Tag Archives: orbs

11.15.2013 Session Notes

For the audio for the November 15th, 2013 NACC meeting, please click here.


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  • A ghost is a spirit, and a spirit is a human soul
  • Ghostbusting is low phenomena; it’s not good energy.
  • The spirits who often make themselves known are human souls who are stuck, and you have the responsibility of helping them
  • The issue with “ghostbusting” is that you have no idea what you’re gonna bring home with you
    • People go for the thrill of being scared like the movies, but it’s not the movies
    • It’s like bringing a Ouija board home with you
    • Human spirits will follow you home, but demonic will also follow you home too
      • There are nice humans and there are mean humans. You never know what you’re going to get!
      • The demonic will tear your world apart



  • They are not humans. Humans cannot become demonic, but humans can act demonic if they have been bound into service.



  • There’s a lot of concern over orbs because they show up in photographs
  • Orbs have been around for a very long time. They’re natural to Earth (not ET)
  • They were once called Foo Fighters
  • They can be a huge range of shapes and sizes- from tiny to the size of football fields
  • They’re NOT human souls, they’re interdimensional/dimensional parasites that help clean the Earth’s energy
  • Orbs are drawn to paranormal energy, battles, murders, so they can clean up the negative


Thought Forms

  • They appear as geometric shapes and as different bright colors
  • Negative thought forms can appear as many colors, not just red



  • Your Spirit Guides will appear as a white mist, or as white sparks of light


Nature Spirits

  • Nature spirits show up as multicolored sparks of light
  • An imp is a negative nature spirit (deva) that has fallen or has been bound into dark service. They’re demonic
    • Archangel Michael and his legions have authority over imps
    • They can be quite pesky
    • They’re always black with red eyes, and very unpleasant



  • When animals pass, they usually go directly into the light
    • Animals can be bound through cruelty and witchcraft
    • If they’re bound, you would use the following prayer:
      • I would please ask the Legion of Pan to release and unbind this animal and take them directly into the Light or into appropriate sanctuary through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ and in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.
    • They’ll stay for around 2 months, and they’ll help train your new puppy or kitten if you get one in that time frame


Spiritual Consent

  • 13 is the age of spiritual consent
  • You can no longer pray for them without their consent
  • Eventually, you praying for them will no longer work- they have to take responsibility for themselves


Iodized Table Salt

  • All negative energy is able to be cleared with iodized table salt
  • You can sprinkle salt, or put salt in water and sprinkle the water on the area
  • If you move into a new house, it’s best to perform the House Cleansing and Blessing
  • This goes back to the covenant of salt that God made with David, which stated that all items to be offered to God were to be offered with a measure of salt


Drugs and Alcohol

  • These open people up to spirit possession and demonic attack
  • You’re more susceptible to being influenced by outside forces when you use drugs and alcohol
  • Plus, if the spirit of an addict attaches to you, they get their fix and they may continue to use you to get their fix. In this situation, you could also become an addict.



  • We’re here to learn our lessons and we’re here to make mistakes
  • Make the same mistake once or twice, that’s okay. Make it more than twice? That’s just dumb.



  • The death process, when done naturally, is rather euphoric.
  • People’s aura will go in and out as they prepare to leave their physical body
  • Having your physical body die doesn’t mean you’re dead- you’re very much alive, aware, and alert. You just don’t have your meat suit.

7.18.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the July 18th, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

“Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s” Mark 12:17

  • God doesn’t require a religion or a church
  • God is in everything, and is everywhere
  • God is most forgiving and understanding
  • God loves each and every one of us unconditionally.
  • Most manmade laws and punishments are just that- manmade. They’re not God’s.
    • We’re our own worst enemies and judges
  • Give man what is man’s (judgment, punishment, cruelty) and give to God what is God’s (unconditional acceptance and love)



  • When you pray for things like strength, courage, and wisdom, you’re given tests to develop these characteristics. This is the hard route… Don’t take the hard route!
    • Instead of praying for that characteristic, ask for the Divine Spirits of that characteristic to be with you and work with you and aid you in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in the name of Jesus Christ (don’t forget to say please and thank you!)
      • There’s a Divine Spirit of everything… Prosperity, anger management. Think spiritual, mental, emotional growth. Divine Spirits are angelic.
      • There are also Guides of mechanics, arts… Think the tangible things. These are human masters of certain areas.
  • The information Carol gives us is a loophole
    • The Daily Lifting is a huge loophole that was 30 years in the making.




  • Suicides, even medically assisted suicides, are considered self-murder. These break spiritual law and cause you to be bound to the Earth plane for a specific period of time (usually until it is your natural time to go). Suicides can be prayed into the Light with the Formula.
  • “Pulling the plug” and refusing medical treatment don’t equate to suicide. This equates to letting nature take its course and doesn’t break any spiritual law.
  • Putting animals down doesn’t break spiritual law… It’s different.


Spiritual Marriage

  • A coming together of two souls through love, for the common good of each other
  • Carol is a licensed minister and can marry people legally and spiritually.
  • You can be spiritually married without being legally married
  • Parting because you no longer love each other equates to spiritual divorce.
  • You have had numerous husbands and wives throughout your lifetimes
    • These are the people you meet and have that instantaneous “spark”
    • The “where have you been all my life?” “oh my goodness, who are you?” feelings are indicative of past life relationships.



  • Sin is in the intent
  • If you think it’s wrong, then it’s wrong.



  • Those who are spiritually connected and have completed their work tend to die quickly and easily. Those who are not tend to fight death.
  • When you die, you step out of your physical body (your “meat suit”) and you become who you truly are- your soul
  • Leaving your physical body doesn’t mean that you’re no longer in a physical state.
  • The soul is a material body that retains the shape and characteristics of your physical body, and it stays that way until you get a new body.
    • When you get a new body, it molds to the new body
    • The soul is material, which is why you can photograph “dead” people
    • The soul is at a higher vibration, which is why we can’t readily see them with our eyes.
      • When spirits want to become visible, they have to slow their vibration down
  • If you go into the Light, you get some perks (why it’s called Heaven!)
    • You take the clothes with you that you’re buried in, or you can appear in other garments. With cremations, you can appear in your favorite outfit from your lifetime.
    • You can appear at whatever size or age you want to be
    • Heaven is the same for all creatures
  • “What Dreams May Come” with Robin Williams has some great basic truths, particularly regarding suicides and levels of Hell
    • Hell is a disconnection from God
  • “Ghost” with Whoopi Goldberg and Patrick Swayze is full of great truths



  • Can take minutes (in places like India, where reincarnation is a belief system) or years
  • Length of time depends on if you go into the Light or incarnate from the Outer Darkness
    • Incarnating from the Outer Darkness means that you come in with baggage and issues.
      • You can use the Soul Cleansing Formula for help with these issues
      • Soul Cleansing is helpful with ADD, sociopathic behavior, and bipolar disorder.


  • People aren’t orbs.
  • Orbs are parasites/bugs that feed on negative energy and situations.
  • Negative parasites can attach to you and suck all of your energy and you’ll feel very drained. To get rid of them, use the following formula:
    • “I would please ask the Interdimensional/Dimensional Band of Mercy to remove all dimensional/interdimensional parasites from me now and do whatever they deem necessary with them, in the name of Shemhamfarash and in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.
    • See God’s Spirit Community for more information



  • Don’t dabble haphazardly, because it can be very dangerous to produce low-level phenomena
  • Phenomena can be useful for proving that there are no limitations, and there is a great amount of freedom in this
  • Manifesting, when done incorrectly, can bite you in the butt BIG TIME!


Should I “work through” issues?

  • You’re not in the past, or in the future. You’re in the now, and work in it.
  • Learn from your past and RELEASE IT!
  • Don’t try to “work through” all of your issues! That can causes traumas
  • You can use kinesiology to find the root of the issue, and find your blocks
    • Name the blockage, ask that it be removed from your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, dissolve and release it and return it back to God, and restore everything to the state that God originally intended thee to be, in the name of Jesus Christ.
    • You can also use Flower Essences to tweak and remove blockages.
      • Bleeding Heart is great when you can’t say “no” and when you want to “fix” other people


Israel Conflict, Summer 2014

  • Spiritually, the Jewish people are protected by God
  • These conflicts have been going on for thousands of years. It’s a pattern.
  • Israel will be fine.

3.21.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the accompanying audio for the March 21st, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version


  • We’re on Earth to evolve and learn lessons
    • Choices and decisions (AKA free will) are how we learn our lessons
  • There’s a whole Spirit community that wants to work with and protect us!
  • ALWAYS say please and thank you when you call upon Divine assistance

The Soul

  • Your soul is integrated into every cell of the physical body, but exits the body completely intact and very material when you pass
  • God created everything
    • Everything created by God has awareness and consciousness
    • We are unified with all of God’s creations due to our soul’s connectivity with God
    • We are all a part of the holograph of God
    • Everything has living, conscious energy
      • You can’t destroy energy, only change it
        • Death is for the material physical body, not the soul
      • Even rocks have consciousness!
      • Even inanimate objects have conscious except plastic. Carol had a pair of glasses tell her they helped the wearer see.
    • At one point, we had a Divine Connectedness with nature, animals, and angels through God, but some lost that connectedness via our bad choices, as influenced by the Dark Side
  • How do we get in contact with our soul?
    • Kinesiology/reflexology is the best, most foolproof way of accessing your soul’s knowledge
      • Connect your middle finger and thumb of both hands and interlock both circles. Right-handed people pull with their left hand, left-handers with their right.
      • Give your soul permission to hold for the answer “no” and pull. Give your soul permission to break for the answer “yes” and pull and allow circle to break.
        • Stronger holds and breaks are stronger answers.
      • Once you’ve established this, you’re in contact with your soul.
      • You cannot use this for future; you can use this for the past and the current.
        • With an illness, use kinesiology to ask if it’s mental/psychological, spiritual, physical, or emotional.
          • Carol suggestions using the book, Heal Your Body by Louise Hay to help the root of physical issues, which can be emotional. Carol does not agree with every root listed in the book, but the major are correct.
          • Once you’ve identified the root, tap the affected area twice with your index and middle fingers on either hand and state the root cause before tapping. You may experience a tingle sensation. This is normal, which means healing, but not everyone gets a tingle. It may take 24 hours to clear completely.


  • Orbs are NOT human souls, they’re interdimensional/dimensional parasites that feed off negativity
    • Used to be called Foo Fighters (no connection to the rock band)
  • Can move betwixt dimensions
  • They are of no harm to us; they clean the energy of the Earth
    • Can be the size of football fields, or the size of marbles
    • They’re natural, not “supernatural”
  • They can live for hundreds of years, but when they die, they turn red
  • Easily photographed
  • If one becomes attached to you, you can use the following formula:
    • I would please ask the Interdimensional/Dimensional Band of Mercy to remove whatever they have authority over that is attached to, affecting, or influencing myself, family, pets, home and property, and all that I have domain over now in the name of Jesus Christ and either place them in appropriate protected sanctuary or do whatever they deem necessary with them and I thank thee.

The Earth Plane

  • 10 major dimensions, but there are dimensions within dimensions
  • 1-3 are the Earth plane
  • 4 is the Outer Darkness
  • 5-10 are layers of Heaven

God’s Spirit Community

  • Beings of the Light always speak from the right. They never speak in 3rd person and information is always pure and without ego. Sometimes they warn us, but most of the time it’s just information.
  • Beings of the Light taught Carol everything she knows
  • Holy Spirits
    • The Holy Spirits are our teachers, our comforters
    • Christ left the Holy Spirits to be with us after His ascension
    • They are not human, nor have they ever been human
    • They are direct servants and messengers of God
  • Angelics
    • Not human; a different species yet still capable of evolvement
    • They are servants and messengers of God
    • Both male and female
    • Take care of us, help us, assist us
    • Can visit as humans and have specific lifetimes as humans but is rare.
      • Most of the time, they don’t know that they are angels
      • If you ask them if they’re angels, they must tell the truth. This is not the case if they are born as human.
    • Guardian Angels
      • Every human has only one guardian angel, who can call upon legions of angels to protect you and assist you
      • Everything and everyone on this Earth plane has a guardian angel
      • You can give your Guardian Angel charge over you to protect and all you have authority over and then say I thank thee. If you ask your Guardian Angel for help, as in assisting you to find a lost article, say please and I thank thee.
        • Needs to be reinstated once a year
        • Can be used specifically before trips
      • We have 4 major Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel) and several “sub”-Archangels, and a Universal Archangel (Metatron)
        • There is a division of labor similar to the Army… There are generals and angel under them then more under them, etc.
        • If you feel threatened, you may ask for Cherubim to please protect yourself, family, pets, home and property, and all that you have authority over in whatever ways are deemed appropriate in thenames of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.
          • Needs to be renewed once a year
        • Devas
            • Nature angels that come in many different forms
            • If you do good deeds in this life or past, devas can protect and/or bring you gifts
            • Devas of vegetables, fruits, flowers can help you grow magnificent crops
            • You can ask Devas to remove whatever critter or bug from the house in thenames of God Almighty, my One True Source and One True Creator; my Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Yeheshua; and the High Most Holy Spirit; and I thank thee.
            • Animal totems are significant; animals can bring information, warnings, etc.

The Dark Side

  • The Dark Side always speaks from the left, in the 2nd and/or 3rd person
    • “You look so fat today” or “they’re looking at you because of…”
  • The Dark Side/Demonic are fallen Angels
    • They de-evolved
  • Whatever their role was in the Light became the direct opposite when they fell away from God
  • Lucifer (the Angel of Light) chose not to serve mankind; he felt that mankind wasn’t worthy. When he turned away from God, he took 1/3 of the Angels in Heaven with him to Earth.
    • The Fallen Angels hate mankind
  • The Dark Side provides us with the opportunity to exert our free will

Extra Resources

  • Findhorn Foundation
  • Heal Your Body by Louise Hay
  • Cosmic Pulse of Life by Trevor James Constable for images of orbs, etc.
  • Keys of Solomon for the Archangelic time frames
  • The Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davison for Angelic information
  • Animal Speak by Ted Andrews for animal totems