Tag Archives: manifest

Releasing Worry

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While we will sometimes try to control our loved ones out of the need to protect them, controlling and worrying brings no good to everyone involved. If you feel the need to control a specific person or situation, it can be helpful to repeat the following mantra out loud on a daily basis, or as often as you feel led to. It’s important to believe your statement when you’re saying it.


I have faith that my loved one (state their name or your relation to them) will make the right choices and decisions.


This helps you release the worry, but it also helps manifest better situations for the other parties involved.

You Can Manifest Anything

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If you want or need a cushion in your bank account, or you want to go on a trip, or you need anything, you simply ask God for it. You just have to decide what you want (with money, $10,000 is a good starting amount) and state the following:


I would please ask for a $10,000 cushion to come to me, through no harm to myself or anyone involved, to the highest good of all involved, and I thank thee.


It’s important to get out of your own way… You cannot doubt it when you’re stating this! Don’t worry about how it is going to happen or how you will receive it. When you ask God for a blessing, whatever that blessing is, you cannot give it away, because giving away your blessings shows that you feel unworthy of them; all blessings will immediately stop, and those already given may disappear.


Be aware that blessings take about 2 months to come in. At that time you can increase it, but again you can’t give it away. Always remember that you can’t ever put a blessing before God.