Tag Archives: self-worth

Building Your Authority

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Carol has been doing major spiritual work for over 30 years, and has built an enormous amount of spiritual authority. Having a greater amount of authority allows her to deal with higher-level entities more effectively, have greater success with healing work, among other benefits. Building spiritual authority is not an exclusive process; it is available to any and everyone who wishes to invest the time and energy needed.


A great place to start building your authority is by saying the daily lifting on a daily basis. This allows God’s Spirit Community to begin to recognize you and your efforts. Over time, they will learn that they can trust you to listen and that you are capable of handling the responsibilities associated with the knowledge.


Another way to build your authority is by setting boundaries, saying the word “no”, and building your self-worth. Carol has spoken on this many times, but she focused on this greatly in the June 20th, 2014 session.