Tag Archives: reincarnation

10.4.2013 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio for the October 4th, 2013 NACC meeting.


Please click here for a PDF version


Earth is a place of learning, and growth. There are tests, lessons, and evils on this plane that are here to help us grow and evolve. Earth isn’t always a peaceful and wonderful place to be, but our attitude can make us or break us.


Spirit Guides

  • They’ll cry with you, mourn with you, and be sad with you
  • They’ll never scold you, never get disappointed in you, never chastise you
  • They appear as white sparkles, and they’ll come with a scent (either floral or sandalwood)



  • We are made up of energy
  • We can transmit energy
    • We can transmit negative or positive energy
    • Our energy that is transmitted can harm others or better others
  • You don’t have to be a psychic to be psychically aware of others’ energy


To cut negative people from your life:

  • Visualize the other person standing in front of you with cords between the two of you
  • Take a brand new, very sharp pair of shears and cut the cords
  • Cauterize your cords and tuck them back into you, and then cauterize their cords and tuck them back into them
  • You can’t dwell on it- you have to get them out of your head and move on.
    • You have to want it, badly.
    • You have to let the past be in the past. If you dwell on it, you can re-cord.
    • Forgive them, and release them with love on a soul level, and ask for their forgiveness on a soul level
  • If you can truly do it, you’ll no longer have any connection to them. It’ll be like they’re a stranger to you



  • Some people’s gift is sending energy and thoughts
    • Psychic vampires do this
  • They hook into you, feed off of your energy, and can attach to you
    • They can compel you to do things that you may not want to do
    • They’ll compel you to think about them 24/7… You can’t get them out of your head and it’s torture



  • Dreams are our brain’s way of working out psychological junk that you accumulate
    • You usually don’t remember these
  • Very vivid dreams with a lot of details and color, like you’re in a movie are prophetic dreams.
    • You may have very vivid dreams of an earthquake, or a tornado in a specific location
      • You can’t do anything about these
      • They’re meant to prepare you and warn you, and you can in turn warn others
    • You may have a dream of a specific person getting into a car wreck after getting into a white car wearing a red shirt
      • You can warn that person not to wear the red shirt in the white car, and it can avert the accident
      • You may not 100% avoid the accident, but you’ll be able to reduce the severity of the accident
      • The conditions should be avoided for about two weeks
    • If you have a dream
  • Most prophetic dreams take about three days to come to fruition. Some can take up to a couple of years to happen.
    • If you can see what is causing the problem, you may be able to help avert the situation
    • The purpose of prophetic dreams is to either prepare you for the coming situation, or allow you to change the situation.
  • Dreams can be symbolic, so pay attention to the symbolism of the dream.
    • You can set your symbology
      • Write your symbols down, then have someone read them back to you
      • When they read it back, tell them the first thing that comes to mind
    • Some symbols are set
      • Cars and vehicles represent your body
        • When someone else is driving their car and you’re in the car, you’re not handling your life and you’re letting someone else drive your life
        • When someone else is driving your car, you’ve let someone come into your life and take control of your life and your body
      • Dreams with nudity mean that you’re afraid of being embarrassed
      • Dreams with people have various reasons and purposes
        • Dreams with loved ones who have crossed over are visitations. These are real. If they look great and healthy, they’re in the light. If they look sick or unhealthy or need help, you should pray them into the light.
        • When you dream of people who are still alive, they’re reaching out for either positive or negative reasons
          • If it’s negative, slam a very heavy metal garage door between the two of you or command them to leave you alone.
        • Animals in dreams will convey messages. To interpret these dreams, you should consult Animal Speak
  • Recurring dreams can be past life remembrances
  • Sleep paralysis can be evidence of a haunting or of a demonic attack. It’s often more connected with phenomena than with other explanations
    • Demonic attacks can occur in dream state. If this happens, command the entity away in the name of Jesus Christ.


Spirits and Reincarnation

  • Human spirits usually last around 200 years
  • Carol has encountered shamans from the Mayan and Incan eras who showed up for specific purposes
  • Your soul is immortal, and it reincarnates many times over
    • You don’t reside in Heaven for eternity
    • The whole point is to keep learning, keep growing, keep evolving
      • If you’re not growing, learning, and evolving, you’ll de-evolve
    • You can incarnate from the Light or from the Outer Darkness, usually around every 60 years
      • Incarnating from the Outer Darkness is a crapshoot- you don’t know what you’re going to get
      • Incarnating from the Light gives you a heads up and allows you to choose your parents, your lessons, your opportunities


Why did God create us?

  • God is a constantly learning, intelligent force
  • He didn’t want to be alone
  • We are all part of God. We carry God within us, in our souls.


What happens when you go into the Light?

  • There’s a huge reunion where family, friends, animals, and loved ones show up. There’s food and beverage… It’s a party!
    • If they didn’t go into the Light, they won’t be there
    • Just because you’re married here doesn’t mean that you’ll be married on the other side
  • Then, you go through a Life Review
    • You do it to learn and understand your lessons
    • This isn’t meant to be a punishment
  • Next, you get some time out!
    • You can travel anywhere in the world you want to go!
  • Then, you choose your next life’s obstacle course
  • Everything that’s in heaven is here! Pizza, pasta, chicken… you name it!



  • You have a specific moment, down to the second, when it is your time to go
  • You may have pivotals, where you feel like you could live or you could die, and the decisions made during pivotals can shorten or extend your life span
    • You may have no pivotals, you may have 6 pivotals
    • You don’t get 7 pivotals, though. 6 is the max
  • When it’s a person’s absolute time to go, however, they may start to prepare about two weeks in advance. They’ll say their goodbyes, pick out their outfits, etc.
    • Angels or grandparents may come visit children
    • Children who pass young tend to have lived full lives, have been very outgoing, and tend to have packed in as many experiences as possible
  • If it’s truly their time, you can’t stop someone from passing



  • For more information, please click here
  • If a person who has committed suicide asks for your help, or if one of their loved ones ask for help, you can pray them into the Light



  • Formulas are first and foremost prayers
  • Stick to the formulas for the best results
  • Manifesting, for example, is something that you must be very cautious with
    • Be sure to include the phrases “to the highest good of all involved”, “if it’s deemed appropriate” and “so that no harm comes to myself or others”
    • These phrases are your spiritual insurance to make sure that you’re not bringing more harm than good to yourself or anyone who may be involved with the process
    • If you’re manifesting a car, make sure to ask that it be “mechanically sound”
    • If you’re manifesting a job, set your minimum salary, how far you’re willing to travel, and be sure to include the following phrases “harmless to all involved” and “to the highest good of all involved
    • Don’t absolutely define what you want and make it exact, but set parameters that you want
      • Be as specific as possible without limiting the possibilities


12.19.2014 Session Notes

Please click here for the audio for the December 19th, 2014 NACC meeting.

Please click here for a PDF version

Jesus Christ

  • Other information about Jesus Christ can be found here and here
  • People don’t appreciate the totality of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross
  • Jesus is not God
  • When He came in, He knew His mission
    • He was to be the Redeemer, not necessarily the Messiah
      • The Messiah was to free the Jewish people from the Romans
      • The Redeemer opened the path of Light to be with God again
    • It wasn’t about healing people, or showing God’s power on Earth
      • He did prove that God has power through us (spiritual gifts)
  • He knew He was to teach truth and wisdom, so that people could learn to do the same things as Him
    • He imparted as much knowledge as He could, to teach that this is a physical world and is meaningless; the true kingdom is in Heaven
    • He taught that all races, sexes, and creeds are equal. No human is greater or lesser than another.
    • He tried to teach His disciples that they could do everything He did and greater, but they had a hard time grasping that concept.
      • “What I do, you can do and greater.”
      • The disciples didn’t feel worthy of the gifts and abilities
      • Mary Magdalene was so close to Christ because she actually listened, learned, and took in the knowledge and understanding and used it
        • Many disciples were jealous of Mary because she used the knowledge
        • She sometimes gained more knowledge than they did because she truly listened and understood
  • Before the Crucifixion
    • The Last Supper came when it was time for Christ to hand Himself over
      • The bread was to remember His body, the wine to remember His blood
        • They didn’t really understand it at the time, but they did as He said
      • He went to the Garden of Gethsemane and pleaded with God to relieve Him of His burdens
      • Christ had to give himself completely over to the dark side, of His own free will, to do whatever they wished to do to Him.
      • When Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek, Jesus knew it was time
        • Judas knew that He was part of the plan, and that it was about redemption
      • The dark side beat Him, made Him carry the cross, put the nails in Him, and crucified Him
  • After the Crucifixion
    • After Jesus died, He went to Hell and faced Satan on his own turf.
    • Jesus created the tunnel of Light so that all, even those in Hell, could enter Heaven simply by accepting the Light
    • He stayed there for 3 days, our time, and redeemed many souls
    • When He returned to Earth, He told Mary Magdalene “don’t touch me, I’m not yet clean.” This referred to the uncleanliness of Hell that hadn’t been cleansed by the Light.
      • Mary didn’t recognize Him at first
    • He then preached for 40 days (the Pentecost)
  • Significance of the Crucifixion
    • If Jesus hadn’t suffered through the crucifixion, and given Himself over freely to the dark side, we wouldn’t have the opportunity to be redeemed
    • We are all shown the tunnel of Light, and we can all go to Heaven if we step into the Light. The Light doesn’t discriminate against anyone- serial murderers and rapists and “bad” people are all given that opportunity for learning and growth.
      • It’s even available to fallen angels (aka the demonic) as evidenced in Romans 11:23
      • Accepting the Light is accepting Christ and is the only way to Heaven.
    • The story of the crucifixion is outlined in the Apostles’ Creed.
  • Baptism
    • You can christen a child to offer protection
    • You shouldn’t baptize a child before the age of 13 because they have to make the choice to accept Christ as their lord and master of their own free will
      • 13 is the age of spiritual consent, and the dark side can (and will) bring the full force down on teenagers
    • Full baptism is optimal, as Christ was baptized by John the Baptist
    • Accepting Christ as your lord and master, and taking your authority through Christ provides you with the protection that you need
      • Satan is real, but standing through the authority of Christ protects you from Satan and his wrath
      • Taking authority and standing means that you respect others, you respect their choices, you don’t place the material world above God, and you aren’t afraid to say no.
  • Jesus left us the Holy Spirits to teach us
    • They’re not humans, they’re part of God
    • They are your Guides, and they have total knowledge about everything.
    • They were appointed to you so that they can teach you and comfort you
      • When they speak to you, it’s God speaking to you
    • Your Guides change from lifetime to lifetime to accommodate different levels of learning



  • Man began to de-evolve and fall away from God by disobeying orders
    • Nature began to shut us down, because we had become dangerous
  • Sin came again with Cain and Abel, and the resulting murder
    • At this point, the Heavens began to close
  • Christ’s sacrifice changed everything, because it allowed for the demonic to be redeemed



Physical Death

  • Your soul is immortal
  • “Dying” isn’t truly a death; it’s a matter of shedding your physical body
  • Your soul remains the same. You still have arms and legs, you can walk and you can talk (and hopefully somebody can hear you!)
  • If you’re in doubt, touch the table. If your hand goes through the table, you’re out of body.
    • Ask for the Light!
  • If it’s dim in the room, you can see the soul hovering above the body and then you can see the soul leave when they pass.
    • The soul will be lavender in color
    • If you can see auras, you should be able to see this easily
  • When children pass before age 13, there is usually an angel to receive them. If you have a spirit child in your home, you should use the following prayer formula:
    • I would please ask the Band of Mercy to bring forth loved ones and spirit healers for them, and either take them directly into the Light or into appropriate protected sanctuary in the name of Jesus Christ and I thank thee.



Seeing the Light

  • A lot of people will see loved ones, Angelics, and the Light when they’re still in body before they pass from natural causes.
  • If you were shot, or are in a car crash, and you look over and see your physical body, you should ask for the Light
  • Say your annual prayers to take out insurance so you don’t suffer with the confusion.
  • Animals go straight into the Light, so you can tell your animal the following:
    • “I love you, and I’m going to miss you terribly, but I’m going to help you get into the Light because I don’t want to see you in pain. When you see the Light, go into it.”




  • God isn’t a punishing God
  • He’ll let you punish yourself
  • He wants you to learn your lessons



Reincarnation and the Bible

  • It’s in the older versions of the Catholic Encyclopedia… It was accepted by the Church
  • It’s present in the Bible, but it’s scattered throughout
    • Constantine did his best to get it out of the Bible, but the essence remains
  • Justinia had a lot of the gospels destroyed because they referenced not needing a church or a middle-man to get to God
    • Gospels are the written accounts of specific timeframes.
  • No matter what, truth has always and will always remain in the Bible




  • Carol sampled many, many different religions looking for truth
  • The problem is, that man distorts religion and makes it his own and puts his stamp on it
  • The truth is a kernel in every religion of the world
    • God is real, Christ is real, Satan is real
      • Start there- if they don’t have these three truths, walk away.
    • Condemnation to Hell isn’t a truth.
    • Are there dogmas? Are they God’s laws or man’s laws?
      • If they serve to control, then walk away.



Hearing Animals

  • You’ll get your animal’s thoughts in your head
  • It’ll be simple, and accept it as your animal’s thoughts not your own
  • When you start, ask you dog if they’re hungry, or if they need to go outside
    • You speak verbally, and they’ll respond in your heads
  • There’s a law that was put into place after man fell from God to protect the animals… It says that animals aren’t supposed to communicate with humans
    • Animals don’t get in trouble, but with spiritual authority comes the permission to speak to animals



Exploring Past Lives

  • Kinesiology is the best way to find out past lives
    • If you have a place or a country you’re drawn to, finger test to find the answer
  • If you ever had dreams as a child where you were an adult in a different place, pay attention to those
    • Finger test about those
  • Listen from 1:10:00 to 1:15:00 to hear Carol talk about exploring past lives

3.7.2014 Session Notes

For the accompanying audio of the March 7th, 2014 NACC meeting, please click here.

Please click here for a PDF version



  • Learn your lessons, or you’ll do them until you get it right!
  • Free will is a gift, but we can ask for God’s help when we need it!
    • It is important to say the Daily Lifting on a daily basis in order to remove anything that might interfere with our ability to exert our free will
  • God isn’t a punisher, and we must use our free will to take responsibility for ourselves and our choices
  • Set your boundaries!
  • Guides speak from your right side, the Demonic speaks from your left, Spirits can speak from either side.



  • Animals incarnate repeatedly
  • Animals incarnate within the same species
    • A dog will not come back as a whale, a goldfish will never become a tiger
    • A housecat can come back as a lion, and a chimpanzee as a gorilla
    • A Great Dane could come back as a Chihuahua


Prayer Formulas

  • The words prayer and formula are often used interchangeably by Carol
  • The formulas that she uses, references, and provides us with are actually prayers.
  • For each specific problem, a specific prayer exists.
    • Genetic diseases, DNA/RNA deactivation are included
    • Formulas do not “fix” the problem, but put things into a stasis. Once this stasis occurs, you must change whatever caused the issue (mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional roots) or the issue will reactivate
      • If you fail to change the root cause of the issue, then the formulas will stop working
      • Carol worked on a man with a brain tumor. She used the formula four times, but on the fifth time, the formula didn’t work because he refused to change the root of the problem.



  • Diseases DO NOT exist only in the physical body and ARE NOT caused singularly by what you take in to your physical body.
  • Diseases are caused by what you think, how you think, your state of mind
    • If you’re a smoker and you KNOW that you’re going to evolve cancer in your body with every cigarette that you smoke, you will evolve cancer.
    • In this respect, diseases can be self-fulfilling prophecies
    • What you fear, you will bring into your emotional body, your psychological body, and eventually your physical body.



  • Everyone is a teacher in our lives, and everyone serves a purpose. We are teachers and lessons for those around us.
    • Being a hermit accomplishes absolutely nothing.
    • Some try to find their connectedness with God via solitude, but connecting with God means connecting with the people around you.
      • Monks who do this try to master themselves, which is easy to do in solitude. The true test is mastery among others.
    • There is part of God in everyone and everything- that’s your soul
  • Friends with negative belief systems will eventually affect YOU
    • Positive people will lift you up and reinforce your positivity
    • It is not your responsibility to “bring up” the Negative Nancy’s of the world- you cannot change their mindset and they will bring you down
  • Lessons vary, and can involve numerous things
    • Breaking patterns or legacies is a common lesson



  • Psychics ARE NOT fortune tellers
  • Psychics do not read the future.
    • The future can be changed, we have free will, we can make decisions for ourselves
    • The future is what you want it to be. Our choices define our future.
    • Certain things are placed in your path, and are put there so you’re forced to overcome them. You’ve scheduled them in, and it’s better that you face them sooner rather than later, because they’re not going away.
  • “Supernatural” isn’t supernatural, it’s material.


The Human Soul

  • Spirits are human and are physical
    • Your soul occupies your body, but when you leave your body you still look the same, and still retain the same features.
    • Your spirit cannot die because it’s not biological and doesn’t have the same functions.
  • In Heaven, there is joy in our homecoming and sadness in our birth into this world… It’s more of a death to be born here and more of a birth to go home
    • Food is still a thing, though. Weight gain is not.
    • Family reunions are common after a member passes
      • If a family member is Earthbound, then they’ll ask the families to pray for whoever is Earthbound so he can come
    • You can choose what age you want to be
      • Loved ones will greet you at the age you remember them most
    • Instantaneous travel is a bonus. You can visit anywhere in the world you want to with a thought
    • Loved ones on the other side mourn the separation just as much as we do.
    • You go through a life review, and you find out what you did to other people, how you treated them, and how you made them feel.
  • Earthbound souls
    • Some don’t know they’ve died and keep living like they always have. Sometimes they’ll get a glimpse of you, but you’re like a ghost to them in their house.
      • There are different time levels, so you can have multiple spirits in one place that cannot contact each other
        • They’ll be together if they died together
      • Sometimes people just know they’re going to Hell, so they exist in a grey limbo without any human contact
      • Suicide will bind you into a specific place.
        • They killed themselves to escape the misery
        • They killed their body, but the emotions and the pain are still there
        • These Earthbound souls will make contact, however, in an attempt to get help
      • Extremely negative souls can make use of the heaviness of some layers of the Outer Darkness and use things like vortexes to hold other souls captive
    • Doppelgangers
      • When you see yourself outside of your body
      • You astrally travel and run into yourself
        • We have 7 different bodies, one attached to each chakra



  • You reincarnate about every 60 years.
    • If you don’t learn your lessons, you’ll be born into specific circumstances over and over again
    • Forgive and release with love those people that you “hate”, lest you bond yourself to them and reincarnate over and over again
  • Hinduism, and other religions that believe in reincarnation as a religion, you’ll come back (sometimes immediately).
    • Scars will be on the new body that are reminiscent of how they passed the last time
    • This makes it extremely difficult for evolvement
  • After about 200 years in the Outer Darkness, you will reincarnate from the Outer Darkness
    • This isn’t good, because you don’t get to plan your lessons yourself



  • These are the Holy Spirits
  • They’re with us, and we need to ask them for help when you get to the end of your rope
  • Ask questions of God, of your Guides, and you will get answers. You have to ask the right question, specific questions.
  • You have to practice hearing your guides!
    • Say the lifting first
    • Ask them to speak so you can hear their voices
    • Contemplate, don’t meditate
    • Ask them to use the Bible to give you a message pertaining to your life at that point, open the Bible at random, and read a chapter. Then, ask them to help you understand that you’re reading and ask them questions.
  • You can ask to see them, and you’ll see sparks of light everywhere, and they’ll smell floral or like incense.



  • Christ didn’t die on the Cross so that we can live free from responsibility for our actions, He died so that he could face Satan on his own turf and overcome spiritual death, thereby giving us all the opportunity to be with God and to go to Heaven
  • In order for Christ to be able to defeat Satan, he had to give himself over to Satan 100%, and allow Satan to do whatever he wanted to Him, to the point of physical death
  • Christ carved a tunnel of Light from Hell to Heaven, encompassing all ten dimensions of the Earth plane. Before this, everyone incarnated from the Outer Darkness and there was no “going to Heaven”
    • Christ is Light. Going into the Light is accepting Christ, whether you know it or not.
    • Anyone, of any religion, or any creature can choose to enter the Light
  • Wooden, silver, and iron crosses will leave burn marks on demonically possessed individuals, as Christ overcame Satan and the cross represents His sacrifice and victory
    • Wood, because of the wooden cross
    • Silver, because of the thirty pieces of silver that was paid to Judas to betray Jesus
    • Iron, because of the iron nails used to nail Jesus to the cross


Dark Side

  • They divide and conquer!
  • Convince us to do things that we otherwise wouldn’t do
    • Suicide, drugs, alcohol, etc
  • They prey upon weaknesses, fear, pride, ego
  • The Dark Side teaches us our weaknesses. They prey on them and therefore call it to your attention. They’re our best teachers.
  • They will make decisions for you if you don’t make them for yourself. They’ll talk you into something bad or out of something good.
  • Usually cause a red flag to go off for you… Being sick to your stomach is not a good thing and generally means you’re not making the best choice for yourself.


Extra Resources

  • Fortean Times on the Internet (http://www.forteantimes.com)
  • TV Shows such as “The Ghost Inside My Child”, “A Haunting”
  • “Ghost” with Whoopi Goldberg and Patrick Swayze