Please click here for the accompanying audio for the June 20th, 2014 NACC meeting.
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- The Four Agreements and The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz are wonderful things to live by
- The ability to say the word “no”
- It’s not your job to please everyone or sacrifice yourself for others
- You’re here for you, and if you don’t take every chance to learn and to grow that is given, you’ve wasted your time on Earth
- We have to respect other people’s right to be (in our eyes) wrong
- You don’t have the power to hurt others’ feelings, and other people only have the power to hurt your feelings when you give it to them
- You have no responsibility for their reaction
- It’s not your job to please everyone or sacrifice yourself for others
- We like to define ourselves as “good people” but you, through God, are already a good person
- You don’t have to prove it
- Always be truthful, and do your best at all times
- It’s best to never lie
- Teach your children how to responsibly use the word “no” and set boundaries
- Say the word no with conviction!
- Saying no gives you the freedom to be yourself and to be an adult
- Boundaries should be set by your level of self-respect; and then your self-respect will grow and set better boundaries for you
- You first have to decide that you want to respect yourself, and then you have to decide that you will not accept disrespect
- When you’re truthful to yourself and others, you’ll have greater self-respect
- Lies are from the dark side!
- People react to truth
- You have two kinds of people
- Liars
- They put a spin on things to justify what they’re doing/what they want to do
- Revenge/tit for tat is not the way to go
- Lying to yourself is bad, as well
- They put a spin on things to justify what they’re doing/what they want to do
- Honest people
- Take their authority, are truthful
- You can trust them and they set a strong foundation that lasts
- People keep coming back to these people, over and over again
- Liars
- We have NO authority without boundaries
- Take your authority, say no, and gain your self-worth and self-respect
- If you don’t have the authority, or you don’t have the knowledge, or you don’t really want to do it, then say no
- If you don’t want to do it, but you say yes and do it begrudgingly, that is sinful
- Your incentive needs to be YOU!
- The goal is to evolve to a point that we choose not to react to situations with our human traits, but to treat others with respect and expect to be treated with respect in return.
- Righteous anger happens, and is appropriate in certain situations
- Jesus got angry in the Temples, and He got angry with His disciples because they didn’t understand that they could do the same “miracles” He was doing
- Becoming a more evolved human being starts with you fixing yourself, then helping others (if they ask for help)
- You have to walk the walk
- People learn by example
- Righteous anger happens, and is appropriate in certain situations
- It’s important to give, but it’s also important to learn how to receive
- Giving your children absolutely everything disables them
- This teaches them that they’re not worthy or able to take care of themselves
- This is disrespectful and cruel
- Giving your children absolutely everything disables them
- As you begin to evolve, you’ll draw to you a specific standard of person and of life
- The more you evolve, the higher the quality of people
- We tend to think that people think like us and have the same moral code as us, but they don’t!
- Setting a boundary means that people can play, but they play by your rules
There will always be division of groups
- The dark side divides to cause turmoil, to conquer, to prevent peace
- Don’t be intimidated by the dark side
- There will always be turmoil because we are in the 3rd dimension, on the Earth plane, and we were sent here to learn
- All sin is in the intent
- If you believe that what you’re doing is sinful, then it is. If you believe it’s wrong, then it’s sinful.
- The ONLY true “sin” is blaspheming the Holy Spirits, your Guides
Angels vs. Guides
- Your Guardian Angel speaks warnings, loudly, to protect you
- Messenger Angels can be sent by God
- Your Guides give pure information
- Not all forms, but true autism can be corrected with the soul cleansing formula
- Not effective with Asperger’s
- True autism occurs when the soul isn’t properly instituted and sealed into the body at birth
- We’re not exactly sure why this occurs, but it is possible that forcing the time frame during labor might contribute to this
- The rise in autism could be due to the amount of doctors inducing women into labor before it’s time for the baby to be born
- It doesn’t have to do with the chemicals used during birth, it has to do with the soul being partially in and partially out of the body
- We’re not exactly sure why this occurs, but it is possible that forcing the time frame during labor might contribute to this
- The younger that you perform the soul cleansing formula, the better the results are
- Self-nurturing is not selfishness
- See manifesting page
Retrieving Past Life Gifts
- Any place that you’ve been drawn to your whole life is probably a past-life remembrance
- When you arrive there, you’ll pick up parts of yourself that you previously left behind. You can also pick up traumas, so it’s important to understand how to release past-life traumas