincarnate as Jews, KKK members as Black individuals, etc. as a lesson
        • It allows you to see the flip-side of an error on the soul level
      • Incarnating from the Light allows you to shed a lot of the traumas and baggage, and gives you a sneak peek at what you’ll be encountering
  • What is karma?
    • Karma is unlearned lessons
    • If you’re judgmental and judge others, you will in turn be judged
    • It’s not a punishment, it’s a lesson
  • What is your soul?
    • Your soul is the absolute, eternal, immortal you that resides within every cell of the physical body
      • This brings up issues with organ transplants… Kidneys aren’t as much of an issue, but the heart and the liver present major issues. The soul can stay with the heart of the person, as the heart never truly stops with organ donors and the soul isn’t given the opportunity to leave the body. The liver is the seat of anger, and the soul of the deceased can transfer into the recipient.
        • Your gold cord connects your soul to your body via the heart
        • You ask that the deceased, along with the negative residue, be taken into the Light or in appropriate protected sanctuary in the name of Jesus Christ (with the pleases/thank you’s)
      • Everywhere you go, you leave little pieces of yourself behind, trails of energy
        • You can leave energy from past lives in places, and stumbling upon this energy reactivates soul memory
        • Death energy can be particularly dangerous. You can relive the energy and it can cause extreme illness or death.
      • Your soul has a depth of consciousness that you’re not necessarily consciously aware of… We’ve been around since the beginning of time and we carry a gigantic amount of soul memory with us everywhere we go
  • Is distance an issue with formula/prayers?
    • As long as you have a full name and address, then the prayers will work anywhere in the world.
    • With healing prayers, the catch is that the person must want to be healed.
      • Free will is the issue
      • Healing is unbelievably complex
  • Do you (Carol) every feel the need to prove your abilities? Do people often try to prove themselves to you? What about the psychics doing big-name, high-dollar tours and TV shows?
    • “I never worry about proving myself… I, honest to God, don’t care. Do I care [about other people proving their abilities]? Not especially. It’s for their benefit, not mine” – Carol
    • She does her best to try to help people with their abilities, because that’s part of her job in this lifetime
    • “I think any true psychic would never, ever go in competition. We’re not here about ego. This isn’t about ego, it’s about how you can help people, the earth, the community, that sort of thing. God. You’re working through God.” – Carol
    • As for the big-name psychics, Carol says “good for them”
    • “I do the work, and it is what it is… If you choose, I can help you… Not necessarily being ‘psychic’, but knowing how to use God’s spirit community to help yourself and those around you… Anyone who wants it can have it.” – Carol
  • How do you define God’s spirit community?
    • On Earth:
      • 4 major Archangels, with legions under each
        • The legions are organized like the military with leaders, generals, etc.
      • There are Divine Spirits who deal with medical, emotional, spiritual, psychological needs. There are Divine Spirits of everything that man has put into place, laws, emotions, etc.
        • Divine Spirits of Justice, Comfort, Patience, Humility
      • Devas are nature spirits who protect plants, animals, etc. like our Guardian Angel protects us
        • We’ve been given the authority to name things on this planet and create laws on this planet that will be recognized by God’s spirit community.
          • For example, once we name a specific plant, then Devas of that named plant will be with all plants of that type. IE: once we identify a magnolia tree, then Devas of Magnolia Trees will be assigned to all magnolia trees to protect them.
          • Unnamed plants will be protected by general nature spirits
        • Highly evolved humans can be masters of certain things while on the other side. These souls have donated their time in the Light for the greater good.
          • Masters of mechanics, psychology, crocheting, etc.
  • Does divorce go against God?
      • “I don’t think that God made the laws for marriages… The laws have been quite different [throughout history], with David and Solomon and all of the wives…” – Carol
      • If you’re married to someone who causes you [illness, disease, etc.], it’s not “against God” to divorce them.
  • Is there an increased level of violence in the US nowadays?
    • No, it’s more of an increased media attention
    • There have been horrors everywhere, throughout all of history. There’s just greater access to the information and statistics than ever before.
    • This is a place of turmoil, lessons… It’s NOT heaven
  • What about Chip Coffey, who works with children with psychic abilities?
    • There’s too much showmanship
    • He doesn’t handle them 100% wrong, but he handles them wrong
      • There shouldn’t be fear involved.
    • There’s a lack of knowledge about how to properly protect themselves
      • Sage isn’t gonna do a thing for demonic, negative entities
      • Unless you’ve proven that the information works, do not rely on it fully
        • Ideas, theories, and opinions should all be taken with a grain of salt until proven effective.
        • Salt for demonic possessions and the power of the lifting are all things that have been proven across many people and many situations to be valid, useful, and truthful.
  • Who are the seven Sons of God?
    • Jesus, Lucifer, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, Metatron

3.21.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the March 21st, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version


  • We’re on Earth to evolve and learn lessons
    • Choices and decisions (AKA free will) are how we learn our lessons
  • There’s a whole Spirit community that wants to work with and protect us!
  • ALWAYS say please and thank you when you call upon Divine assistance

The Soul

  • Your soul is integrated into every cell of the physical body, but exits the body completely intact and very material when you pass
  • God created everything
    • Everything created by God has awareness and consciousness
    • We are unified with all of God’s creations due to our soul’s connectivity with God
    • We are all a part of the holograph of God
    • Everything has living, conscious energy
      • You can’t destroy energy, only change it
        • Death is for the material physical body, not the soul
      • Even rocks have consciousness!
      • Even inanimate objects have conscious except plastic. Carol had a pair of glasses tell her they helped the wearer see.
    • At one point, we had a Divine Connectedness with nature, animals, and angels through God, but some lost that connectedness via our bad choices, as influenced by the Dark Side
  • How do we get in contact with our soul?
    • Kinesiology/reflexology is the best, most foolproof way of accessing your soul’s knowledge
      • Connect your middle finger and thumb of both hands and interlock both circles. Right-handed people pull with their left hand, left-handers with their right.
      • Give your soul permission to hold for the answer “no” and pull. Give your soul permission to break for the answer “yes” and pull and allow circle to break.
        • Stronger holds and breaks are stronger answers.
      • Once you’ve established this, you’re in contact with your soul.
      • You cannot use this for future; you can use this for the past and the current.
        • With an illness, use kinesiology to ask if it’s mental/psychological, spiritual, physical, or emotional.
          • Carol suggestions using the book, Heal Your Body by Louise Hay to help the root of physical issues, which can be emotional. Carol does not agree with every root listed in the book, but the major are correct.
          • Once you’ve identified the root, tap the affected area twice with your index and middle fingers on either hand and state the root cause before tapping. You may experience a tingle sensation. This is normal, which means healing, but not everyone gets a tingle. It may take 24 hours to clear completely.


  • Orbs are NOT human souls, they’re interdimensional/dimensional parasites that feed off negativity
    • Used to be called Foo Fighters (no connection to the rock band)
  • Can move betwixt dimensions
  • They are of no harm to us; they clean the energy of the Earth
    • Can be the size of football fields, or the size of marbles
    • They’re natural, not “supernatural”
  • They can live for hundreds of years, but when they die, they turn red
  • Easily photographed
  • If one becomes attached to you, you can use the following formula:
    • I would please ask the Interdimensional/Dimensional Band of Mercy to remove whatever they have authority over that is attached to, affecting, or influencing myself, family, pets, home and property, and all that I have domain over now in the name of Jesus Christ and either place them in appropriate protected sanctuary or do whatever they deem necessary with them and I thank thee.

The Earth Plane

  • 10 major dimensions, but there are dimensions within dimensions
  • 1-3 are the Earth plane
  • 4 is the Outer Darkness
  • 5-10 are layers of Heaven

God’s Spirit Community

  • Beings of the Light always speak from the right. They never speak in 3rd person and information is always pure and without ego. Sometimes they warn us, but most of the time it’s just information.
  • Beings of the Light taught Carol everything she knows
  • Holy Spirits
    • The Holy Spirits are our teachers, our comforters
    • Christ left the Holy Spirits to be with us after His ascension
    • They are not human, nor have they ever been human
    • They are direct servants and messengers of God
  • Angelics
    • Not human; a different species yet still capable of evolvement
    • They are servants and messengers of God
    • Both male and female
    • Take care of us, help us, assist us
    • Can visit as humans and have specific lifetimes as humans but is rare.
      • Most of the time, they don’t know that they are angels
      • If you ask them if they’re angels, they must tell the truth. This is not the case if they are born as human.
    • Guardian Angels
      • Every human has only one guardian angel, who can call upon legions of angels to protect you and assist you
      • Everything and everyone on this Earth plane has a guardian angel
      • You can give your Guardian Angel charge over you to protect and all you have authority over and then say I thank thee. If you ask your Guardian Angel for help, as in assisting you to find a lost article, say please and I thank thee.
        • Needs to be reinstated once a year
        • Can be used specifically before trips
      • We have 4 major Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel) and several “sub”-Archangels, and a Universal Archangel (Metatron)
        • There is a division of labor similar to the Army… There are generals and angel under them then more under them, etc.
        • If you feel threatened, you may ask for Cherubim to please protect yourself, family, pets, home and property, and all that you have authority over in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in thenames of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.
          • Needs to be renewed once a year
        • Devas
            • Nature angels that come in many different forms
            • If you do good deeds in this life or past, devas can protect and/or bring you gifts
            • Devas of vegetables, fruits, flowers can help you grow magnificent crops
            • You can ask Devas to remove whatever critter or bug from the house in thenames of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.
            • Animal totems are significant; animals can bring information, warnings, etc.

The Dark Side

  • The Dark Side always speaks from the left, in the 2nd and/or 3rd person
    • “You look so fat today” or “they’re looking at you because of…”
  • The Dark Side/Demonic are fallen Angels
    • They de-evolved
  • Whatever their role was in the Light became the direct opposite when they fell away from God
  • Lucifer (the Angel of Light) chose not to serve mankind; he felt that mankind wasn’t worthy. When he turned away from God, he took 1/3 of the Angels in Heaven with him to Earth.
    • The Fallen Angels hate mankind
  • The Dark Side provides us with the opportunity to exert our free will

Extra Resources

  • Findhorn Foundation
  • Heal Your Body by Louise Hay
  • Cosmic Pulse of Life by Trevor James Constable for images of orbs, etc.
  • Keys of Solomon for the Archangelic time frames
  • The Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davison for Angelic information
  • Animal Speak by Ted Andrews for animal totems

God’s Spirit Community

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God’s Spirit Community is unimaginably large, so it would be impossible to list all of the members. However, these are the members of God’s Spirit Community that we most frequently call upon, and the main role(s) they serve. God is the CEO of his corporation, and without the knowledge of how the corporation works, prayers aren’t nearly as effective as they can be; calling upon the appropriate beings, understanding their duties, and calling upon the appropriate names of God will ensure results consistently.

It is important to remember that angels are not, and have never been human. Angels and humans are two separate species, although angels can appear in human form. For more information, see the Dictionary of Angels.

Always remember to ask nicely when you call upon any of these beings (say please and thank you whenever it is available), do all things in the name of Jesus Christ, and use the phrase “if it is deemed appropriate” if you feel unsure about anything.


Guardian Angels: each human being has one guardian angel responsible for protecting us, who can call upon legions of angels to assist you. If you ever hear a warning, either inside or outside of your head, or if you hear your name shouted, then this is probably your Guardian Angel working to protect you.

Spirit Guides: each human being has three spirit guides assigned to them at birth. These are the Holy Spirits, who have never been human, who were left by Jesus to be our comforters and our teachers. Your spirit guides speak from the right side, mostly inside your head, and provide information, knowledge, and truth. They will never stroke your ego or embarrass you. They show themselves as sparks of white light, and can smell of floral or incense. It is important to learn how to communicate with your Guides

Cherubim: Cherubim are not chubby baby angels but large warrior angels. If you have a perpetual problem with the demonic in your home and property, it would be appropriate to ask a Cherubim be put into place to protect your home and property

Divine Spirits of ­­­­_______: Divine Spirits are angelics who are masters of whatever aspect and/or traits you are calling upon them for help. These are for the non-tangible things like character, which you wish to strengthen in yourself. You should never ask for patience, because you will be given tests to develop your patience. Instead, you should ask for the Divine Spirits of Patience (courage, strength, joy maturity, wisdom, kindness… If you can think of a trait, there is a Divine Spirit of that trait) to aid you, assist you, and work with you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee. (Understand: Nothing is given, all must be learned. Divine Spirits can assist you in the learning process, though making it easier.)

Guides of ______: if you find yourself in a situation involving something on this Earth plane, say computers, music, art, or car mechanics, you can ask for a Guide of Computers or a Guide of Car Mechanics to please be with you to assist you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee. These guides are human masters who will teach you how to fix or do whatever you seek to do. Ask them to speak loudly, and only ask for one at a time.

Band of Mercy: consists of human souls who have chosen to go into service once they have left this Earth plane and have gone into the Light. Most were redeemed. The Band of Mercy has the authority to remove unclean human spirits, negative thought forms, and some negative entities, energies, and influences. The Band also has the authority to remove any and all past life attachments. They also can bring forth loved ones and spirit healers to help ease and prepare one for passing from this Earth plane and guide them into the Light. They may also be called upon in an emergency to remove WHATEVER is attached for you or remove from anyone, who is putting you in danger in the names of God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.

Glory Band of Mercy: the Glory Band consists of humans who bound themselves to Satan through black magic and believed they were demonic before they were redeemed back to God. They have the authority to remove human souls that have been bound into dark service, and human souls who believe that they’re demons-in-training (demons are a separate race from humans; one can never be the other).

E.T. Band of Mercy: the E.T. Band of Mercy has the authority to remove extraterrestrials, nature spirits, viruses, and bacteria not from the Earth Plane

Inter-dimensional/Dimensional Band of Mercy: this Band has the authority to remove negative entities, energies, and influences from different dimensions of this Earth plane. When calling upon this band, do so in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Mura-Con: Mura-Con is an angelic being that is responsible for purifying and detoxifying the body and blood from various toxins and poisons.

Vortex E-On Jah: Vortex E-On Jah is the angel of vortices, and has the authority to close any negative, unnatural vortex and purify any perversions to natural positive vortices and restore them to the state God intended them to be in.

Legion of Pan: the Legion of Pan has authority over all of nature in this dimension. It is appropriate to call upon the Legion of Pan to remove negative elementals, devas, nature spirits, viruses, bacteria, parasites, nano parasites, and molds from this dimension.

Devas of _______: everything in nature has a Deva that has been assigned, by God, to protect it. Should you face an infestation of some sort (spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes, bees, wasps, etc.), it would be appropriate to call upon the Deva of Spiders (or whatever pest) to remove them from your home in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.

Legion of Soon Ki (Soon key): the Legion of Soon Ki has authority over nature from all dimensions of the Earth plane. It’s appropriate to call upon them to remove negative elementals, devas, and nature spirits from other dimensions.

B’Nai Or: The B’Nai Or is the Great White Brotherhood (Of the White Light; they are the 70 sect.) They were Christ’s teachers when He was in body, and they can offer a great deal of protection from abductions on a universal level. We call upon the B’Nai Or in the Daily Lifting for these protections.

Archangel Michael: If you were having trouble with a demonic entity, you would call upon Archangel Michael and his legions to remove them in the names of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee. Michael has absolute authority over the demonic.

Archangel Raphael: Archangel Raphael and his Legions have the authority to provide protection during travel, and over healing. We call upon Archangel Raphael and his legions during healing work, and to remove Enochians

Archangel Gabriel: Archangel Gabriel and his legions have the authority to remove Sons of Darkness.

Archangel Ariel: Archangel Ariel and his legions have the authority to remove negative Sirius beings

Archangel Uriel: Archangel Uriel presides over the 8th realm. We call upon Archangel Uriel and his legions in the soul DNA formula.

Universal Archangel Metatron: Archangel Metatron has authority over our entire universe, not only our planet (as the other Archangels do).