Tag Archives: guilt

4.17.2015 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio for the April 17th, 2015 NACC meeting, please click here.

God doesn’t need religion. Man uses religion for his own purposes. Sometimes it’s good, but sometimes man can distort and misuse religion.


We had a refresher course on kinesiology, so click here for more information!



  • Most pregnant women have a protective shield around them, which causes the “glow”
  • This protection is only broken if you use drugs, alcohol, etc. while pregnant
    • A broken shield means that any soul from the Light or Outer Darkness can be born as your child


Lying and Truth

  • Truth is absolutely everything, and people know on a soul level where you’re coming from
    • Truth is honest, solid, and people can’t argue with it
  • Raise your kids with absolute truth, and break family chains of manipulation and guilt trips.
    • Truth gives them self-confidence from the inside out
  • When you lie, you sin against yourself and your soul
    • It’s even worse when we lie to ourselves!
  • You lie because you know you’re doing something you don’t want anyone to know about. Lies are covers and shields against something you’re doing knowingly.
  • Be as honest as you possibly can
  • Lying allows the dark side to come in and mess with your life
  • Some people feel they have to lie for purposes of business, family members, friendships, but you don’t have to do that. When you’re honest, people react to honesty and accept honesty.
  • Lying to someone to protect their feelings is doing them a disservice.
    • Lying to them hurts them on a soul level
    • If you really don’t want to hurt feelings, then don’t say anything
  • You shouldn’t be mean or manipulate with honesty.
  • You have to come from a good place in the soul, saying things truthfully, and refraining from doing harm to another soul.
  • Avoid opinions, because they can vary from person to person. Absolute universal truth is the way to go.
  • Working with the truth, with the intent to be honest, brings about change for the positive. People will either open up and react, or they’ll shut down and close up. Either way, it’s okay… If they shut down, then they’re not ready for the truth
    • We filter out what we’re not ready to hear and understand
    • Everything around us shapes our filters, but a soul-to-soul truth bypass these filters
      • Using the phrase “on a soul level, I need to speak to you” and it reaches them. Use this with great caution and respect. This isn’t something to use all the time, so be mindful.



  • You don’t have to take responsibility for other peoples’ reactions to your opinions, beliefs, and actions.
  • No one has the right to judge anyone else’s actions, whether it be good, bad, or otherwise
  • Everyone has the right to his or her opinions, even ignorant opinions.


Experiences vs. Beliefs

  • Experiences are real, things that you know to be true
  • It’s the difference between “believing in” God, spirits, or the demonic and KNOWING them to be a real, true fact
  • When you know something’s true, then you don’t have to carry a belief system



  • You don’t have to feel guilty for saying “no” and taking your authority
    • Working from a place of truth with the word “no” is the most powerful
  • Guilt is from the dark side, and they will use it to mess with your head
    • God gives conscience, Satan gives guilt
  • Guilt is manipulation, always.
  • Teach your kids not to accept guilt trips and it will protect them.



  • You can’t control anyone other than yourself, and you can’t take responsibility for what you can’t control
  • It’s hard enough to take your own responsibility for who you are and what you do
  • Tons of people want to blame you for their issues and their lack of responsibility
  • If they try to blame you, say “this is your problem, this is your issue, and I take no responsibility for your choices and decisions” (or some kinder, applicable variant of that J)
  • Stand your ground, and say “I do not accept your guilt trip.” Don’t comment about it, don’t feed into it. Just say that you don’t accept it and move on.
  • If somebody isn’t 100% there, don’t take it seriously. It’s not about you.
  • If you feed into it, you’re in trouble.



  • Decision-making is how we use our free will
  • When we make decisions from a place of truth, it’s solid and foolproof. People won’t argue with truth.
  • If you have a nasty feeling in your solar plexus, or have a bad feeling about a situation, you can figure out who the person is and what the situation is. Either put their face in your mind screen or say their name… If the solar plexus gets worse, then that’s the answer. (Kinesiology also works.) Once you figure it out, work through possible scenarios that come out of truth, then the feeling will totally dissipate. Stand in truth without emotions.



  • When worn bead to bead on the left hand, it’s protection against negative energies
  • It works in synergy with obsidian and smoky quartz
  • For more information, click here!



  • Whenever you are affected by negative energies, even when wearing carnelian or other protections, go outside and shake your hands out on the ground. Not over anyone or anything except the ground
  • Salt baths cleanse your auric field, de-stress your body, and make you feel wonderful! 1/3 cup of iodized table salt in a bath! The cheap, plain stuff works wonders!



  • When Carol taps into a handwriting sample or a photograph, she energetically merges with the individual’s signature energy frequency
    • Your energy shifts as you go through life experiences
    • Carol can use the signature frequency to update a picture of a child from the time of the photograph to present day
  • Carol’s like a radio. When she tunes into your individual station, then she gets your music!
  • When she touches into a murderer, she feels a gross feeling in her solar plexus, a gurgle of blood up her throat, and then she sees the murder through the killer’s eyes


Pentacles, Pentagrams, and Symbols

  • Most symbols go back to the Seals of Solomon
    • King Solomon was the king over all of the tribes of Israel. He was given tools and knowledge through God, as he was anointed by God
  • The pentagram and the Shaddai give authority over negative and demonic through the power of God
  • For more information about protections, click here!


Being in the Light

  • Loved ones will be waiting for you IF they make it into the Light
    • If they don’t make it into the Light, they’ll be reborn
    • If you have a family member pass before you, it is HIGHLY advised to pray them into the Light.
    • You can pray for yourself as a spiritual insurance policy!
  • Everyone is shown the Light, UNLESS you make a pact with dark ones. If you make pacts, then you may be snatched up by dark ones like in the movie “Ghost”


Building Authority

  • You have to build authority by saying the Daily Lifting consistently for about 3 months before you’ll be able to get good results with the other prayer formulae.

9.20.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio recording for the September 20th, 2013 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

If you ever try to put your hand on a table and it goes through the table, you have passed and you should ask for the Light!



  • People can attach to other people, objects, etc. when they pass
  • It’s best not to be too dependent or attached to anyone or anything
  • It’s best to say the lifting on a daily basis to ensure that you don’t have other souls attached to you
  • People who are sensitive are more likely to be “bothered” by spirits
    • They may want to get a message across, get help, give you a hard time, etc.
    • It’s our responsibility to get them into the Light
      • We do this using the Lifting
      • If an emergency, you can ask the Band of Mercy to remove them in the name of Jesus Christ and they’ll take care of it



  • Manifestations need to be spoken aloud
  • Ask that it come with no harm to yourself or anyone involved, and that it be to the highest good for yourself and everyone involved


Eggs and Bubbles

  • For more information about eggs and bubbles, please click here
  • Silver mirrored eggs are great protections
    • Mirrored on the outside and filled with White Light
  • You can ask for an egg of white light to be placed around you
    • You can walk into a crowded room and people will notice you
  • You can ask to be placed in a subdued golden bubble (not shimmery gold)
    • You’ll walk into the same crowded room and no one will notice you
    • It doesn’t make you invisible, but people will sort of ignore you
    • You can also put golden bubbles around people who are going to hurt themselves


Getting Along with Family

  • Stay out of their business
  • Don’t give them too much information about your business
    • That way they don’t have anything to come back on you with
  • Don’t give them advice. If they ask for it, understand that they may not take it.
  • Respect their right to be wrong (in your eyes) and to make bad/poor choices.
  • Don’t be afraid to say the word “no”!
    • You have to mean it!
    • You can’t feel guilty- you have to make the decision to enforce your “no”



  • In order to be healthy and whole human beings, we have to have boundaries
  • Not having boundaries enables people, which causes them more harm than good
  • Boundaries include setting hours in which it’s okay to call, requiring that they call before they visit, etc.
    • You have to set these boundaries and enforce them consistently


Guilt vs. Conscience

  • Guilt is from the dark side, conscience is from God
  • Guilt manipulates, haunts, and vexes you



  • It doesn’t do much for the other person but it will absolutely eat your lunch
  • You can ask for Divine Spirits of Justice to intercede for you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the name of Jesus Christ



  • You can ask Archangel Michael to remove any demons of jealousy
    • I would please ask Archangel Michael and his legions to remove any demons of jealousy from you in the name of Jesus Christ and place them into appropriate protected sanctuary and I thank thee
  • You can ask Archangel Michael to work with you to help remove specific fears; all negative emotions (jealousy, anger, revenge) stem from fear


The Dark Side

  • Guilt, fear, and negativity is all from the dark side
  • They’ll tell you to drive your car off a bridge, into a tree, etc.
  • They’ll tell you to commit suicide, and if you do it, you can be bound into dark service
  • If they put negative thoughts in your head, command them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ
    • Take your authority, be firm, and be strong
  • For more information about the dark side, please click here



  • Suicide of all kinds, including assisted suicide, breaks the spiritual law of self-murder
  • Medically-assisted suicides don’t end any pain or suffering
  • You can refuse treatment, or refuse to eat, but you can’t take medicine to kill yourself
  • For more information about suicide, please click here



  • If you have dreams of someone that you don’t want to see, you’ve got options
    • You can ask the Divine Spirits to remove those dreams
    • You can program yourself so that, if they appear in the dream, you say “no”
    • You can visualize them standing in front of you, then visualize yourself slamming a heavy metal garage door between the two of you
  • If you have dreams of a loved one who has passed on, there are a couple of possibilities
    • If they look healthy and radiant, they’re in the Light. This is a visitation.
    • If they don’t look well, they’re asking for help, or if you just feel off, then they’re stuck in the Outer Darkness and you should pray them into the Light.


Sacred Geometry

  • Absolutely everything is based in sacred geometry
  • It’s the foundation for everything
  • Mandelbrot’s set is called the “thumbprint of God”

Carol’s Tips


If you are having trouble with acne, it can be helpful to take 50 mg of zinc daily.


In Carol’s experience, she has found that arthritis usually has psychological roots in guilt and resentment.


If you have trouble with cysts, particularly ovarian cysts, taking burdock root can be helpful.


Taking DHEA (Carol highly recommends Ladies’ Choice brand) can help ease all symptoms of menopause.



If you suffer from migraines, Fever Few and vitamin B2 can be particularly helpful in reducing the frequency and severity of your migraines. Also, be sure to consult Heal Your Body by Louis Hay to ensure that you’re addressing the root of the issue.



Selenium (the amount from eating 6 Brazil nuts each day, or from a supplement) has been shown by scientific studies to offer protection against Ebola.



Pouring ½ cup of iodized table salt into your bath water and soaking will cleanse your energy field, reduce stress, and help you relax.